
I Knew You Were Trouble

Yixing woke up and seen Koleyna being dragged away by Jordan. He got up and felt very dizzy due to the blow he got to the head. He immediately sent a group text to everyone telling them he needed help and went after Jordan. He went up to Jordan weakly and said, “Let my wife go.”

 Jordan looked at him surprised and said, “I figured you would be out longer due to that blow.” Yixing glared at him and said, “You let my wife go now.” Jordan smirked and said, “She is mine now.” He then pushed her into the back of his SUV. As soon as Koleyna was out of Jordan’s arms Yixing attacked him.

 They fought and Jordan was able to knock Yixing away and Yixing had a hard time getting back up. Jordan took this opportunity to get into the SUV just as Kris, Tao, Sungmin, Yunho and Baekhyun came. Jordan took off in his SUV and Yixing hurried into Kris’s car and said, “Don’t lose him he has Koleyna.” The guys were shocked and Kris said, “Call her cousin Brett he is a police officer and can help us.”

 They gave Brett all the information and he was able to catch up to them. Jordan pulled up to a house on the outskirts of town and tried to get Koleyna inside. Kris said, “Put Koleyna down now and you won’t get hurt.” Jordan scuffed and said, “She is mine why would I give her to you?” Baekhyun said, “Do you really want to take two wonderful kids away from their mother?” Jordan said, “Ziyu is a brat he wouldn’t listen to me so I had to do something about it.”

 Koleyna had started to wake up and heard him say that. She said, “You had those kids bully my son?” Jordan said, “He wouldn’t listen I kept trying to get him to have you met me but he kept telling me no.” Koleyna started struggling and said, “Let me go you crazy bastard.” Jordan wasn’t too happy with that and hit her hard making her fall to the ground.

 As soon as Koleyna was on the ground Yixing attacked Jordan and hit him hard. Yixing said, “You hurt my son and you put your filthy hands on my wife. You won’t get away with this.” He started punching Jordan many times. They guys had to drag Yixing off of Jordan. Koleyna made her way to Yixing and said, “Babe calm down ok?” She then turned to Brett who just arrived and said, “Take that crazy man away and lock him away for a long time.”

 Brett arrested Jordan for assault and battery and kidnapping. He would be going away for a longtime. Koleyna sighed in relief and said, “Let’s get back to the concert and to our kids ok?” Yixing kissed her and then his eyes rolled into the back of his head. Koleyna started freaking out and saying, “Yixing baby wake up.” The guys rushed to her and helped her put him in the car and rushed to the hospital.

 Sooman found out what happened and all the other SM artist and Ziyu and Mei Lin all rushed to the hospital where Koleyna was pacing back and forth worried for Yixing. Soon the doctor came out and said, “The family of Zhang Yixing.” Koleyna was the first one to him and said, “I’m his wife.”

 He smiled and said, “You’re husband is fine now. He has a few stiches and will have a bad headache when he wakes up but there isn’t any permanent   damage but he will need a lot of rest for the next couple days.” Koleyna felt so relieved and said, “Thank you doctor. Can we see him?” He said, “Yes you can see him but only 3 at a time and do keep your voices down ok?”

 Koleyna, Kris and Suho were the first ones to visit him. Koleyna rushed to his side and he looked at her and said, “You’re not hurt are you?” She cried and said, “I was so worried about you. You scared me to death and I’m fine now that I know you are ok.” Yixing smiled and said, “I’m glad you’re ok. What about the kids?” Koleyna smiled and said, “Mei Lin is asleep in Hyoyeon’s arms and Ziyu wants to see his baba and make sure you’re ok.”

 Kris said, “Now that we know you are ok we will send in Ziyu and Sehun.” They left and soon Ziyu and Sehun came in. When Ziyu seen his baba was awake he rushed to him and said, “Baba you ok?” Yixing hugged him and said, “I’m fine.”

 Later that night Yixing was released and the next few days Koleyna stuck to his side as much as she could to take care of him. Yixing was enjoying being with her without anyone bothering them mainly a dance machine by the name of Kai. Soon he was fully healed and his relationship with Koleyna was so much stronger and they know that they could make it through anything life threw their way.


so this story has come to its end i hope you guys enjoyed it as much as i enjoyed writing it. please comment and let me know what you think and i will now be working on a new Kris story called Don't Say You Love Me

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I edited the foreward and added a picture of Yixing's rival since he will play a big part


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Chapter 6: Great ending! Well done!
Chapter 7: sure! go right ahead! u are the author!
Chapter 4: Really enjoy it. :D
Chapter 3: Oh an old friend. How nice. Lmao Kai. Aigoo.awesome chapter so far
Chapter 2: And the rival has made his appearance. KPOP stars in a small town. Hehehe....poor Ziyu. Fighting for next chapter unnie!
Chapter 1: unnie is were not where...great first chapter! Fighting for next chapter!
Yes! A sequel! Fighting for next chapter