White Lie

A Look Into Their World

Boram smiled at the smelled of Korean food. She missed it so much. Not that she didn't enjoy Japan and its food but this was the food of home. "Ahjumma!" She called out to the restraunt's owner. The old woman told her she would be right there so Boram took a seat away from the windows. She had to be careful of cameras catching wind of a T-ARA member out and about but a part of her knew it wouldn't matter since she wasn't a popular member. "But in Japan it would be different." She mumbled as she looked over the menu. She heard some noise around her but she didn't look up. Figuring it was just some teenager or something looking for a meal.

She heard the noise again so she peaked up from her menu. "Yes?" She asked the young male who was covering his face as if he didn't want to be seen. "Can I sit across from you?" He asked, when Boram rasied a brow at him he scratched the back of his head feeling a bit embarassed. "This is a lucky seat for me and I sit here on the night before every show." He admitted. She shrugged and waved a hand over to the seat.


She went back to her menu and tsked when the male made a sound calling for her again. "You aren't going to ask who I am?" He asked her. "Are you going to ask who I am?" She countered. She was only wearing a hat so she knew it was an easy answer for him. He took off his shades and looked her up and down. "Are you a news reporter?" He asked her. He felt like he seen her somewhere but he couldn't put his finger on it. He knew he guessed wrong when her amused smirk quickly fell. "I am sorry. I don't watch televison much these days." He admitted, she gave a short nod.


"So who are you?" Boram asked him and went back to her menu. He took off his mask and smiled. "I am in Exo." He said and smiled when her eyes widened. "You are Kai. I seen you a few times." Boram said and quickly looked around. She heard of him AND his crazy fans, she already had enough antis on her plate and didn't want or need more. "I should go sit somewhere else." She started to get up but Kai help her arm forcing her to sit back down. "Don't worry I can protect you." Kai said as if he read her mind. Boram couldn't help but laugh at the younger male's words. "You are a little young to be able to protect me." She said.


Kai was about to rebut her when the ahjumma came up to them ready to take their order. Boram ordered the gamjatang while Kai choose the bibimbop. When she left Kai continued their conversation, "I am only, what, three years younger than you at most." He said confedently making Boram almost choke on her drink. "But you don't have to push off the idea of me being able to protect you." He finished. Boram wiped and smiled at how cute she found the way he was acting. She decided it would be fun to play along with him. "How can you protect me?" She asked curious on what he would say.


Kai thought for a moment. "I would stop anyone from hurting you and cheer you up everytime you were upset." He said confedently. "So innocent." She teased. Boram realized she didn't know his age either but knew he had to be younger than twenty five. "Are you twenty two?" She asked him. Kai was about to tell her no but thought better of it. He was sure she would just more about being young and trying to talk to an older woman. "Un." He answered taking a long drink of his water. He was thankful this time at the ahjumma's interruption. She laid out the food for them and walked away.

"So what do you do on stage?" Boram asked him not knowing much about rookies these days. She was lucky she even remembered watching them on Weekly Idol or else she would have no idea who he was. "I mostly dance." He said and started to blush when Boram said he must have been gifted if SM took him up. "What do you do?" He asked her. Boram took a spoonful of her stew and thought on her answer. "I sing." She said and wanted to see if that would spark some sort of idea for him that she was his sunbae. "Are you good?" Kai asked. 'He must not be a fan T-ARA.' She concluded. "I am ok. I have been singing since 2008 and most of my family were famous singers." She answered.


"They must be proud you are following the tradition." Kai said. Boram gave a small smile. Her family was proud of her and still are. Even when it seemed like the world was against her they stood by her cheering her on. "Yeah they are." She whispered. Kai felt himself smile just from watching her. 'Be cool.' He told himself and focused back on his food. "Are you full already?" He asked her. It has been ten mintues and all she has done was drink water after eating four bites. "I am on a diet." She answered and flinched when Kai scowled at her. "You are already tiny. You should be eating more not less." He said in a voice that made her nod her head. Like she was the younger one of the two.

Kai took a large forkful of his bibimbop and lifted it towards her. "Ah." He said, she was going to complain about it being to much. "Ah." He said in a firmer tone, she rolled her eyes and ate the food. While she was chewing he took her spoon and scooped as much of the stew as he could fit on it. Once she swallowed he did the same thing. She ate the food again but took the spoon from him. "I can feed myself." She mumbled and took a spoonful of rice as if to prove to him that she could. "Good. I don't want my noona becoming any smaller." He said. Boram blushed at the word 'my'. Ready to call him out on it she heard the sharp sound of a teen girl screaming.

"Kai-oppa!" She said running up to their table. The girl had two friends who were in a crying mess, looking at him as if he was a god. "Hello." Kai said to his fans, feeling embarassed when the girl tightly grabbed his hand. "Oppa I am so happy to see you. I told my friends that your fansite hasn't updated in five hours and we were getting worried." She rambled. The two girls behind her were joining in, making them sound like a gumbled mess. "So loud " Boram muttered under her breath, she didn't like how they felt the need to shout their 'love' for Kai.

The girls seemed to have heard her making Boram nervous. "Ahjumma, why don't you shut up." One of the fans said to her. Kai was going to tell her that was enough but the main girl screamed when she noticed Boram. "Yah! Aren't you too old to be with our oppa. Oppa, this woman is lower than dirt. Even trash is cleaner than this llbe." She said. Boram glared at her and asked if she could leave. "What or you will bully me out just like you did with Hwayoung?" She said. Kai looked at them confused and asked what was going on.


"Oppa, she is a part of T-ARA. She is the oldest member who slept with the CEO and used money to be famous." The third fan said. Boram looked at Kai and saw a hurt expression on his face. "I told you I sung." She stammered, wanting to just disappear. "Don't talk to our Oppa!" One of the girls said and grabbed Kai's glass of ice water throwing it on her. Boram could only sit wide eyed not understanding how her night could have turned to this. "Excuse me." She said and went to the ahjumma giving her her half of the bill then walking out.


She pulled her hat low on her head and used her hands to cover her shirt. 'Why did I choose a light colored shirt tonight of all nights?' She asked herself. She walked faster wanting to just get into her warm bed and dream of a better ending for this might. "It's not my fault I lied." She muttered and sniffed. She wiped a tear that dared to fall from her eye and continued on. She was enjoying her time with the younger male. Most looked over her so she liked the one on one time they had. "Stupid Exo with their stupid fans." She mumbled, kicking an empty can. "Stupid Kai." Boram was quickly pulled into a small alley with covered.


"I have no money on me." She said quickly once was uncovered. She heard a familiar laughed and felt her legs give out. "You scared me!" She cried as Kai caught her before she was able to touch the ground. He easily steadied her and put his windbreaker on her. "I told you I will protect you noona." He said, when he gave her a weird look. "But I lied to you." She whispered then remembered his fans. "And I am not like that. I was a singer before joining T-ARA and me and my sisters are not lower than dirt. And we aren't bullies. And I am much older then you think. And---" she was shushed by Kai. "I know noona. When you left I quickly looked up your name." He said.

Kai looked her over, making her ask what now. "Eight years isn't much a difference. We can make this work." He said, smiling at her reaction. Boram was at a lost for words because of his age and how boldly he just spoke. "Yah, what makes you think I am dating you? Your fans almost killed me went I was sitting by you." She said feeling lost when his smile grew even more. "Because noona likes me." He said. Boram blushed a deep red. "Kids these days are so fresh." She mumbled under her breath. "I like older men and men who don't lie." She told him but his smile didn't falter.


"I will just continue protecting and making you smile until you fall even more for me." Kai said. He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek and leaned back when she tried to headbutt him. Running out of energy she rested her head on the brick building behind them. "I only lied to impress you noona. But don't worry one day you will be happy to be my noona." He said letting her go slowly. He heard his fangirls and gave Boram a quick wink. "Oh, and I think you are the more innocent one between us Boram-ah." He said then ran away before the fangirls could find them. Boram felt as if her face was on fire and knew she had to call her manager for a ride. Her legs felt as if they were turned to liquid and she knew the cause.

Once making the call she rememberd she was wearing Kai's jacket. She hoped she didn't have his wallet on her. She felt a paper in her pocket, wanting to be nosy she felt no harm in reading it.


'Noona, don't forget to call or message me tonight. If you don't I will punish you next time we meet. 010-43XX-XXXX'


Boram hid her face in into the sleeves and covered her face. This proved it. Kai just might be the death of her.

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[13/10] This updated is so lighthearted I am worried it is bad...


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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
indi1hitwaunder #2
Chapter 23: Welcome back!! I mish this one shot!!! Ohhb winner mino and boram!! Tats and odd pairing bt i love.. was a bit pissed wit mino at first.. bt glad its jx a misunderstanding.. update aoon ^_^
1121 streak #3
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
1121 streak #4
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
CoolPrettyGirl #5
Chapter 20: Finally! The days went fast waiting... XD... Congratulation on your award! I´ll be expecting your updates...
Kpop_fan21 #6
Chapter 19: I will wait for the update..T^T