
Optional Bias Scenarios

“Ooh, look at this oppa! Isn’t this pretty?” You admired over a necklace.

“It’s look beautiful on you,” he replied like he had for the other things you’d pointed out.

“But this one speaks to me. Like it captures and aspect of my personality. The other ones were just nice looking. This one is different.”

He took your hand. “Then I’ll buy it for you.”

“No, oppa, you don’t have to,” you protested.

“I’m your boyfriend, I’m supposed to buy things for you,” he smiled.

“No. Between the two of us, I’m the one with a job here. You’re a broke trainee, soon to be broke newbie idol. I should be the one paying.”

“You need to let me do something for you though,” he sighed.

“Well it doesn’t have to be showering me in gifts. I don’t need that.”

“What do you need then?” He asked.

“Just for you to be here, to hold my hand, to…you know what? I just got an idea. Every time you want to buy me a gift, kiss me instead.”

“So you want me to kiss you?” He smirked and took a step closer.

“Y-yes,” you stuttered at the sudden closeness.

“Okay then,” he grinned cheekily and stepped back. “Let’s continue through the mall now,” he said, tugging on your hand so you’d walk with him.

“Meanie,” you pouted and gave him a lit hit on the shoulder.

He just laughed and swung your clasped hands as the two of you walked along. Luckily the place wasn’t too packed for a Saturday afternoon and the two of you could be a comfortable distance from the other groups of people.

You opened your mouth to comment on the song that was playing, when suddenly a pair of lips was meshed against yours. It took a moment to realize you were in your boyfriend’s arms, kissing him. Your first kiss in fact. Upon getting over the shock, you relaxed and kissed him back sweetly before he pulled away, removing his arm from your waist and all-leaving you in shock.

“C’mon let’s go,” he smiled at you like nothing had happened. Numbly, your legs started moving again to keep up with his pace.

“Does our agreement work both ways?” You asked breathlessly.

“I guess it can why-” he was cut short by your lips crashing on his. Pulling away, you left him equally shocked as you’d been a minute beforehand.

Smirking, you said, “C’mon oppa, let’s go. There’s a lot of shopping yet to do.”

With a huge grin on his face, he caught up to you. “I agree. I’m sure there will be a ton of things that I’ll be tempted to buy you,” he winked.

“Same can be said here,” you beamed and the two of you exchanged knowing looks. Kisses were way better than actual gifts anyway.

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GBaby06 #1
Chapter 2: Awwww! That was so sweet! Update soon!
This is amazing!
MintTOP #3
Oooooh requests? OwO
Lets see....When he finds you in the same bed as one of his band members but in reality the two of you had been drunk the night before and fallen asleep on the same bed XD