So... what you’re saying is... Junho is the damsel in distress?

So... What Your Saying Is...


It’s been a month since that night I spent with Junho. I never felt so happy in my life! Well, other than right now I’m with my lovely boyfriend.... “Wooyoung, watch out! Swing to you’re left not you’re right!!!”


Sorry, Wooyoung and Junsu are having a friendly match. Now back to what I was saying, My lovely boyfriend... “Wooyoung swing to you’re right now! No you’re other right!!” Sorry that boy needs help in fighting! Back to what I was saying my lovely boyfriend Junho!


Other than that nothing else has happened. Well, Boss has declared Jake a traitor and is to be ‘taken care of’ if spotted.


It’s hot in here, I think while their fighting over who is going next I’ll sneak out and go set on the bridge. I set down looking at the pretty sparkling water.


“Long time no see miss Lex.” I know that voice!


“Jake!!” I popped up ready to kick !


“I want to make amens with the boss. You’re the only one I could think of to help me.” If I get him I’m sure to get points with the Boss then I’ll be the leader  of 2pm!!! But how do I do it?


“Lexi, why are you out here by yourself? You missed my match.” Junho said walking towards us. Dang there goes my half of a plan. Jake snapped his fingers. “If you ever want to see him again you’ll help me.” Jake said as to guys knock Junho out then taking him.


“I’ll help you.” I told him this but his actions just gave me an idea. Is it wrong for me to use my boyfriend to become the leader of 2pm?


“So...” Jake asked.


“Come this way I’ll sneak you in.” I told him going to my secret place, okay it’s not so secret but this way they wont see us. Since their still in the workout room and this not so secret way leads to the living-room and up the stairs.


We made it to my room. “Okay, stay here while I ask the boys what they want to eat. Where it wont look wrong when I leave. It might take a while though they can never agree!”


“Try to be quick for Junho’s sake that is.” he threatened. If only he knew what I have planned.


“Meat heads!! Junho is in Jake’s lackeys hands and he wants my help to get to the Boss to forgive him, though I think he just wants to kill him!!”

“Okay, guys we need to act fast! So Khun you should go and..” I stopped Taec.


“I have a plan.”


“Then what is it?”


“Boss!?” We said at the same time.


“Lex what is you’re plan?” Boss asked.


“Well you see...” *Closes sound proof curtains.* If I let you hear or see this that would be boring!


“So... what you’re saying is... Junho is the damsel in distress?” Chansung asked laughing. This is a first girl saving boy... I love it!!


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Why does it have to be Junho??!! No!!! Wooyoung... T_T
Lilypad #2
:0 Noooooo Junho dies?! Great story even if his big isn't alive anymore.
hellopanda23 #3
I HATE YOU SO MUCH!! EWWWWWWWHHH... why did he die.. i dont care anymore about love... this story made it so sad... i want to kill you! why why!!!! ahhhhh i was such a faithful reader and then you killed junho.. i am crying tears of saddness... wahhhhhhhh...<br />
<br />
fine for the sake of the story i guess i will have to accept that junho died. it still makes me sad..its not fair!! i get it that the ending is powerfulll. but my friend next to me is very mad at you and me because i keep wailing and yelling no and thinking of their time together....
hellopanda23 #4
lol..junho as the damsel in distress.... <br />
that just made my day
hellopanda23 #5
wow...Junho knows what he wants and isnt afraid to try harder....<br />
So waht is her heart telling her to do? Go with the flow?<br />
IT seems that your story has been copy and pasted over and over at certain parts.<br />
It keeps repeating itself..just letting you know! STill love the story and glad you udpated!!<br />
hellopanda23 #6
hmm..which one does she want!! thanks for the update!!
hellopanda23 #7
ahhhhhhhhhhh...tell me whats going to happen next! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!<br />
hellopanda23 #8
ha ha... i really like her fierce!! you make me pick between the two that i like....gahhh....go with....Junho
Love it ^ ^ srsly 2PM fics don't get enough views/subs and idk why T_T urs is rly good!~
Soraskylovelife #10
Lol yep, thanks for the comment!