So...What You Saying Is... I’ll be sharing a room with two guys!?

So... What Your Saying Is...


~A month ago, meeting the boys.~

 Hello I’m Alexia Leo. My life well... You see I have to go live with my Aunt and Uncle and it’s not like they live a state over. No! They live in South Korea. They own a mixed marshal-arts DO-JO there. My oh so loving family, yep my family not just my parents. Thought it would be good for me.

Now, I’m wondering around out side of the airport waiting on them to pick me up. My family thinks my temper will be calmed by living with them. And that maybe I could keep a job for more then a week before I get into a fight. They always go on about ‘a nineteen year old should not be getting in so many fights.’

I wouldn’t get into fights if people would grow up. I thought I would get out of seeing innocent people get bulled for nothing when I got out of  school. Nope! Turns out these dumb asses wont grow up!

I look around and seen a mirror. I look at my long, layered, light brown hair. My bangs falling in my face, I move them to the side and noticed that I need to put in more red highlights. I poke out my slightly small lips out in a pout looking at my hassle eyes that have a tint of blue in them. I’m wearing black, boy shorts and a red, fitted tank top. Shoes there’s not really much to them simple and black. I have a fit body and I’m kind of short and I’m white. Now you know what I look like.

“Alexia Leo?” a very tall guy, with spiky black hair asked coming up to me in english.  I can speak Korean quit well so it really didn’t mater what language he spoke to me in.

“Yes.” I replied nervously. He gave me a big smile, I couldn’t help but to smile back.

“Guys I found her.” He yelled out it made me jump, he noticed. “I’m sorry, I’m Taecyeon. Your Aunt and Uncle sent us to pick you up.” Taecyeon told me as more guys surround me.

“Lets go then.” One with really short black hair said, looking around. It’s like he’s making sure no one is following. I feel my self starting to blush, as it hits me that I’m surrounded by hot guys. We all started to walk.

“Hey, let me carry that, by the way I’m Nichkhun.” He said grabbing my bag as he winked at me. I don’t know if I should go awe or I don’t know. He’s a cutie though.

I feel like I have body guards. They’re all walking in front of me, beside me and behind me. Taecyeon in front of me, Kichkhun on my right. A guy with dark red hair it looks like is on my left, he kind of looks like the singer, Rain. Beside Taecyeon is the guy that spoke before. Behind me is a another tall guy with slightly spiked black hair. The one standing beside him has blond hair.

We arrive at the van and all piled in. I set in the back with the slightly spiked haired guy and the one that looks like Rain.

“Hi, I’m Chansung.” The slightly well you get it. He has a nice smile.

“Hi, nice to meet you.” I replied smiling back.

“I’m Junho.” The other one said smiling, wow there all so...handsome!

“How old are you?” Junho asked breaking me out of my thoughts.

“Nineteen. Why?” he smiled even bigger.

“You’ll be in our room then.” Chansung said happily.

“So...what you saying is... I’ll be sharing a room with two guys!?” I asked shocked.

Junho and Chansung laughed. “It’s because of your age.” Chansung explained through laughter.

“Both of you are nineteen too?” I asked slightly angry but their laughter calmed me down before my fist started to swing.

“No, were older by two years.” Junho said, catching his breath.

“Then why can’t I have my own room?” I wined. Then I thought about for a minute. “Wait, you live with my Aunt and Uncle?” I ask scratching my head. I find it funny though, I haven’t known these guys too long yet I get along with them so well!

“You can’t have your own room because there’s not enough room. And we work for your Aunt and Uncle they gave us a place to live.” Chansung replied with a small smile.

“Oh... Who are the other guys? I know Nichkhun and Taecyeon.” I found myself whispering this even though I didn’t mean too.

“The one with the blond colored hair is Wooyoung and the other one that has short black hair is Junsu.” Junho told me with a laugh.

“Thanks.” I looked out the window the best I could since I am in between them. Fields for miles on each side of the dirt rode. I finally see the large house that is like a beach slash garage combo. I can see a lot of trees here and there. There is a pond at the back it looks like. The car came to a stop and we all got out.

Nichkhun grabbed my bags for me. I thanked him. “Lexi!” I hear an old mans voice as I feel myself being lifted off the ground by two big, strong arms.

“Uncle! ... CAN’T BREATH.” I gasped out as everyone burst out laughing.

“Sorry about that I’m just so happy to see you.” Uncle replied scratching the back of his head.

“That’s okay I’m happy to see you too.” I smile up at him. “Where’s Aunty?” I asked looking around for her. Some of the boys were off looking at the car my Uncle was working on as the others are on where to be seen.

“She is inside fixing dinner. You can go in to see her if you like.” He said walking back to the old car. It looks like an old mustang. Then again I don’t no much about cars.

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Why does it have to be Junho??!! No!!! Wooyoung... T_T
Lilypad #2
:0 Noooooo Junho dies?! Great story even if his big isn't alive anymore.
hellopanda23 #3
I HATE YOU SO MUCH!! EWWWWWWWHHH... why did he die.. i dont care anymore about love... this story made it so sad... i want to kill you! why why!!!! ahhhhh i was such a faithful reader and then you killed junho.. i am crying tears of saddness... wahhhhhhhh...<br />
<br />
fine for the sake of the story i guess i will have to accept that junho died. it still makes me sad..its not fair!! i get it that the ending is powerfulll. but my friend next to me is very mad at you and me because i keep wailing and yelling no and thinking of their time together....
hellopanda23 #4
lol..junho as the damsel in distress.... <br />
that just made my day
hellopanda23 #5
wow...Junho knows what he wants and isnt afraid to try harder....<br />
So waht is her heart telling her to do? Go with the flow?<br />
IT seems that your story has been copy and pasted over and over at certain parts.<br />
It keeps repeating itself..just letting you know! STill love the story and glad you udpated!!<br />
hellopanda23 #6
hmm..which one does she want!! thanks for the update!!
hellopanda23 #7
ahhhhhhhhhhh...tell me whats going to happen next! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!<br />
hellopanda23 #8
ha ha... i really like her fierce!! you make me pick between the two that i like....gahhh....go with....Junho
Love it ^ ^ srsly 2PM fics don't get enough views/subs and idk why T_T urs is rly good!~
Soraskylovelife #10
Lol yep, thanks for the comment!