I regret saying I DO


“Thank you for giving us a company Chen.” Bomi smiles to his husband’s best friend, Chen. “It’s nothing really. I’m glad that I’m being able to give you two a company.” Chen stated sincerely. Chen took the trolley from Bomi’s hand, “Let me being in charge in this one.” He grins. Bomi just nodded her head.


“Chen-appa~” Hana tugged on Chen’s arm as she’s sitting in the trolley. “Yes?” Chen look at the beautiful angel in front of him. As Hana hugged her panda stuff, she pointed to her favorite cereal on the shelves behind Chen. Chen looked behind and chuckled. “How can I forgot about your favorite’s cereal baby girl?” he pinched Hana’s nose lightly and went off to grabbed a box of the cereal.


Bomi was watching from afar since she was getting milk powder for Hana earlier. A smile crept upon her face. Chen interaction with Hana is so like a real father-and-daughter-interaction. Deep inside her heart, she sighs on how busy Luhan is these days. He barely stays at home and busy with project and work at the office.


Chen looked up and saw Bomi standing about 3 shelves away from them. She seems lost and she’s getting skinner as she lost many weights for the past months. But still, Bomi is the prettiest girl Chen ever laid his eyes on. He knows that it’s a sin to fall for someone else’s wife. Moreover, this is his best friends’ wife. But Bomi is too precious to be denied off.


“Hey,” Chen placed his hands on Bomi’s shoulder. “Are you okay?” he gazed warily to her eyes. Bomi slowly nodded. “Did you get everything on the list yet?” he asked. Bomi just nodded instead answering his question. “I guess we’re done here then.” Chen said and pushed the trolley with his right hand while the other one was holding Bomi on the hands.


Many people who walk passed them in the mart will praise them.

“They really suit each other.”

“Lovely family.”

“They’re so cute with each other. Look at their daughter!”

“Her husband is so caring and sweet.”


Chen was smiling and sometimes gives them a bow for their compliment. But Bomi is too immersed with her own thought to realize what’s happening around her. Hana who’s witnessing her mother’s facial expression tugged on Chen’s shirt once again. Chen looked at Bomi and shook his head.


After they done at the mart, Chen offered to buy them a lunch but Bomi said that she’d work to do at home so Chen send both of them straight to their house. To their surprises, Luhan’s car was already parked at the front yard.


Chen took off his seatbelts as well as Bomi and they get off from his car. Chen was gathering the groceries meanwhile Bomi was getting Hana from the backseat. Chen put down the things in front off the door as she lifts Hana up and pecked her cheeks. Bomi once again thanked him for giving them a company to the groceries today. Chen nodded and get in his car.


Bomi told Hana to go in first while she’s gathering the things she purchased earlier. Hana grabbed her favorite cereal’s box and her panda and went in. Bomi stepped into the house and spotted her husband; Luhan was in the living room watching the television. Hana was busily showing off the cereal she get today in front of her father.


“You didn’t tell me that you’re coming home for lunch.” Bomi said as she arranged the fruits and vegetables in the refrigerator. She didn’t bother to look or greet him. Bomi got ignored as no answer was heard. She sighs and continues her things. As she get up from kneeling down in front of the refrigerator, Luhan stood right in front of her and closed the refrigerator door. Luhan was more like a beast with his eyes burning with anger, stare right into Bomi’s.


Bomi turned her head to the sides and try to bring up a topic for them. Before she could speak a word, Luhan cut her off. “Are you that low?” Although it was short, Bomi felt like she’d been stabbed by a knife in heart.  She turned to him with confusion on her face. “What?”


“I asked you, are you that low?” Luhan stares back at her. “What did I do to make you to call me like that??” Bomi raised her voice a bit. “Are you that low to ask another guy for a ‘family-date’ since you’re married? And you even had a kid on your own!” Bomi bit her lips in anger. She walk passed him since she knew that there’ll be no ending of this fight even if she fights for it and tried to stop it.


“YOON BOMI! I’M ASKING YOU!” Luhan shouted from the kitchen. Bomi blocked Hana’s ears with both of her hands and then she asked her to go into her room as she knew that this will be a long fight. Hana nodded and obeyed her mother’s order and went up to her rooms.


Bomi walked to the living room and she was hastily grabbed by the arm from behind by Luhan. “Do you want an answer? I’ll give it to you!” she yelled at him. “Do you think it’s possible for me with a child whose 3 years old shopping the groceries alone?! Huh?!” Bomi shot at him.


“Can’t you just ask your fellow sisters?” Luhan said; gritting hard on his teethes.  “What do you think them for? They also had their own life to take care of okay?!” Bomi glared at him. “THE QUESTION IS, DID YOU HAVE TO BUY THE GROCERIES TODAY AND NOT THE OTHER DAYS?!” Luhan shouted again.


Tears already forming in Bomi’s eyes, “You’re useless. Do you know that we already ran out of food? Oh well, you wouldn’t know right since you’re so busy with works.” She sarcastically said at him. Luhan send a death glares at her. “Do you know for whom I sacrifice and work out my for?!” he raised his voice.


“Sacrifice?” Bomi smirked at him as a tears slid down her cheek. “Do you think I’m that stupid? Do you think that I’m unemployed so it’s easy for you to fool me? You’re completely WRONG!” She wiped off her tears and walk closer to him. “I know all about your affairs with that Yeonju girl.” and went upstairs.

Luhan eyes widened. His tightened his fists and only one name came into his mind. “KIM JONGDAE” he hissed.




how's it? they're fighting ; A ;

Chen beware! ene


a/n: sorry for the first chapter. if you don't like it, i'm sorry ; n ;

next chapter will be a fight scene!

stay tuned!




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ara2712 #1
Author-nim~ update soon juseyooo
Please updateeee i'm craving with ur story :"
Chapter 4: Please update this??
SonEMC #4
Can you update this????
SofiaTan082201 #5
Chapter 4: Please update i want them to be together as a happy family.........jebal authornim
Chapter 4: UPDATE SOON!! want hanmi back together
hwangniyoung #7
Chapter 4: good story authornim :))
update soon pleaaasee