I Knew You Were Trouble

When they got home EXO was waiting and when they all seen Ziyu they all freaked out and Tao started crying. Koleyna said, “Guys please quiet down Mei Lin is sleeping.” BoA who was still there said, “Here I’ll take Mei Lin so you guys can talk.” Koleyna said, “Thank you unnie.”

 After the two left Koleyna went and got the first aid kit and gently cleaned Ziyu’s lip. After she was done she kissed his check and said, “We are all here for you sweetie you didn’t have to keep this from you.” Ziyu looked down and said, “I didn’t want to tell you because I knew it would hurt you.” Koleyna teared up and said, “Oh sweetie I don’t care what people say about me because I know the truth what I care about is that people are hurting my little boy.”

 Ziyu looked down and said, “Some of the older kids keep saying that baba may not even be my real baba.” Koleyna looked at Yixing and Yixing said, “Ziyu you are 100% without a doubt my son.” Ziyu hugged his dad and said, “I know you are my real baba.” The other guys had been shocked by this and Kris said, “What does he mean?” Yixing sighed and said, “His teacher said that he has been bullied because there have been so many different people coming in and out of the house.” BoA had come down and heard this she then said, “Why don’t we bring everyone here and put all these rumors to rest and maybe some of us perform?”

 The guys thought about it and Suho said, “I’ll go call Sooman now, I’m sure he would send everyone here.” Just then the door opened and Yunho and Changmin came in. They looked at the guys and Yunho said, “What’s going on?” The guys told them everything and they agreed to it and soon Suho got SHINee, F(x), Girls Generation and Kangta to come along with Sooman. Suho said, “They will be here late tomorrow night and they said to make it for Friday so it will give everyone time to rest and to practice.”

 Koleyna said, “That will give us 4 days then since its Monday.” The guys yawned and Koleyna said, “Guys go up and rest for a little bit and BoA and I will cook dinner ok?” The guys all headed upstairs to rest while Yunho and Changmin went to go outside with Ziyu to play. BoA could tell that Koleyna was stressed out and said, “Are you going to be ok?” Koleyna sighed and said, “Yeah I’m just worried about what will happen to Ziyu before we clear this mess up.”

 Soon dinner was ready and everyone washed up and came to the tables to eat. They all ate and for once it was a quiet dinner. The quiet was soon cut by a babies cry. Koleyna started to get up to go get Mei Lin when Yixing put his hand on her shoulder and said, “I’ll go check on her, babe you barely got to eat anything.” Koleyna bit her lip and said, “Are you sure?” He nodded and said, “I’m sure now go eat.” He then went up and changed Mei Lin’s diaper then fed her her bottle since she was hungry. After she drank her bottle he burped her then brought her downstairs.

 The next day Koleyna and Yixing dropped Ziyu off at school and gave him a hug and kiss. He had been in school for a few hours when they got a call to come to the principal’s office. When they arrived Koleyna seen Ziyu and rushed to him and said, “Sweetie what happened?” Ziyu started crying when the guidance counselor said, “Some older students where picking on him and saying some mean things. They were suspended for a few days.” Koleyna sighed and said, “This bullying has got to stop.” She looked at the counselor and was surprised and said, “Jordan?” He looked at her and said, “Hey Koleyna it’s been a long time hasn’t it?”

Koleyna was shocked to see her first love in front of her. She said, “W-what are you doing here?” He looked at her and said, “Well after you moved away from Nashville I remembered you saying your hometown so when I got the chance to come here and got a job hoping I would get to see you again.” Yixing was confused and suspicious of this guy and said, “Babe we should take Ziyu home for the day. We can spend some time together as a family.” Koleyna smiled at Yixing and said, “That’s a great idea.” She then turned to Jordan and said, “We will be taking Ziyu home for the day.” They then left.

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I edited the foreward and added a picture of Yixing's rival since he will play a big part


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Chapter 6: Great ending! Well done!
Chapter 7: sure! go right ahead! u are the author!
Chapter 4: Really enjoy it. :D
Chapter 3: Oh an old friend. How nice. Lmao Kai. Aigoo.awesome chapter so far
Chapter 2: And the rival has made his appearance. KPOP stars in a small town. Hehehe....poor Ziyu. Fighting for next chapter unnie!
Chapter 1: unnie is were not where...great first chapter! Fighting for next chapter!
Yes! A sequel! Fighting for next chapter