Lost Hope

Optional Bias Scenarios

Hey! Admin BNB here! I was just eating spoonfuls of nutella when I came across this blog…and tagged n it was Roxanne. The story of Roxanne mixed with some sappy songs created this scenario.

Warning: It’s super depressing (as what I always seem to write…) but I think it has a really deep meaning. Tell me what you think!




He waited. He waited a long time. For any news, for any information, for any hope.

Were you okay? He didn’t know.

Would you be okay? It would depend on the results.

Would he be okay? Same as above.

What were the results? Yet to be determined.

Deep down he knew, he knew it went wrong. Something was wrong. It wouldn’t take this long otherwise. You had had a pain, a horrible pain in your abdomen.

And now you were here. In this drab, depressing, hospital. And here he was. In this cold, plain, waiting room-anxious for any news.

Finally finally, someone comes and. He stands up. It’s the doctor. Just by the expression, he can see his worst fears are true.

“Is she okay?” he breathed.

“She will recover,” the doctor replied.

He swallowed hard. “And the other one?”

The doctors head shook no. The world seemed to crash down on him. He knew it, but didn’t want to believe it. somehow he found himself asking, “What was it?”

“Don’t know. Sometimes it just happens,” the doctor sighed.

He closed his eyes and nodded, trying to take it in. “Can I see her?”

“Yes,” the doctor said and brought him to the room where she was. His voice caught in his throat upon the sight of her hunched over figure. The doctor left them alone as he went to her side. He couldn’t say anything. There was nothing to say.

He put his arm around her as she sobbed into his shirt. Soon, he found himself crying too. Over the pain, over the emptiness, over the lifeless form in a box nearby. Over the lost hope.

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GBaby06 #1
Chapter 2: Awwww! That was so sweet! Update soon!
This is amazing!
MintTOP #3
Oooooh requests? OwO
Lets see....When he finds you in the same bed as one of his band members but in reality the two of you had been drunk the night before and fallen asleep on the same bed XD