∞ new year;

In love with Mr. Perfect
New year. Jessica could deny all she wanted but she was indeed anxious to start a new year. Even if school was something that she hated, something she would always love to be away from.
But like she would always say to herself, new year new life and who knows maybe the reach of a new love life. For friends she had Tiffany and Kris as best friends, that was all she needed. She brushed her hair yet once again, facing her mirror with a smile. She was ready and feeling pretty which was all she needed. She left her room and faced her mom and dad who were together making breakfast. 
"And Krystal?" she asked for her sister, her voice getting a little cold as she mentioned her. They get a long really well but at the same time they hate each other. She sat on the seat right in front of the counter and her mom placed a plate in front of her. Eggs and bacon, and not forgetting the glass of milk. "She left earlier, said she had to meet someone." And of course Jessica knew that person was Sehun. She leaned against her sit and ate silently, wondering about what she liked about him. Sehun was in Krystal class, which meant one year younger than Jessica. Yet they were in the same poetry club, they talked once or twice, about Krystal. She never got actually the chance to have a big conversation with him since she was always busy talking to everyone, not that she would get cocky but she was indeed popular around school. "Anyways, is my lovely daughter anxious for her first day?" her father asked and quickly her smile grew but she hid it, making a small pout and placing her arms above her chest. "Not at all daddy." she said and then the three of them started laughing. She loved her mornings with her parents.
Right after she finished eating her phone rang, she removed it from her pocket and picked up the call "Ayo wassup little lady" she heard her best friend voice on the phone and her grin grew even bigger, Jessica and Kris knew each other now for 1 year yet they were already super closed. She knew all of his secrets and so did he about her. 
"Ay wassup lil mama?" she said as chuckle ran out of , her parents simply glanced at each other with a funny look. "I'm here in front of your place to take you to school. In my new car"
"You're kidding. You have a car?!" her eyes widened and she picked her bag from the ground, who was ready since yesterday night, stood up and went to her parents to leave a kiss on their cheeks before running to the door, opening it to see Kris standing next to a black BMW, completely new and completely fashionable. She closed the door behind her and cocked a brow as a little smirk appeared in her looks. 
"How the he--" she couldn't talk, making her way towards him "Let's say Mr and Mrs Wu decided I needed a present for my last year on school, since I am such a good kid." he said with a playful tone as he opened his arms "Come here lil girl".
Jessica made her way to his arms, laughing still amazed with the amazing car Kris had. She wrapped her arms around his middle and squeezed him lightly, pulling enough to look in his eyes, he bent a little down and pecked her cheek just near . They were best friends indeed but sometimes they would get really intimate with each other. Everyone in school actually thought they dated but Jessica and Kris would always deny it. They were intimate indeed but they knew romance would ruin the beautiful friendship of them. 
Both got inside the car and Jessica got her seatbelt before turning the radio on. "Oh this is going to be an interesting year." She said and looked over to Kris who was wiggling his brows. "Well we are indeed the most popular couple in school so we have to have a big entrance" Jessica simply rolled her eyes as a laugh, then, left .


Kris, Suho, Jessica and Tiffany were sitting on the table, talking and laughing about nonsense. All the other kids would look at them simply for the fact they were all good looking and always smiling and laughing, no bad vibes just good harmony and let's not forget they were four of the most rich people on the school. Soon enough Chanyeol joined the table, sitting right next to Tiffany. Wasn't need to say those two had a thing even if it wasn't official. All the secret as and sweet smiles between each other.
"When will you go public?" Jessica asked, getting a piece of lettuce inside , moving her gaze to meet with Tiffany's who was suddenly with her cheeks a little pink. 
"Well she's the one who doesn't want to say anything" Chanyeol shrugged and all the the four of us widened our eyes, making Jessica laugh after "Oh damn, so it's true." Tiffany slapped Chanyeol arm and huff quietly. He moved his arms around her waist and rested his chin on her shoulder, smiling lightly "Tiffany noona. Will you give me the honor to call myself your boyfriend?" she looked over her shoulder and started laughing placing a small peck on his lips "Fine." 
Jessica started clapping and Kris whistled, they both got up and started to make noise to embarrass the new couple. Tiffany would only hide her face on Chanyeol shoulder while he would laugh.
"Long live to the couple!"

Right after the poetry club, Jessica noticed Sehun who was already by the door, she didn't see Krystal the whole day so she just assumed he knew where she might be, she gathered her stuff in her bag and ran to the door, tapping his shoulder and making him turn around. "Hm.. Oh Sehun?" she said with a soft yet delicate voice her breath. He flashed a smile, not a gentle or warm one but probably a polite one. "Jung Jessica." 
"Do you know where Krystal was.. is now?" she asked with a little sound of hope, he leaned against the door frame of Chemestry class, since there was no one leaving anymore and moved his gaze to her "Little Jung?"
"Yes." she said, hoping for a response but he would only smile at her "So..?" she raised both brows. "Well she said she would attend classes, we were together all morning but -- I don't know." He shrugged and Jessica rolled her eyes yet once again. "Well. Thank you for nothing" she said smiling slightly and pushing him enough to make her way out of the room. He noticed something on her table and ran to it, holding the book as a smile would grow bigger on his lips. He rushed over the door and looked around. Not finding her. "So, she reads Peter Pan?" he held the book and went through the pages, analyzing the book he had "Princess Jessica is actually still a little girl inside hm."


So KSJDKLASDHSAJKD i'm trying to do something new? Hm I hope you guys like it?

This is going to be a comedy/fluff thing heh. I really hope you guys enjoy.

Kisses to you all ! 


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babyhoon #1
Chapter 1: sweet & nice story thor
peterpan :))
Chapter 2: This fic is really cute ♡ I love the whole Peter Pan concept ♡♡♡
Chapter 7: Yes^^ go for a few days to clear your mind and body author nim!~
I really luv ur story and this is perf!
So just don't leaving us with the hanging chap here~
Chapter 8: aww its not that strange if an author dont feel like to continue his/her story.
but why dont you take a fresh breath for a few days to clear your mind? then inspiration will come to you :)
this story is simple yet sweet
but dont you think this story flows kinda fast. i mean sehun already realized that he addicted to sica after not too long they know each other? well, ignore this if you dont think so. just saying ^.^v
but really, isnt sehun nerd? it's written in foreword. but he's so sweet. who wouldnt fall for him? :3
and jessica feels jealous. woohoo! you have to tame hellsica, sehun! hwaiting~~ XD
Chapter 8: Aww i liked this story alot
Anyways thx for ur effort!!!
Gud luck in the future!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 6: yayyyy jessi is being the one aggressive in heree><
but that's ok tho
so i beth it sustal? just let the drama begin author nim^^
Jessicafanfics #8
Chapter 6: Peck peck :* nice Jessi !!! :D
thelostwishes #9
Chapter 6: omg why are all kissing and pecking HAHAHAHAH
just kidding
i love this story c:
Chapter 5: Love this story heheheheh i ship hunsica and krissica!!!!!!!
Update soon!!!!