I Knew You Were Trouble

As they were getting ready for family time Yixing said, “What did he mean that he came for you?” Koleyna looked at him and said, “I’m not quite sure he was my first love but he never gave me the time of day and to be honest he treated me crappy.” He hugged her and said, “It was during the dark period for you wasn’t it?” Koleyna nodded and said, “Yeah and I guess I just needed someone to get my mind off of what was going on in my family and he was there.”

 Yixing kissed her temple and said, “I wish we had met each other back then I would have loved you back then.” She chuckled and said, “Yeah but if I had met you back then then I wouldn’t be who I am today babe.” He nodded and said, “Your right and I love you very much.” She kissed him on the lips and said, “I love you too.” The finish getting ready and got Mei Lin and Ziyu and Koleyna said, “We are going to the park for some family time.”

 The guys all rushed into the room and Kai said, “We want to go!” Yixing said, “Some other time guys the four of us need some time together as a family.” Suho understanding the situation put his hand on Kai’s shoulder and said “Let them be Ziyu needs this.” Koleyna said, “There is a pool next to the park you guys can go there since it hasn’t closed yet.” The guys all rushed to go. She looked at Yixing and said, “Let’s go.” He took Mei Lin’s car seat and put her in the car fastening her in while Koleyna made sure Ziyu was fastened in. When everyone was in the car, Koleyna drove off to the park. Ziyu said, “Mom after we play at the park can we go to the pool too and spend time with my uncles?” She looked at Yixing and Yixing said, “I actually already packed all of our bathing suits.”

 Ziyu cheered happily. Koleyna said, “When did you do that?” He gave her a grin and said, “While you were changing Mei Lin.” She nodded and within minutes they were at the park. Yixing said, “Wow you weren’t kidding when you said it was right next to the park.” She smiled at him and said, “Let’s go play.” They got out of the car Yixing got Mei Lin while Koleyna got Mei Lin’s diaper bag and helped Ziyu out.

They headed to the swings and Koleyna put a blanket down in the baby swing before she put Mei Lin in. One of the other mothers seen that and said, “Why did you put a blanket down first?” Yixing smiled at Koleyna and she said, “It’s to protect my daughter from getting burnt or hot since the swing is rubber and black it gets hot fast under the sun. We did the same thing with her big brother when he was a baby. My husband was the one who thought of it.” The mother nodded her head and said, “It’s a smart idea your husband must be very smart.” Koleyna smiled at Yixing who was pushing Ziyu on the swings and said, “He is very smart and very talented.”

 The mother looked over to Yixing and said, “What do you mean by talented?” (Naughty minded woman :P) Koleyna looked at the lady and said, “My husband is a singer and dancer and has many other different talents.” The woman said, “Ooh. You know you look familiar.” Koleyna looked at her and said, “You do too.” The woman then said, “Wait are you Koleyna?” Koleyna nodded and said, “Yeah and your Cassie! I thought I recognized that red hair!”

 Cassie said, “Wow it’s great to see you again.” Koleyna said, “I thought you moved away.” Cassie said, “Nope I married Anthony and had this little boy.” Koleyna said, “That’s great he was a great friend to me.” Cassie looked at Koleyna and said, “You know there is this guy that moved here a few years ago from Tennessee he said he moved here for you.” Koleyna sighed and said, “Yeah I know and unfortunately he is my sons guidance counselor.” Cassie nodded her and said, “I would be careful if I were you. He seems like he really wants you to be his and he seems like the kind of guy that won’t give up.”

 Koleyna looked at Yixing and said, “Yeah but my husband Yixing and my kids and friends are all I need or want and neither one of us will give up on each other. We went through too much to give up now.” Yixing looked over at Koleyna and seen the look on her face and gave her a cute fighting making her smile at him. Cassie seen it and said, “What does that mean?” Koleyna smiled and said, “It means fighting or good luck or you can do it. It’s meant to cheer someone up or cheer them on.” Cassie said, “Ah that’s cute that he knows just what to do to make you cheer up.”

 Koleyna said, “Yeah he really does. I’m very blessed to have him. He is the best thing that has ever happened to me.” Cassie said, “So how is he in bed?” Koleyna looked at Cassie shocked and said, “W-what?” Cassie chuckled and said, “Well I’m just wondering since you said he is a dancer so how is he in bed?” Koleyna blushed and said, “I-I-I-I can’t tell you that.” Mei Lin held her arms out to her mom giggling. Koleyna laughed and picked Mei Lin up and said, “Aw you are just like your baba.”

 Yixing came over with Ziyu and said, “Ziyu says he wants to go swimming now since the guys and BoA is here.” Koleyna turned to Cassie and said, “Sorry we have to go.” Cassie said, “Oh is it ok if we join you guys? With Anthony always working it’s just me and my son Kyle.” Koleyna looked at Yixing and he said, “Its fine with me.”

They all headed to the pool and changed into their swimsuits and as soon as they were out of the changing room Tao, Sehun and Kai ran over to Koleyna and Tao pouted and said, “You guys left us.” Koleyna said, “Sorry guys but we told you we would see you here later.” Kai put his arm around Koleyna while Sehun took Mei Lin. Kai said, “Well noona you can make it up to us by ditching Yixing hyung and spend time with us.” Cassie was confused by these guys and wondering if Koleyna was in a relationship when Koleyna smacked Kai upside the head. Koleyna said, “Kai you have got to get a girl seriously.”

 Kai pouted and said, “But all the good girls are taken.” Koleyna shook her head and said, “You just haven’t found the right on yet.” Yixing wrapped his arm around her waist making her jump and said, “Yixing you scared me.” He laughed and said, “Is Kai trying to flirt with you again?” Koleyna laughed and said, “Yeah he is.” Yixing glared playfully at Kai and said, “Don’t make me call Kris over.” Kai’s eyes went wide in fear and said, “No don’t call Kris hyung he is so scary.”

 That caused everyone to laugh at him. Koleyna then turned to Cassie and said, “These are some of Yixing’s band mates and our very good friends. Kai, Sehun and Tao this is one of my childhood friends Cassie.” They all said, “Hi, nice to meet you.” Koleyna said, “That was creepy.”  The three pouted and Sehun said, “Noona you’re so mean.” Yixing took Mei Lin and said, “Ziyu wants to play with you three.” They took Ziyu off while Koleyna and Yixing along with Cassie took the babies to the kiddie pool.

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I edited the foreward and added a picture of Yixing's rival since he will play a big part


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Chapter 6: Great ending! Well done!
Chapter 7: sure! go right ahead! u are the author!
Chapter 4: Really enjoy it. :D
Chapter 3: Oh an old friend. How nice. Lmao Kai. Aigoo.awesome chapter so far
Chapter 2: And the rival has made his appearance. KPOP stars in a small town. Hehehe....poor Ziyu. Fighting for next chapter unnie!
Chapter 1: unnie is were not where...great first chapter! Fighting for next chapter!
Yes! A sequel! Fighting for next chapter