So...what you saying is... don’t wake up Khun when he is drunk?!

So... What Your Saying Is...




We walk into a large, bright, big room. Many guys stood around a brown desk, were another guy sat. I think he might be the leader, humph how dare he try to kidnap me! He has another thing coming. I have 2pm with me, taking me is like talking bad about they’re mothers!


“Junsu, Taecyeon, Nichkhun, Wooyoung, Junho and Chansung. It’s been awhile, I still think you’re the best out of all of my members. Thats why I’m intrusting all of you to train Alexia. Lee and I think she’ll be a good addition to our group.” the man said with a big bright smile on his face. It kind of makes me want to throw up. Ack!!!


“We except sir!” the boys said in harmony with big smiles. 


Now, should I act like I have no clue what they’re talking about? Or should I go with it? choices, choices.


“Alexia, do you except?” the man asked looking at me. I really don’t know... I look at the boys then back at the man.


“I...I don’t...” I stopped for a minute, do I really want this? I mean I came here to not fight, if I except I’ll have to... Then again I could get back at my family. Or I could get killed...  


I took in a deep breath, “I’ll do it.” I look at every one in the room, they all had small smiles on they’re faces. Even the man I had knocked out.


“Come here and sign your name then. I am you’re Boss that is all you need to know.” Boss said, handing me a piece of paper and a pen.


I walk up to the desk and took the pen and paper from him. Okay, Alexia do you really want this? I asked myself this till my name was signed. I took a big breath and went back to stand by 2pm. I really didn’t realize I was holding my breath till I took the deep breath of air.


“Welcome Alexia! You’re first mission will start tomorrow. You and the boys will be my best team! Make me proud now.” Boss said with a smile.


“Sorry, but I have nothing to say.” I replied shrugging my shoulders.


“That is fine. Anyway the limo is outside to take you back home. You’re Aunt and Uncle are on  a mission of they’re own. Go have fun but not to much that you can’t work. That and You’re Aunty will kill all of you, if you make a mess.”


As he was saying his last sentence the guards started to push us out. I didn’t know what to do. Wooyoung I guess seen my unsureness, because he put his arm around me as we walked/pushed out of the room. 


It feels nice having his arm around my shoulders. It is helping calm my nerves, I had to take a lot in from this day. Junho almost making my heart pop out of my chest, being kidnaped then not really being kidnaped. This is so confusing! 


We got to the limo, after the guys left from around us I decided to say something. “Why did he have to kidnap me to ask if I would join?” I asked this as we enterred the limo.


“It was to test you.” Junsu said patting my head. I didn’t reply, I just sat there and before I knew it I was waking up back in my room.


I fell asleep, I didn’t even know it till now or did I? How does this work again? I think I’m thinking about this to much!? I wonder who brought me in here? I hope it was Wooyoung... Wait did I just think that? I did...didn’t I? Now I’m getting butterflies thinking about Wooyoung. I wonder what Junho thought if he did cary me in? Wait now I’m thinking about Junho!!? Does this making me a ? I should stop thinking...


I walk into the living room to see a sleeping Khun. I walked up to him and poked his cheek. I can hear the others in the kitchen looking for food.


“Khun, wake up where you can go to you’re room.” I said shaking him a little.


“Hey, Lex!” He drunkly said, setting up. The others were now walking back in the room plates full of food.


“Lex, you didn’t wake him up did you?” Junho asked, slightly worried.


“Yeah, why?” I asked, just when those words went out of my mouth Khun grabbed me and planted his lips to mine. I swear my eyes popped out of my head! I mean even though Khun is one cute/y guy, I didn’t want my first kiss to end up this way!!! *Meantly screaming.*


I pushed him off of me and held my lips as I slowly backed away to the other couch.


“We should of told you, he gets kissy if you wake him up when he’s drunk.” Taec told me putting his hand on my back.


“HEY, what’s up with all of you’re faces? Its like you seen a ghost! I want to see toooo!!” Nichkhun drunkly stated, he makes no since at all right now.


“So...what you saying is... don’t wake up Khun when he is drunk?!” I asked still touching my lips.


“Lexi, why are you acting like it was you’re first kiss?” Wooyoung asked, looking at me his eye brows slightly raised.


“BECAUSE IT WAS!!!” I said falling over the side of the arm of the couch. Why me???

“It’s okay.” Wooyoung said moving his hand back and forth on my back. Junho joined him by putting his hand on my back as well. Feeling both of they’re touch makes my heart pound.


I sat up, “I’m going to bed.” I mumble as I make my way back up the stairs.


I flopped on my bed with a sigh, did that just happen? I replay the moment in my head over and over. Feeling more stupid each time, Nichkhun is a good guy so why do I care so much that he got my first kiss? I thought out of all the guys that live here I would want Khun to steal my first kiss. But now that it happened I wish it was someone else...


“Are you okay?” I hear a knock on my door followed by Wooyoung’s voice. I get up and walk over to the door with my head down. As soon as the door was open he hugged me. I took in the sweet scent of his embrace, it is nice feeling his arms around me.


“I’m sorry we didn’t tell you.” Wooyoung whispered. “You’re first kiss should of been special.” He stops for a minute then pushed me away a little bit were we could look into each others eyes. He smiled “Let you’re second feel like you’re first, it will be very special then!” He hugged me tight once again.


Wooyoung slowly started to let me go. I looked up at him and smiled, “Thank you, I’m going to have a very special second kiss!” He smiled back and nodded his head and left the room without saying another word.


Wooyoung looked happy, like he just did something that he wanted for a long time.


I shut my door and laid back down to go back to sleep... ~Ten seconds later.~ I give up! Time to go hit something! I sling the covers off angrily, I change into my blue work out bra and black boy shorts. I stompted down the hall and down into the workout room.


I put on my boxing shoes and tape around my hands. I start  to hit the sand bag releasing all of the built up anger I have.


After thirty minutes of sweat pounding on the bag, I was satisfied, I start back up the stairs when I hear Junho and Wooyoung talking. And of course I go sneak around to a safe place to easdrop.


“Do you like Alexia?” Junho asked angrly.


“What if I do?” Wooyoung asked just as angry as Junho.

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Why does it have to be Junho??!! No!!! Wooyoung... T_T
Lilypad #2
:0 Noooooo Junho dies?! Great story even if his big isn't alive anymore.
hellopanda23 #3
I HATE YOU SO MUCH!! EWWWWWWWHHH... why did he die.. i dont care anymore about love... this story made it so sad... i want to kill you! why why!!!! ahhhhh i was such a faithful reader and then you killed junho.. i am crying tears of saddness... wahhhhhhhh...<br />
<br />
fine for the sake of the story i guess i will have to accept that junho died. it still makes me sad..its not fair!! i get it that the ending is powerfulll. but my friend next to me is very mad at you and me because i keep wailing and yelling no and thinking of their time together....
hellopanda23 #4
lol..junho as the damsel in distress.... <br />
that just made my day
hellopanda23 #5
wow...Junho knows what he wants and isnt afraid to try harder....<br />
So waht is her heart telling her to do? Go with the flow?<br />
IT seems that your story has been copy and pasted over and over at certain parts.<br />
It keeps repeating itself..just letting you know! STill love the story and glad you udpated!!<br />
hellopanda23 #6
hmm..which one does she want!! thanks for the update!!
hellopanda23 #7
ahhhhhhhhhhh...tell me whats going to happen next! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!<br />
hellopanda23 #8
ha ha... i really like her fierce!! you make me pick between the two that i like....gahhh....go with....Junho
Love it ^ ^ srsly 2PM fics don't get enough views/subs and idk why T_T urs is rly good!~
Soraskylovelife #10
Lol yep, thanks for the comment!