Jin's Play House..?

Life As Kim Namjoon's Younger Sister. (HIATUS)

“Rise and shine princess ____!” Suga yells from the other side of my door. He knocks and I manage to utter a ‘come in.’

“Come on! I let you sleep an extra 3 minutes, we’re going to be late for school,” he says and drags me on my feet.

“Fine!” I say groggily and run in the bathroom to get ready.

“Sassy, much?” I can hear him lightly chuckle.

“Very,” I yell back and change my clothes.  I head out the bathroom and he’s patiently waiting on my bed.

“Well let’s go then!” I say and he raises his hands up, widening his eyes, before walking out the door like that.  I follow him and I see that his driver is already waiting outside.

“Someone’s a bit moody today,” Suga comments and I scoff.

“It’s because you woke me up from what I call my beauty sleep,” I say.

“Magic words honey, what you call. Not what I call, not what anyone else calls,” Suga says and I face him with a very offended look.

“I’m just kidding,” he laughs and ruffles my hair.

“Aishie, I just fixed my hair!” I complain and try to straighten it.

“It was bound to get messy again,” he simply shrugs and smirks at me.

“Fine. Fine. Then you should stop breathing cause that’s bound to happen as well,” I say and glare him down.

“That was really hurtful; it cut my heart so deep. You took my heart out of my chest and ripped it,” he pretends to get emotional on me.

“Aish, really!” I laugh and smack him playfully on the shoulder.

“Respect people older than you, child,” he says and by the time he does, we’re at the school grounds.

“Hey ___!” Ara calls from the ‘group.’

“Look it’s Suga and _____,” Hoseok walks up to me and pats my head.

“What is it with you people and ruining my hair? Did you all plan this or something?” I say and fix my hair once more before Min pulls me over.

“You will never believe what happened at work yesterday!” Min begins giggling.

“What happened?” I ask curiously and I can see that Ara is already beet red.

“So Luhan-sshi came over to buy a drink, since he came from soccer practice, and Ara was in charge of the counter,” Min cuts herself off my laughing.

“And at the same time, Eun Seo was in the restaurant, trying to catch a glimpse of BTS. However, they were all too consumed in beating each others highscore on this app. So anyway, Eun comes up to order and at the same time Luhan-sshi comes up to order. Then Eun becomes all flirty mode on him and Ara was so jealous. Luhan-sshi was just politely talking back to Eun Seo, and Ara comes along and asks him what he wants. He orders his usual and then when she gets it from the kitchen, she comes back to see Eun trying to kiss him and she grips the cup so hard that it bursts open. The funny thing is, while I saw it erupt, it splashed all over Eun Seo’s clothes and it spilled a bit on the floor. Eun cursed at Ara and Ara tried to get a towel but she slipped. Then after she slipped, Luhan helped her up and Ara was so red and frozen that I had to literally drag her back in the kitchen.” Min laughs as the memory seems to replay in her head.

“Oh my god, I can’t believe I missed that! So not cool,” I groan and slump my shoulders.


“You’re sleeping in my house today am I right?”

“You’re Jin.” I joke and he rolls his eyes playfully.

“Yes, yes I am,” Jin says and snaps his fingers and places the same hand on his hip.

“Did you just sas the sas-queen?” I raise an eyebrow as I continue to joke with him.

“I believe so, and who ever made you sas-queen surely hasn’t met me yet,” Jin smirks and I burst out laughing.

“You’re like the diva version of barbie! Oh my gosh,” I say and he chuckles lightly.

“Glad you enjoyed the performance,” he sarcastically bows.

“I really, really did,” I say and wipe the tears away from my eyes.

“I could tell,” he says as we wait for his driver to arrive.

“Where are the others?” I ask suddenly noticing that they weren’t currently with us.

“Didn’t they tell you? V and Junkook got into a fight with these new transfer students,” Jin says.

“Seriously?” My eyes widen and I feel a huge wave of worry crash inside me.

“They’re a bit beaten up, but they still won the fight. The transfer students, they’re twins, they went to the emergency room,” Jin shudders.

“Was it that bad?” I ask.

“They all were badly beaten, I think they’ll be in the hospital tomorrow.” Jin says and points at a car that approaches us.

“Is this one of those Part Buses or something?” I ask as I step in the spacious bus.

“It looks like one but it’s like a portable house. Like and RV,” he says and sits down on the couch.

I look at the T.V, bathroom, sink, and bed. “This is…wow.”

“Huh, nice explanation you got there,” Jin laughs.

“Do you expect me to be able to describe all this..coolness.. in a few words? You’re crazy then,” I say and plop down on the bed.

“Thank you,” he says and I we continue talking with sarcasm until he informs me that we’ve arrived at his home.

There are 3 large mansions. One in the center, which is obviously the most huge , and two twin ones on either side.

“The middle one is the common house, many workers stay their and our office rooms and basically extra rooms are in there. The left house is my parents, and the right would be mine.” He tells me as we head for the large doors of his mansion.

“Huh,” is all I am able to say. When he lets me in, I swallow hard.

“WHY CAN’T MY HOUSE BE LIKE THIS?” I yell as I see all the fun slides and ladders there are.

“I asked my dad to make my mansion fun for me, it’s really fun. You should go to the trampoline room, everything there is a trampoline. You can jump ANYWHERE in that room. There are even different levels of trampolines so you can jump higher up and down and all around,” he says and laughs.

“If you take this ladder, it leads to one of the guest rooms, just open that door on the top. We can play after studying,” Jin grins and I run up the ladder, throwing the door thing at the top of it open. I crawl into a room that is filled with many fun slides itself. When successfully in, I close the square door thing that’s basically on my room floor, and I lock it.

“Study first play later ____,” I say to prevent myself from running around this play place.


“JIN OPPA! JIN OPPA! I’M DONE.” I scurry done the ladder and wait for him to come down his ladder.

“Yah! Hold on,” he shouts and jumps down from his room, landing on the bouncy floor.

“Do you want to go to the trampoline room?” He asks and I nod vigorously.

“Okay lets go, I’ll just ask someone to deliver our food there.” He says and scans the room.

“That purple slide goes down into the trampoline room, have your feet out straight and ready to jump.” He says and runs over to it, sliding down without hesitation.

“It’s all clear, you can come down now.” He says and I can hear him bouncing. I stick my feet out front he said to and slide down, I feel myself falling and I get ready.

When I open my eyes I find myself jumping up and down.

“Uwa, this is amazing!” I scream and jump up and everywhere.

“I know right,” Jin says and copies my action.


“Next Thursday I’ll show you the hole room. You just pick a hole, any hole, and you keep going through them until you find your way out. Eventually all paths end, it’ll probablytake you a good 1 and ½ of an hour.” He says and fixes my hair as I snuggle into my blanket.

He yawns, “I’m going to sleep now ____, goodnight.”

“Goodnight, Jin oppa.” I say and watch him jump down and out my room.

“This place is wonderland,” I mumble.


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Chapter 1: Just so u know it's jungkook not jeongguk (^ω^)
jeyjey_120 #2
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: I love this story pleasse update soon <3
jeyjey_120 #3
Chapter 1: This kinda reminds me of a kdrama so far and I love it <3
lyxnx1004 #4
Chapter 11: Nice story, cant wait for next update!
Puppyloz #5
Chapter 11: plz update
Chapter 11: Update soon!!!