He Is My Best Appa In The World!!!

My Fat Daughter


=Siwon’s POV=

Jinhee looks different. Usually if I brought home some chocolates that I bought at the airport, she would grabs a handful and eat it all by herself. But today, I only saw her eating salads. Is this a miracle?

“Jinhee-ah, I bought these chocolates for you. Aren’t you going to eat it?” I .

Jinhee looks up at me with her round big eyes. She shook her head. That’s weird.

“Then, who’s going to finish this up?” I ask again.

“That’s okay. I’ll finish it up later. I’ll bring some for Yui too.”

“You don’t share anything like this with anyone.” I try again.

“Appa, sharing is caring. Haven’t you ever heard that?” She mocks me.

I’m speechless. What is wrong with her? I check on her body temperature.

“Appa, what are you doing?” Jinhee pushes my hand away.

“Are you sick? Did you hit your head anywhere?” I take away her salad bowl and place it on the table. I sit in front of her.

“Appa, I’m fine. I’m not sick or hit my head anywhere. My name is Choi Jinhee and I’m 16 years old. I am a student at…” she starts babbling as if she wants to prove that she is normal.

“Okay, okay. You’re fine. But what is this all about? Salad? I can’t remember since when you’re eating salad.” I stop her words.

Jinhee seems like thinking of some answers. She smiles as she looks at me. I bet she already have an answer. But I believe it is just an excuse.

“Appa, I went to a health seminar last week. The doctor said a body like mine can easily falls sick. She told me to eat healthy food and exercise regularly. I’m just taking precautionary steps. You don’t want me to fall sick, right?” She surely has a smart brain.

“Yeah, you should. Good job, honey. From now on, I’m going to feed you with healthy food only. I wish Ryeowook is here.” I stand up, leaving her alone in the living room. I need to figure out what is her plan actually.

“Appa, I’m going to come home late tomorrow. So, don’t look up for me at school because I’m going over Yui’s place to study.” Jinhee shouts from the living room.

That doubles my suspicions. She never studies with anyone anywhere. I’m sorry, Jinhee. Appa is going to stalk you tomorrow…


Jinhee went to school as usual. When she leaves this morning, I actually had my shirt on. I wear the robe so that Jinhee would not be suspicious. I follow from behind. Of course I still need to disguise myself. I put on a sunglass and a cap with sweat shirts.

Jinhee stops in front of the gate. She looks around, as if she is waiting for someone. Just then a familiar car stops. Yui got off the car. No wonder it looks familiar, its Donghae’s car. I turn around so that Donghae wouldn’t see me. The car went passed me. After assuring everything is safe, I walk to the front gate. A security guard looks at me suspiciously.

“Can I help you, sir?” he asks.

“No, it’s okay. I just came to check on my daughter. It seems like she already arrives safely. I make my move first. Have a nice day.” I smile and turn around. I get to my car, parked nicely behind a tree.

“Appa will wait for you here, Jinhee-ah.” I grin evilly. Puahahahahaha!!!


=Jinhee POV=

School ends. I walk out from class. Yui follows.

“Jinhee-ah, Taewoon oppa invites you to Lotte World. He wants to hang out with you too.” Yui takes my hand. We walk hand in hand.

“I’m sorry, Yui. I’m afraid I have to decline his offer. I have something important to do.” I said. Just then, my phone rings. Yoonji unnie calls.


“Jinhee-ah, aren’t you coming?” Yoonji unnie asks.

“Arassoyo, I’m coming over now.” I hang up. “Mianhae, Yui-ah. I must go now. See you tomorrow.” I smack her butts and run away.

I must take a bus to get there. So I wait at the bus stop. 5 minutes later a bus arrives. I hop on the bus. It takes 10 minutes journey to get there. So I take a seat near the door to make it easy for me to exit.


=Siwon POV=

I follow the bus until it stops in front a familiar place. I park my car. Jinhee drops off and going inside the building.

“Oh dammit, Jinhee is working out?!” I’m freaking out in the car.

I saw Yoonji welcomes her warmly.

“So, Jinhee is not doing this alone.” I take out my phone and dials Jinhee’s number.

“Appa.” She answers. What a brave girl she is.

“Jinhee-ah, where are you?” I ask.

“Urmm, I’m currently at a friend’s house.” She answers.

“Which friend?”

“A friend that I’ve never told you before. I just met her last week.”

This girl is lying to me! I’m not angry because she’s trying to work on her body, but I don’t like her to lie like this. I never ever teach her lying.

“Okay, take care, Choi Jinhee.” I end the conversation. Let’s see how long you are going to be like this, my daughter.


=Jinhee POV=

Appa hangs up? That’s weird. He even calls me by my full name. He sounds normal, but the way he said my name sounds like he s upset or something.

“Your Appa called?” Yoonji unnie asks.

“Ne, but he hung up already. Let’s go, unnie.” I said.

“Come this way.” Yoonji unnie brings me to a room and asks me to change first.


I tiptoe into the living room. Appa is probably in the kitchen because I heard the noises of the pot clashing. I walk into the room and gets into the shower. 15 minutes in the shower with the warm water pours on my body, makes me feels fresh. I changed into my pajama. I join Appa in the living room. He looks shock to see me home already.

“When did you come in?” He asks.

“Half an hour ago, when you were still in the kitchen.” I take a sit next to him. He is watching a talk show.

“What have you learned today at your friend’s house?” Appa asks. His tone sounds cold.

“I…err…we learned Physics.” I lied.

“Physics, huh?” Appa smirks.

“Appa, why are you smiling like that?” I ask.

He looks at me with his disbelief look. Oh oh, I think I had done something unpleasant today.

“Are you learning Physics or physical training, Choi Jinhee?” Appa shots the question directly to me. Here comes the verdict~~~

I look at my toes.

“Jinhee-ah, Appa never teaches you to lie. Tell me truthfully where did you go today and what are you doing there exactly?” Appa’s tone sounds gentle. I guess he’s not that angry.

“I went to your gym. Yoonji unnie wants to help me getting rid of this excessive weight.” I told him. There goes my resolution.

“Jinhee-ah, I know you are eager to loss weight, but doing this is just not right. You’ll be very tired if you went there everyday after school. Listen to me, Jinhee. I appreciate it if you stop whatever you are doing right now.  I will personally bring you to the gym every weekend. We’ll work out together for hours. How’s that?” Appa makes a counter offer.

It takes almost 3 minutes for me to answer.

“Promise me.” I said, raising my plump little finger. Appa knits his finger with mine.

“I promise you with all my heart.” Appa kisses my forehead.

“I’m sorry for lying to you.” I apologize sincerely.

“You are forgiven, with one condition.” Appa smiles.

“What is it?”

“Please peel the fruit for me. I feel like munching something.”

I smile to him. Appa never gets angry for too long. He is my best Appa!!

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Chapter 14: yaaaaaaaaaay! an update i'm so happy
Shin Min Ah!! i luv her!!
can't wait to see what u have planned next for this story author-nim!!
Chapter 14: meowmeow98 : indeed :)
meowmeow98 #3
Chapter 14: Keep it up! Authornim! I love your story :-)
meowmeow98 #4
Chapter 14: Gosh ! Siwon is a good appa^^
hi,new reader here, i really really like your story :)
really want to know what happens next
Katttts #7
I returned back here after months to say: I'd looooove an update 8D
i like donghae and jinhee's small talk :)
fi0nachong #9
hii!! I'm a new reader! <br />
<br />
Just wanted to let you know that i really like your FF. Please continue with your hard work! ^^
Thanks for liking, everyone~~ ^^<br />
Continue reading my fic~~~