V or Kim Taehyung?

Life As Kim Namjoon's Younger Sister. (HIATUS)

"You live here!?" I practically scream at Taehyung after seeing this huge mansion.

"What did you expect?" Taehyung- I mean V- scoffs.

He walks right to the doorstep and slides in his card, then inside that is another door which he opens with a regular house key. I just watch him, fascinated. Once he opens the door a maid awaits inside, "Sir, let me take your jacket."

He gives it to her and beckons me to follow him upstairs. I do and I can definitely see all the maids this boy owns.

"Where are your parents?" I ask in confusion.

"They live in the second building." He swings a door open, "This is your room for today."

I nod and sit on the white bed sheets.

"On Friday, I think you should gather some clothing to put into these empty drawers. Not a lot though, because you have to evenly separate them into 7 houses." Taehyung informs me before he leaves to his room.

The door opens a bit again, "You can change into your other clothes." Then the door closes again.

I open the door leading into a spacious bathroom and change my clothes there, I also adjust my hair before heading back to my room.

"Hello Ma'am, would you like anything?" A soft voice asks from the other side of my bedroom's door.

"I'm fine, thank you!" I shout.

"Miss, I was ordered to tell you that you have been summoned to Sir Taehyung's room." Her voice is nice and soft.

I roll my eyes at Taehyung's order and head out, "Thank you for telling me." I give her a slight bow and search for Taehyung's room.

I end up, somehow, in his game room. There was another maid cleaning things up there. "Excuse me? Do you know where Taehyung-sshi's room is?" I ask her.

She looks up at me, "Well Ma'am, if you go down this hallway and make a left, two doors down you will find his room."

"You look very young, may I ask your age?" I look at her in wonder.

"I am 15." She blushes and looks at her feet.

"Wow! You're really young and I hope we can be friends. My name is Kim ______, nice to meet you." I say and stick my hand out for her.

"I'm Seol Yunae, I hope I will be seeing you around." She bows at me and shakes my hand.

"We will." I smile and wave at her before heading to Taehyung's room.

It's actually across my room, wow. Fail.

I knock on the door and it opens, "What do you want V?"

He shrugs, "I don't know, but you do realize that on Mondays I am your master." He smiles.

"I guess." I sigh and fiercely pout at him.

"Well that means you have to do whatever I want." He smirks and grabs my wrist, letting me enter the room.

"And that is?" I challenge.

"I'll think about it." He chuckles at me and lets my wrist go. It swings lightly by my side.

I just sit on the floor and stare at him as he lays on the bed.

"Gee, I never said you had to be a dog." He smirks at his comment while I blankly stare at him.

"Hey! ______, are you gonna say something or just stare at my handsome face?" He asks and snaps his fingers at me.

"You have no respect what-so-ever, and you only wish you were handsome." I turn my head to the left and look out the window.

"Okay the first half may be right, but you have to admit that I am handsome." He says and crosses his arms over his chest as he sits up and faces me. His eyebrows raise daringly.

"You look like a puppy, you look like an actual puppy who just loves attention. A puppy with an ugly personality. I don’t even know why people like you, probably for your looks. If you were as ugly as your inner self, you wouldn’t be fit to call yourself human." I say and let my feet stay straight in front of me as I put my weight on my arms and look at him.

"I may have a baby face, and act like a baby most the times, but I am not some rude jerk who has no manners and no life." He falls back on the bed with his back facing me.

"Just because you have a family who lets you act like a baby, a reputation that is not being a jerk and a gang member, and an easy life where everything goes your way, where everything is normal and casual..doesn't mean my life is the same. I hate when people judge me on that. You can leave my room now." He says, not glancing at my shocked figure once.

I don't move and his voice hints of annoyance, "It wasn't a question, it was an order. Go to your room and leave me alone. If you want, you can head over to Jung Kook's house already.

I quickly run out his room and enter mine.

Thinking about everything he said I tried to connect the pieces. I took at my diary that I keep in my purse, making sure nobody reads it when they think I’ve gone out. I scribbled my thoughts on his words.

“If his family doesn’t let him be childish, they must want him to mature right? He might be the one child that his family expects from. Despite his gangster image, Taehyung may actually love his parents. He might have sacrificed his childhood to help the family. They do live in a rather expensive mansion, so maybe they have a really complex business or job? Maybe they want Taehyung to be the next one working for their family. That means if Taehyung matures quicker, then this dream will be reality sooner. Right?

Maybe BTS were friends even before the gang started. Maybe Taehyung’s just in the gang to keep his friends. I think something may have occurred that led these boys to turn into one gang. Maybe one of them was hurt and the others stood up for that guy.Then that must have caused rivalry right? Maybe the gang thing isn’t to Taehyung’s liking at all. Maybe he wants to be a normal person that well..shows a lot of his fluffy side. Taehyung seems like he just wants to hang out with his true friends, and not have all this drama around him. I think he just keeps this jerky act to make it more believable that he is in that group. He wants to leave but he can’t because he wants to stay with his friends, and he wants them to be happy..to be proud that he is also like one of them. I guess, right??

This means that everything in his life has never gone to his liking. He has never got it his way, he has never been able to get what he wants. He may be spoiled by his parents but that doesn’t mean he has everything he wants..

Aish, maybe I’m over-thinking this. He might be trolling you ______. Keep your guard up and keep your cool.

But opening up a bit towards him won’t hurt right?

I put down my pen and throw the diary into my purse, which is always thrown into my drawer.

I bet he hates me even more now. I bet he wants to destroy my guts, stab me until there is no space left un-stabbed.

I gather my emotions up and knock on his door. When it opens, my confidence is drained away. “I-I just wanted to a-apologize for earlier, I may have j-judged you a tad bit too s-soon. I practically only met you face to face t-today so I’m sorry about..about that.”

There’s a light chuckling and his hand pats my head, “Aw you’re so cute.” With that he walks past me and hops down to the kitchen.

I shake my head and follow him down to the dining room where food is prepared for us. I can’t help but silently watch Taehyung gobble the food like a 5 year old. While he’s eating his eyes light up and his cheek puffs up a bit. I manage to tear my eyes my eyes away from the scene and eat my own food.

“You eat so slowly! Here let me help you.” He pokes my fork into the meat and lifts it to my face.

“Blow,” he commands and I do as told.

“Now open your mouth.” Once I do, he puts the food in my mouth and lets it drop from the fork to my tongue. “And chew.”

I chew and pout at him only to see his eye smile.

I swipe my fork back from him, “You should smile like that more. It looks..nice.”

Taehyung chuckles, “Don’t guys say that to girls and not vise versa?”

I shrug, “What? It’s true, and it’s also true that you are a pabo.”

I smile as he dramatically gasps, “You did not just call me that.”

I nod, “Yeah, I did.”

And that’s when the race starts. It’s a big house so I have a chance but then again Taehyung is one of the top 3 runners in our entire school. So the chances are like 50-50. Of course, I just happen to get tired and fall inside a room full of stuffed animals.

“YAH! Why’d you go in there!?” Taehyung yells as he helps me to my feet. “I just sort of fell in.”

He hurriedly tries to push me out the door. I just casually walk around him a pick up a lion doll that’s resting by the door.

“Why do you have a room full of stuffed toys?” I ask and comb the ion’s mane with my fingers.

“Don’t touch him!” He snatches the lion doll away from me. “When I was a child I loved to play with stuffed toys. Is that bad?” He sarcastically asks as he places the doll next to a toy duck.

“Just wondering,” I say and throw my hands up defensively.

“That lion doll is the most precious one okay? So don’t touch it. In fact, don’t touch any of these. Let’s get out of this room.” He shoves me outside with him.

“No need to get all touchy.” I giggle and he pouts.

“They’re mine so don’t steal them.” He says and closes the door.

“I won’t steal them V.” I laugh and head to my room.

“My name is Taehyung, not V. V is someone you see in public.” He walks past me and gives a small smile. For some reason my heart accelerates and I look away from him to hide my slightly pink cheeks.

“Last one to their room is a chicken!” He calls and runs in top speed.


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Chapter 1: Just so u know it's jungkook not jeongguk (^ω^)
jeyjey_120 #2
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: I love this story pleasse update soon <3
jeyjey_120 #3
Chapter 1: This kinda reminds me of a kdrama so far and I love it <3
lyxnx1004 #4
Chapter 11: Nice story, cant wait for next update!
Puppyloz #5
Chapter 11: plz update
Chapter 11: Update soon!!!