The Selfish Witch

A Look Into Their World

He was drunk. Again. Not that he was an acholic. No. He is just going through a rough time. After Hara dumped him he became lonely. Detached from everyone. Everyone but her. Was it wrong of her for enjoying him like this? 'No.' She told herself, shaking off the thought that she was a horrible person. Hyomin glanced back at the sleeping drunk. He called her over two hours ago to 'drink with him', but in reality he wanted someone to talk to. To hear him out. And she did. She was always willing to listen to a friend in need. Especially if the friend was the her knight.

"Why am I attached to you Yong?" She whispered, smiling while picking up a empty bottle of soju. She was currently cleaning his apartment. Not because he asked her to or made her, it just calmed her for some reason. Like maybe seeing his cleaned home would help him move on. She hoped this worked, she wanted her old Yong back. Hyomin saw unfinished music sheets scattered on the floor. A sign that he needed her. And she had to help him. She couldn't leave him like this. A friend wouldn't do that. 'I wonder if any of his exs comforted him when he is like this?' She wondered. Hyomin smiled, knowing the answer already. None of them saw him like this. He kept a calm and cool front with them. But with her, she got to see all side of him. Because she was his close long time friend. Her welcomed cursed postion.

If she had to choose to either be a lover or a friend to him she would chose friend. Always. As his friend she saw sides of him others never saw. She had her place. A place, no matter who he dated in the past, remained there. But as his lover. What would happen? Would their friendship end with their love? Would he not allow her to return to her place if he falls out of love with her? Choosing that path seemed scary. Foreign. So she was content with where she was at. Content with being his Sunyoung. With being the shoulder he always leaned on when things went wrong. With being the first to know good news. Even if it meant she was missing a side of him reserved for lovers. She was happy with this curse.

Hyomin knew Junhyung before, when he was just Yong and she Sunyoung. She knew his personality inside and out. They were as close as a male and female could get. But they never moved past that. They were friends. That was all. He stuck up for her , like a shining knight, every time something bad happened to her. When scandals came up around her he would stand his ground and proudly proclaim her as 'his Sunyoung.' Although she was happy with this she knew better.

'If he is the knight then I am the witch.' Hyomin told herself. She could never be the princess the knight falls for. No, she has to be his aid. The one he came to for advice. She even went as far as to set him up on dates to remind herself of her position. She remembered when she introduced him to Hara. She felt like she was working magic. Like a real witch. Giving him a love potion, but making sure Hara was the one he saw. She purposely set them up. But she knew at the time she wasn't doing it for them. But for herself. She was a greedy yet odd witch. She wanted to remind herself that she was the 'witch' in this fairy tale. The one only few really knew and got close with, but no one loved. She had to remind herself that even though they were close, he wasn't meant for her. He was too shinning. Too bright for someone with as dirty a past as her.

Hyomin forgot when she started this 'Fairy tale'. Somehow it became a code of life to her. She was the witch and he the knight. Most girls saw themselves as princesses. But she couldn't,she has done things she wasn't proud of. Things a princess would never do. So a witch seemed fitting in her eyes. She wasn't allowed to have happiness if she didn't make others happy first. She vowed to this, she would help all her friends who saved her from herself. Who befriended her even knowing how she was. And at the top of that list was Junhyung.

She remembered when Wooyoung asked her out on a date. When, although Junhyung told her he was a good guy. She couldn't do it. Wooyoung was kind, but still. Too shinning for the witch of the fairytale. Hyomin sighed, moving on to pick up Junhyung's scattered clothes. Why was she happy being a friend with Junhung but not allowed herself to find her own love? She always wanted to date since her long dating hiatus. When Junhyung heard she rejected Wooyoung, he comforted her. Because just like she knew him, he knew her. That was the power of their friendship. 'Did I turn him down just so Junhyung would comfort me?' She wondered, a thought she repeated since that day. It seemed like something a witch would do to control the knight. So she might have.

"Sunyoungie." Hyomin turned around to see the drunken Junhyung sitting up.

"Yah, lay back down. You probably have a bad headache right now." She scolded. When he didn't she sighed and decided to fix him a glass of water. "Here." She whispered handing him the glass, Hyomin took this chance and sat beside him. She didn't realize this was the first time she sat down in the last hour. He took the glass, drinking all in one go. "Sunyoungie. Why am I so selfish?" He asked, resting his head on her lap. Hyomin smiled a bit, 'How could he think that when I am the selfish one?'. "You are a man. You can't help it." She giggled when he tsked. She petted his head, humming a random tune. "I mean it. I wanted to keep Hara by my side. But I also wanted to keep you." She forgot that she was the cause of a few of their arguements. Even though she and Hara were friends, there were still times Hara grew angry at her for being around Junhyung. Hyomin froze for a second, 'He is just drunk.' , she told herself and went back to petting him. 'Just drunken talk.'

"I like being the only one allowed to call you Sunyoung. Having you come over. Having you to myself." He continued. 'He is drunk.' "But I know you have to find a guy. Find someone to love. Find someone to make you happy." Hyomin nodded, forgetting he couldn't see her. "But no one fits. They all look wrong next to you." Hyomin bit her lip, she had to stop herself from saying something stupid. Something that might make her lose her place by his side. The witch wasn't meant for the knight. Stories didn't work like that. He had to get better, so she can find him another princess. She needed to remember her place. "I don't want to see you hurt. So for some reason I just keep you to myself. I am so selfish" He finished with a low laugh. Hyomin wondered if he went to sleep. All she heard now was his deep breathing.

'Why are you like this Yong?' She asked herself. He wasn't selfish. Not like her. Hyomin couldn't say it out loud but his words matched her thoughts. She knew no one looked right next to her. Not when compared to him. Somewhere along the way her ideal type became based around him. Someone who could protect her. Shared and understood her love of fashion. Got her personality and didn't force her to be the 'y Hyomin' everyone loved. But let her be Sunyoung. Someone who was ok with being around 'the witch' and not the princess. She couldn't tell him this though. No. Because she accepted her fate as his closest female friend. His aid. She was the witch who helped the knight on his journey.

"I will find you the perfect guy Sunyoung. Just wait." He mumbled. Hyomin shhed him, smiling sadly at the back of his head. 'No need. I am happy in my current position. By your side.' She told herself. Yes, she was the selfish one. A selfish witch. Putting a spell on the knight. Forcing him to never allow another to take her place from her. Never letting her go. 

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[13/10] This updated is so lighthearted I am worried it is bad...


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Chapter 6: this is so nice ^^
indi1hitwaunder #2
Chapter 23: Welcome back!! I mish this one shot!!! Ohhb winner mino and boram!! Tats and odd pairing bt i love.. was a bit pissed wit mino at first.. bt glad its jx a misunderstanding.. update aoon ^_^
1123 streak #3
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
1123 streak #4
Chapter 20: Yessss! Finally you're back and congrats... Wow ill be waiting for it :-D
CoolPrettyGirl #5
Chapter 20: Finally! The days went fast waiting... XD... Congratulation on your award! I´ll be expecting your updates...
Kpop_fan21 #6
Chapter 19: I will wait for the update..T^T