My resolution

My Fat Daughter


I got a call from Appa later at night.

“Appa, I miss you…” I weep.

“I miss you too, my baby. How can I sleep without you? I miss my fat teddy bear so much.” Appa laughs.

“Appa!!!” I don’t like him mocking me like that. It is just too painful.

“Jinhee-ah, Appa will come home in 3 days. In the meantime, ask Yui to keep you company. I’ve already called Donghae ahjussi to keep an eye on you. So don’t you try to sneak out at night again like you did last time?” Appa warns. I laugh as the memories rewinds in my mind. I went out to Hongdae with Yui to watch a live performance.

“Appa…” I remembered Taewoon oppa.

“What is it, honey?”

“Appa, there is this one guy who works at the ice-cream shop.” I stuttered.

“I’m listening…”

“I…kinda like him…”

“So? Go get his number!” Appa said.

“But he is Yui’s boyfriend.”


“I don’t know he is Yui’s boyfriend until this morning. We met at the shop and Yui introduced him to me.”

“Aww, poor girl. That’s okay. There’s always someone who is made for you out there. It’s just time that matters now. God does not want you to meet your dreamed guy before time. Don’t worry, honey. You always have Appa by your side.” Appa comforts me.

“Appa, can you sing me to sleep?”

“Arasso.” Then Appa starts singing my favorite lullaby until I fallen asleep. I don’t know if Appa sleeps by the phone too…


“Fat Genie, Fat Genie!!!” a bunch of kids throws rotten tomatoes and other junks at me. I try to run but I’m at dead end.

“Please, stop bothering me. I’m not a bad person.” I pleaded.

“Yah!!!” suddenly my knight in shining armor comes to save me. He stands in front of me.

“Yah, Choi Genie. Do you think you are pretty enough to be my girlfriend? Do you think we could walk together with that body of yours?” He asks.

I look up at him. The lights from the building somehow blurred my sight. I couldn’t see him properly. I rub my eyes and look again.

“Taewoon oppa?” I smile.

“Yes, it’s me. Stop disturbing me, you stalker!” He said harshly.

“What? Me? Stalking you? No way…” I said.

“You fat lying Genie! How dare you trying to steal Taewoon oppa from me?!” Suddenly Yui came.

“Yui-ah…” I can’t believe she’s betraying me.

“Jinhee-ah, ahjussi already reminds you to cut off your weight. Let me assist you.” Kyuhyun ahjussi pops out from nowhere.

“If you want, Appa can help too.” Appa appears from behind Kyuhyun ahjussi.

“Appa, I miss you…” I start to cry.

“Loss weight, loss weight, loss weight…” Suddenly everyone starts chanting.

“STOP IT!!!” I screamed.


I open up my eyes slowly. Why my head does hurts? I rub it gently and sit up. Just then I realized that I actually fall off the bed. I sigh as I stand in front of the mirror.

“Yeah, I need to cut off my weight.” I make a resolution to myself. I take out one of Omma’s dress from a box in the storage room.

“Appa, I’m going to impress you.” I smile to myself.


So how do you guys think??? :D

Thanks to all dear subscribers. I heart you guys so much~~

Gamsahapnida for viewing~~~

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Chapter 14: yaaaaaaaaaay! an update i'm so happy
Shin Min Ah!! i luv her!!
can't wait to see what u have planned next for this story author-nim!!
Chapter 14: meowmeow98 : indeed :)
meowmeow98 #3
Chapter 14: Keep it up! Authornim! I love your story :-)
meowmeow98 #4
Chapter 14: Gosh ! Siwon is a good appa^^
hi,new reader here, i really really like your story :)
really want to know what happens next
Katttts #7
I returned back here after months to say: I'd looooove an update 8D
i like donghae and jinhee's small talk :)
fi0nachong #9
hii!! I'm a new reader! <br />
<br />
Just wanted to let you know that i really like your FF. Please continue with your hard work! ^^
Thanks for liking, everyone~~ ^^<br />
Continue reading my fic~~~