Going To Appa's Gym

My Fat Daughter


Kyuhyun ahjussi coughs upon hearing my resolution. I can see he is trying to stop himself from laughing.

“Just laugh it off, ahjussi. You don’t have to pretend.” I said.

On hearing that, he laughs breathlessly.

“Ahjussi…” I pout.

“Yah, Jinhee-ah…It’s not that I’m looking down on you, but it’s quite impossible if you’re already like this since you were born.” He said truthfully.

“But ahjussi said nothing is impossible in this world.”

Kyuhyun ahjussi stands up and takes my hand. “Follow me.”

I follow him to a building. He leaves me at the entrance and went inside. I wait for him. 10 minutes later he comes out and takes me inside.

“This is a place that your Appa used to come and working out with Donghae ahjussi and Eunhyuk ahjussi.”

“Jinjja?” I look around. The place is quite exclusive. There’s only 4-5 person in the spacious room.

“Jinhee, this is my friend, Yoonji. Yoonji, meet Choi Jinhee, Siwon hyung’s daughter.” Kyuhyun ahjussi introduces us.

Yoonji unnie hugs me tightly.

“Aigoo, the last time I met you were 16 years ago. You were this small at that time.” Yoonji unnie gets both her hand together.

“But today you see me this big.” I said.

Both Kyuhyun ahjussi and Yoonji unnie broke the silence with their laughter. I pout.

“Mianhae, Jinhee. You are cute, seriously. The way you talk just now reminds me to your mother. She was a funny person. That is why your Appa falls head over heels for her. You resemble your mother a lot. Your eyes, nose, and this long shiny hair.” She pats my head gently.

“Thank you.” I smile.

“Omo! You have your Appa’s dimple!” Yoonj unnie cups my face. “Listen, I’m going to assist you until you achieve your mission. I’m willing to help my best friend’s daughter…for free.” Yoonji unnie kisses my forehead.

“Seriously?” I ask.

Yoonji unnie nods.

“But what if I fail?”

“You’re gonna pay for it.” Yoonji unnie releases me, looking at me sharply.

Suddenly I lost confidence. I look down to the floor.

“Why? Don’t you want to have that kind of body?” Kyuhyun ahjussi points at a lady who is cycling at one end.

I sigh. “I’m afraid I will not be able to do it.”

“Believe in yourself. I’m here for you, remember? Let’s start with your diet first. Follow me to my office. I’m taking an inquiry. Kyuhyun-ah, are you coming?” Yoonji unnie takes my hand.

“No, both of you go ahead. I’m going out for a while. Jinhee-ah, call me when you’re done, okay?” Kyuhyun ahjussi messes up my hair.


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Chapter 14: yaaaaaaaaaay! an update i'm so happy
Shin Min Ah!! i luv her!!
can't wait to see what u have planned next for this story author-nim!!
Chapter 14: meowmeow98 : indeed :)
meowmeow98 #3
Chapter 14: Keep it up! Authornim! I love your story :-)
meowmeow98 #4
Chapter 14: Gosh ! Siwon is a good appa^^
hi,new reader here, i really really like your story :)
really want to know what happens next
Katttts #7
I returned back here after months to say: I'd looooove an update 8D
i like donghae and jinhee's small talk :)
fi0nachong #9
hii!! I'm a new reader! <br />
<br />
Just wanted to let you know that i really like your FF. Please continue with your hard work! ^^
Thanks for liking, everyone~~ ^^<br />
Continue reading my fic~~~