Onto Kookie's house

Life As Kim Namjoon's Younger Sister. (HIATUS)

After a tiring day at the Kim household, it’s finally Sunday. Time to go to Jung Kook’s house!

“I’ll walk you there!” Taehyung says as we head down the stairs of his mansion. “Thanks, I don’t even know where he lives.” I sigh when I finally realize that.

“It’s nearby,” Taehyung says and slips his shoes on, waiting for me to put mine on. After I do, he opens the door and hops outside. He pops his collar and walks by me, silently.

“I guess your V act is on.” I smirk at him and watch as a girl walking by points at us and squeals.

“Shut up.” He coldly says and shoves his hands into his jean pockets. I shrug and follow him as he quickens his pace.

“Sorry about that.” He mumbles as we cross to another block. It takes a few minutes but we arrive at Jung Kook’s house.

“Be good to him.” He smirks and ruffles my hair quickly before heading back home.

I ring the doorbell and it flies open.

“Yeoboseyo! I’m a friend of Jung Kook-sshi.” I say and smile at the older lady.

“Oh! Well do come in, Jung Kook’s upstairs.” She says and closes the door, practically shoving me upstairs with a smile.

“Jung Kook, a girl is waiting for you. She’s quite pretty too!” The lady says and pats my shoulder.

“Eomma!” Jung Kook groans from his room and walks down.

“Annyeong _______-ah.” He greets me with a lot of excitement.

I wave and nod at him.

“Let’s go upstairs and play a video game today!” He says and grabs my hand, pulling me to his room.

“What is it with boys and big houses?” I sigh and let him drag me to his chair.

“Well we’d have to be rich to rent you every week, no?” He says as he grabs a controller.

Oh. Duh.

I pick up a controller myself and stare at it stupidly.

“What? What do I do with this thing?” I ask him and he bursts out into a fit of laughter.

“YAH! Jung Kook, just teach me!” I whine and pout.

“Okay, okay.” He stops laughing and pets my head, “You’re just so cute.

“Thanks, I already know that.” I giggle and he just genuinely shrugs at me.

“You probably did.” He chuckles and throws the control book at me.

“Read it, while I kill me some zombies.” He gives you an eye smile and lies on the bean bag chair before starting the game.

After getting a basic hang of it I sit down next to Jung Kook and have him start a new game.

“Are you ready to die ______-ah?” He gives me an innocent smile.

“You wish.” I nudge him over and lie on the bean bag as well.


The game begins and both of us are pushing buttons frantically, the clicking rings through the room.

“I’ve killed 52!” Jung Kook brags and I scoff.

“Bragger,” I say and continue the game.

“You’ve only killed 40, HA!” Jung Kook starts pushing the buttons faster and harder.

“Actually, it’s 51. You still have 58, speed your game up pretty boy.” I start laughing as my hands dig onto the buttons deeper and my reflexes become quicker.

“Whatever, I’m still ahead of you!” He laughs as he goes on some killing frenzy.

I just groan and lean closer to the screen as I become more focused on the game. In the end Jung Kook beats me by 11 zombies.

“It’s my first time so that wasn’t SO bad,” I say and toss the controller on his lap.

He turns off the PSP system and mutters, “Beginners luck.”

“I heard that Kookie!” I say and lightly kick the back of his leg with my knee.

“You were supposed to!” He shoots back and tackles me on the bed.

“What are you doing?” I ask while my cheeks flush uncontrollably.   

“It’s not good to resort to violence.” He sits up and shakes a finger at me.

“Well I’m sorry mother!” I giggle and he chuckles with me.

“You’re weird.” He jokes as his face scrunches up.

“Hey! You’re weird too!” I say and slap his arm playfully.

“I’m weird because of you,” he retorts.

“Ha! Sure,” I scoff. “You’ve only met me yesterday!”

“First impressions are the biggest!” Jung Kook smirks.

“Oh really? Well Mr.Gangster isn’t the best impression either!” I say and shove him a bit.

“I never said it was.” He grins and shrugs playfully at me.

I just giggle and lie down on his bed, “Your bed is comfy.”

“Just like me!” Jung Kook says and hugs himself.

“You’re a cute little boy.” I say and he gasps dramtically.

“I act little, yes, but I’m not little!” He says pouts at you like a 10 year old would.

“But you act no older then a 5 year old!” I say and sit up to ruffle his black, silky hair.

“It doesn’t mean I am one! Key word: act.” Jung Kook says and crosses his arms over his chest, causing his shirt to shift.

“But still,” I mumble and wave my head dismissively.

“Then can I call you noona?” Jung Kook’s pouty behavior turns into complete enthusiasm.

“Why not?” I just shrug and play with his purple bed sheets.

“Oh yeah, you’ll be sleeping in another room. Follow me noona!” He runs out the room, leaving me surprised. I walk after him into a cute, yet huge, room.

It had nice white walls with a fluffy bed. With the bed was a pink headboard where you can place items in the shelves. It was next to a wide window with silky sky blue curtains.

A few spaces away from the bed was a wide desk with many shelves and drawers, Across from that (meaning on the other side of the room) was a huge door leading into a personal walk in closet. Then near that was a door leading to a cute mini-bathroom.

It was a bit like Taehyung’s offer, except more decorative.

The T.V was placed on the wall, under my new clock.

“Wow! This is amazing Jung Kook!” I squeal and sit on the fluffy bed, causing it to bounce real quick.

“Yeah, I know.” He pops his imaginary collar and says, “Well have fun staying in the room because I’m going out for ice cream:

“I’m coming with you.” I say as I brush my fingers along the fluffy blanket.

“Well come on then! I’m not waiting for 5 months.” He taps his foot impatiently.

“Okay, okay I’m coming.” I say and get up, racing downstairs alongside him.

“Eomma! We’re going out for some ice cream!” Jung Kook shouts and after that, we’re out the door.

“Race you there!” With that, he takes off.

“Wait what?” I’m in confusion and then, “HEY WAIT!”

I run breathlessly behind him, making every turn as he does until we finally reach the park where a truck was parked.

“I’m getting vanilla! Noona, buy it for me?” He stares at me with the most angelic looks ever.

“Alright, stop with the look.” I groan and fish out a $5 bill.

“2 vanilla ice creams please!” I say and the woman hands me what I ordered. She smiles at me and gives me my change which I shove in my pocket.

“Let’s head home.” Jung Kook takes my hand as we slowly walk home.

Once again, my face flushes.

We reach the house no later than 5 minutes.

“Hey wait a second, how come it wasn’t this fast of a walk before!?” I ask in annoyance.

“Because I wanted to trick noona, so I ran a huge square before coming here.” He giggles and slips his hand out of mine to unlock the door.

“Eomma, we’re home!” He announces.

“Already?” She shouts back.

“Well yeah. We just went out for ice cream, nothing more, nothing less.” He says cheerfully and we head back to his room.

“That was fun!” He smiles and turns the T.V on.

“I guess, in a totally cruel way yet cute way, it was.” I giggle and continue my ice cream.

“Let’s watch a movie noona!” Jung Kook opens a case in the corner of his gigantic room.

“Why do you have so many?” I ask as I scan through them.

“Because I like movies, just like I like noona!” Jung Kook gives me a childish and bright smile.

“Noona likes you too,” I sigh and continue scanning through the movies.

“Of course, everyone does!” He playfully chuckles.

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Chapter 1: Just so u know it's jungkook not jeongguk (^ω^)
jeyjey_120 #2
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: I love this story pleasse update soon <3
jeyjey_120 #3
Chapter 1: This kinda reminds me of a kdrama so far and I love it <3
lyxnx1004 #4
Chapter 11: Nice story, cant wait for next update!
Puppyloz #5
Chapter 11: plz update
Chapter 11: Update soon!!!