I regret saying I DO

a/n: Don't have high hope on the fight scene =.= as I'm really bad at it.




“Yah, I heard that you went out with Bomi today.” Kris said to Chen but his gaze was fixed on his phone screen. “Really?” Baekhyun looked at Chen in disbelief. “Luhan hyung won’t be happy if he knows about this.” Chanyeol sighs.

“Guys guys! Can’t you take it easy?” Chen said, as he waved his hand in the air. “For your information hyung, I didn’t go out with Bomi. I was giving her a company to buy the groceries. Plus we’re not alone.” Chen emphasized that word to Kris. “Wait, what? You guys are not alone?” Baekhyun pointed out. Chen just nodded casually.

“Hyung, don’t tell me that Hana was also there.” Kyungsoo guessed perfectly as if he saw the whole seen. “Of course she is. Who else would it be?” Chen said. “Chen hyung, you’re really drawing disaster towards you.” Sehun warned. Chen gave Sehun what-do-you-mean look. Lay placed his hand at Chen’s shoulder, “Chen, I don’t know if you’re really stupid or just making you look stupid but, Sehun is right.” Xiumin nodded, “I wonder how Luhan will react with this… furthermore, with his current situation.”

All the boys sigh as they know the condition of Luhan’s marriage life with Bomi. “I wish he could stop making Bomi noona cry.” Tao frowned. Chanyeol patted his shoulder.

Soon after that, they heard a car’s sound came from the yard. They all were gathering at Kris’ place and they favorite spot in the house was the rooftop. Kyungsoo peeked at the yard and gasps. “This is not good.” He turned to the boys. “Why?” Tao asked. Baekhyun answered it for him. “Luhan hyung is here.” All 8 pairs of eyes were fixed at Chen. And he gave them a ‘what?’ look.

Without any warning the door was slammed out loud making the boys startled a bit. “Hyung” Sehun try to lighten up the heavy atmosphere but Luhan ignored him. “Where is Kim Jongdae?”

Chen stood up bravely. “I’m here.” Without any hesitation, Luhan grabbed his collar and slammed Chen to the wall. All of the boys stood up from their sit as they were shock at what they’ve just witnessed. “Luhan!” Kris yelled at him. Luhan sent all of them his death glare. “don’t. mess. up. with. my. business.” He hissed at them.

Baekhyun who was blocked in the front by Tao and Xiumin pulled out his phone and texted Bomi about what will happen between Luhan and Chen.






Bomi smiled at her daughter’s sleeping sight. She gave Hana a peck at her forehead and her hair. Suddenly, she received a text from Baekhyun.


From: Baekhyun

Bomi-ah, we need you A.S.A.P. Luhan hyung and Chen were-

anyway you must come in hurry. Kris hyung’s place.


Her eyes widened at Baekhyun’s text to her. She gazed her daughter worriedly and quickly dialed for someone.





“Naeun-ah. Oh Kai, you’re here too.” Bomi said as she grabbed her jacket from the edge of Hana’s bed. “Unnie what’s going on?” Naeun asked worriedly. “I’ve got to go now. Take care of Hana.” Bomi’s said to both, Kai and Naeun and then she drove to Kris’ place.

Naeun looked at Kai then to Hana who’s sleeping peacefully. Naeun sat beside her and Kai took out his phone and dial one of his friends as he predict on what’s going on. “Aish! Why aren’t they answering?!” Being a short-tempered person he is, he cursed out loud at his phone. Naeun threw a pillow at him. Kai looked at her in instant. “Shh! Hana’s sleeping!” Naeun warned. Kai sighs in defeated and sat across her bed.




Bomi arrived at Kris’ place and she can see that Kyungsoo was already waiting for her by the doorstep.  “Where’s he?” that’s the first word that came out from as she reached Kyungsoo. “They’re on the rooftop.” Kyungsoo lead the way to the rooftop and Bomi trailed behind him.


Chen was already bleeding because he was badly beaten up by Luhan. Meanwhile in the other hand, Luhan only got cut on his left cheek. “It’s not like you appreciate her or what.” Chen smirked at Luhan. “You bastard! What right do you have to talk to me like that?” Luhan practically yelled at him.

Chen spat blood, “We all know since Yeonju came back from abroad you were like a son who’s afraid to lose his mom. You always follow her tail where ever she went, you’ll always beside her! Until you forgot your responsibilities as a father and a husband” “Shut your mouth.” Luhan clenched his fist as tight as ever.

“You better filed a divorce with her then-“ Chen words were cut off by him. “Then what? Then you can claim her as yours?” Luhan raised a brow at him. “Don’t you think I didn’t know that you still had eyes on my wife Kim Jongdae.” Another punched earned from Luhan.

“STOP IT!” Bomi shouted from the door with Kyungsoo by her side. Chen eyes fixed at her and Luhan stood up without facing her. “What are you doing?” She shoved Luhan to the side and found Chen was bleeding on the floor. “Oh my god Chen!” she gasps and immediately knelt in front of him. Luhan was pissed off by the scene he just witnessed as Bomi helped Chen with his cut and bruises.

He grew impatient and grabbed Bomi by the hand. “Who the hell cause this?” he said as he shoved Bomi to his side. “It’s me.” Baekhyun said bravely. Luhan walked towards him, “DIDN’T I TOLD YOU TO GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BUSINESS?!” but Bomi stopped him. “Stop it Luhan! Now you want to hit Baekhyun because he called me?”

Luhan ignored her and continued to growl like a beast. Bomi stand in front of Baekhyun, protectively. Luhan let a sarcastic laughs, “Wow, now you want to back this guy up? You’re amazing Yoon Bomi.” Bomi glared at him. Lay and Tao helped Chen to get on the chair and Chanyeol with Kris tried to hold Luhan back.

“Why did you want to hurt these people who cared about you?” Bomi said to him. “Care for me? Do you think falling for his best friend’s wife is considered as ‘caring’ for me? It’s more like ‘crashing’ for me.” He hissed at her. Bomi let out a sighs. “Luhan, this is our problem. If you want to solve this, we’ll have a talk at home.” Bomi said and went down to her car.

Luhan left without any single sorry from him and just followed Bomi to their home.

“You might need a plastic surgery for this man.” Kris said to Chen as his face was full of cuts and bruises. “I’m more worried about Bomi noona right now.” Sehun sighs. Baekhyun and Kyungsoo nodded.









Kai and Naeun were surprised at the loud bang of the door and voices from downstairs. They looked at each other. “Wait over here with Hana. I’ll go and check it out.” Kai demanded. Naeun just nodded and embraced Hana in her hands.

He went out from the room and peeked downstairs from the balcony where you can see the living room. He can see Luhan was turning into a beast and it seems that he’ll eat Bomi in any time. Kai shook off his head and headed back to Hana’s room. “Is it Bomi unnie?” Naeun asked him. He nodded lightly. She let out a big sighs.

“Stay here, I’ll go downstairs and make sure there’ll be nothing happen to Bomi noona okay? Don’t worry.” Kai pecked her forehead. With that Kai closed the door and all the shouting voices can be heard clearly and unknowingly, a tear fell from Naeun’s eyes.





subscribers already? ; A ; thank you so much guys <333

well sorry if this update is not like what you guys espected.

it was like 3 a.m here and I'm badly want to post a chapter for Bomi's birthday today ^^

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ara2712 #1
Author-nim~ update soon juseyooo
Please updateeee i'm craving with ur story :"
Chapter 4: Please update this??
SonEMC #4
Can you update this????
SofiaTan082201 #5
Chapter 4: Please update i want them to be together as a happy family.........jebal authornim
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON!! want hanmi back together
hwangniyoung #7
Chapter 4: good story authornim :))
update soon pleaaasee