So... What Your Saying Is All Of You Are In A Gang!?

So... What Your Saying Is...


I walk in to be dragged away. “What the.”

“Shh you do not want to mess with Aunty when she’s cooking.” Chansung said, letting go of my hand. “I’ll show you around.” I’m not the type to just be pushed away from my orginal train of thought but his smile just... Damn!

I followed as he lead me to the work out room. There is a boxing ring, a floor mat a little ways from the ring. The sand bags and other equipment, on the other side of the room.

“This is so big!” I said looking up at him. “Yep, next the living room.” he replied happily with a hop in his step. For him being a big guy, he’s every lively. “Chansung I think I’ll nickname you Teddy!” I told him with a big smile.

I haven’t smiled like this in a long time, it’s nice...


“Yep, you remind me of a big Teddy bear.”

“I like it, thanks Lexi!” he said smiling back.

We made it to the living room. I think it’s as big as the workout room. Surround sound and all kinds of games. Nice furniture, dark, hard wood floors, high ceiling with a nice chandler. Walls a calming blue color, my Aunt’s nick knacks all over the place.

We walked up the stairs. “This is Aunty and Uncles room. Were not allowed in there.” I just nodded my head looking at the red stained door.  “This is the Hyung’s room.” Chansung-Teddy said knocking on the door.

“Yeah.” I hear coming from the other side of the door.

“Can Lexi come see your room?” Chan-Teddy asked. The door opened to reveal, Wooyoug and Nichkhun. “Welcome.” Khun said, moving his hand to grab mine. “I’ll show you the grand tour of us older mens room.” He said pulling me in and shutting the door on Chansung’s face.

There is one big room with a TV. Then, I seen four bedroom doors. This room is a lot like the living room, just smaller. “This way is my room.” Nichkhun said pulling me towards a door that says ‘Khun’s space~’

I walk in. It’s kind of messy but not to bad for a boy. He has pictures up of what looks to be his family. Nice, grey color simple desk with a laptop. I’m not every good at describing, it’s just a room so there. (A/N Part of the characters personality. Not very patient. End A/N)

“Come see my room now.” Wooyoug says popping out of nowhere pulling me out of ‘Khun’s Space~‘

I walk over to ‘Woo’s Space~‘ “Why do you not have a bed?” I asked looking at a chair a desk and a book shelf. It looks a lot like Khun’s room just neater and no bed. “I like sleeping here and there.” he replied. I find it funny though, he wont look at me for to long. He’s shy thats so cute!

“Hyung’s we would like our roommate to see her room now.” I hear Junho yell, from the hall way.

“Oh yeah! Come on Lex lets go see your room.” Khun said, happily.

The boys led me to my room. Their all bouncing, with smily faces, jumping on each others back.

“Now, enterring the cool room!” Junho said in a y voice, which made me laugh. He opens the door, to reveal a bright orange room. Big screen TV, bean bags and a lot of other cool, fun stuff.

“Alexia, come see your room! We all got it ready for you!” Chansung says like a kid wanting a toy. I walked over to the door that says. ‘Lex space~’ they opened the door for me.

I walked in to see a big Princess like bed. It has a green comforter, with a cherry blossom tree on it. The room is my favorite color red. I see my desk with a laptop! Then I see a bar wall. “PANDA!!!” I shouted when I seen the giant panda painted on the wall.

“I found out that you liked pandas, so I painted it for you!” Kichkhun told me with a cute wink.

“Thanks Nichkhun!” I replied smiling back at him.

“I got this for you!” Junho said holding a big stuffed panda.

“Thanks Junho, I love it!” I replied happily. I let out a long yawn.

“It looks like we need to make our exit, and let someone sleep. We will wake you when dinner is ready.” Taecyeon told them.

They told me to ‘sleep well.’ as they left. I laid down, but nothing I’m to restless. I’m still tried, I think I fell asleep for a bit then woke back up to find a note by my bed.

“I didn’t want to wake you, your to peaceful when you sleep. That and Aunty told me to let you sleep. Come down when you wake up. If it is late come get me I don’t mind. XOXXO Junho.”
I looked at the clock. It’s not to late, everyone should still be up. I walked out of my room and didn’t hear a sound. I, was now sneaking around the house. For the fact time difference !

“Alexia, asleep?” I hear my Uncle ask my Aunt.

“Yeah.” she replied. I got closer to the staircase leading down into the work out area. I crawled over to the railing. And looked down. Everyone was down there. I wonder what’s going on? They’re setting in a circle, like there having a meeting.

My Uncle cleared his throat. Making all the boys look up coming out of their thoughts.

“Now then, you all know Alexia will be staying here with us. As your boss I order you to not say anything to her about our gang.” .... Gang? ... Really my sweet Aunt and Uncle in a gang and are the leaders?

“Boss I think you just told her yourself.” Junsu told him looking up at me. As everyone else’s eyes followed. I slowly walked down the stairs they’re eyes not leaving me.

“So...what your saying is all of you are in a gang!?”


I'll update for you soon! Comment to tell me what you think! Thanks for reading!

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Why does it have to be Junho??!! No!!! Wooyoung... T_T
Lilypad #2
:0 Noooooo Junho dies?! Great story even if his big isn't alive anymore.
hellopanda23 #3
I HATE YOU SO MUCH!! EWWWWWWWHHH... why did he die.. i dont care anymore about love... this story made it so sad... i want to kill you! why why!!!! ahhhhh i was such a faithful reader and then you killed junho.. i am crying tears of saddness... wahhhhhhhh...<br />
<br />
fine for the sake of the story i guess i will have to accept that junho died. it still makes me sad..its not fair!! i get it that the ending is powerfulll. but my friend next to me is very mad at you and me because i keep wailing and yelling no and thinking of their time together....
hellopanda23 #4
lol..junho as the damsel in distress.... <br />
that just made my day
hellopanda23 #5
wow...Junho knows what he wants and isnt afraid to try harder....<br />
So waht is her heart telling her to do? Go with the flow?<br />
IT seems that your story has been copy and pasted over and over at certain parts.<br />
It keeps repeating itself..just letting you know! STill love the story and glad you udpated!!<br />
hellopanda23 #6
hmm..which one does she want!! thanks for the update!!
hellopanda23 #7
ahhhhhhhhhhh...tell me whats going to happen next! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!<br />
hellopanda23 #8
ha ha... i really like her fierce!! you make me pick between the two that i like....gahhh....go with....Junho
Love it ^ ^ srsly 2PM fics don't get enough views/subs and idk why T_T urs is rly good!~
Soraskylovelife #10
Lol yep, thanks for the comment!