I Knew You Were Trouble

It had been 3 months since Koleyna gave birth to their daughter Mei Lin. She hasn’t seen the guys much since they were finishing up their world tour but everyone had been able to make it when she gave birth. The guys were due back soon and Koleyna was getting Mei Lin ready so they could pick up her big brother from school.

 They had all decided that he would continue to go to school in Koleyna’s hometown and come back during breaks. They all knew it would be hard since the guy’s career was in Korea and China but they worked things out with the other SM artists that when they were on break they would stay with Koleyna to keep her company and spend time with the kids.

 She finished getting Mei Lin ready then quickly got herself ready. As soon as she was dressed she picked up Mein Lin’s car seat and started to head out the door when the door swung open and Koleyna seen Yixing. She smiled big and said, “Yixing you’re home!” She sat Mei Lin down and hugged Yixing and said, “We missed you so much.” He hugged her back and said, “I missed you guys too.” He seen she was ready to go somewhere and said, “Babe where are you going?”

 She rubbed her neck and said, “Well I need to go pick up Ziyu from school. He smiled big and said, “Can I go with you?” She touched his tired face and said, “Are you sure you don’t want to rest?” He shook his head and said, “I’ll be ok babe.” She nodded and picked up Mei Lin and said, “Let’s go then.” They headed out to Koleyna’s car and waved bye to the guys.

 They soon arrived at the school to pick up Ziyu. When his teacher seen her she brought Ziyu over who had a busted lip. Koleyna gasped and said, “Ziyu what happened baby?” Ziyu looked away he didn’t want to tell her what happened. The teacher sighed and said, “Some students where picking on him.” Yixing said, “Someone is bullying Ziyu?” Koleyna was sad to her it and said, “Mrs. Pierson what were the kids saying?” Mrs. Pierson said, “They were talking about how Ziyu’s dad isn’t around much anymore and how there have been different people coming in and out of the house.”

Yixing sighed and said, “This is my fault. I’ve been busy with my group being on a world tour so while I was away I asked my label mates when they weren’t busy if they could help Koleyna out since she was pregnant and I couldn’t be with her. But me and my group are back now so I hope the bullying will stop and if it doesn’t then I want to talk to the whole school about this.” Mrs. Pierson said, “To be honest I think you need to talk to the students because I think that will be the only way it will stop.” Koleyna said, “We will do it in a few days since Yixing and his group just got back in a few hours ago.”



sorry it took so long to update i've been going threw somethings and so i will be taking a leave from AFF for a few days and while i'm gone i will be working on this story and a few others and the reason i brought up bullying is because my niece who is now in 2nd grade has been bullied because of her looks and now some 6th graders are making fun of her because she has bangs why the hell would you pick on a second grader??? anyways please comment and as soon as i finish writing the second chapter i will post it and that will probably be the only time i will be on AFF is to update

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I edited the foreward and added a picture of Yixing's rival since he will play a big part


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Chapter 6: Great ending! Well done!
Chapter 7: sure! go right ahead! u are the author!
Chapter 4: Really enjoy it. :D
Chapter 3: Oh an old friend. How nice. Lmao Kai. Aigoo.awesome chapter so far
Chapter 2: And the rival has made his appearance. KPOP stars in a small town. Hehehe....poor Ziyu. Fighting for next chapter unnie!
Chapter 1: unnie is were not where...great first chapter! Fighting for next chapter!
Yes! A sequel! Fighting for next chapter