Mondays with Hoseok

Life As Kim Namjoon's Younger Sister. (HIATUS)

“Get up noona!” Jung Kook barges into my room and jumps on the edge of my bed.

“Wae?” I whine as he rips the blanket off me.

“It’s Monday! We have school remember?” He takes my arm and helps me up.

“Arraso! Now get out of my room,” I say and wave him off weakly.

“You have 15 minutes!” Jung Kook says and walks out my room.

I hurriedly brush my hair, and since I have no other clothes I call Ara and ask to borrow some of hers. I guess I’ll have to do with these until I see Ara.

Jung Kook notices me putting my shoes on and finishes his bread quickly, “Let’s go!” He says and takes my hand.

I spot Ara by the bus stop and thank her for the clothes. She simply giggles and pulls me to the closest clothing shop so that I can change in the dressing room. I pack my old clothes in my bookbag and off we go!

“So how was the first 2 days of rental ____-ah?” She smiles at me as we board the school bus.

“Ehh.” I shrug

She chuckles as we take our seats.

“Annyeong, _____-ah!” J-Hope peeks at me from the seat behind.

“Annyeonghaseyo,” I say and smile at him.

“You’re mine today right?” He asks.

“I guess,” I nod and he beams at me.

“Just making sure.” He says before continuing his talk with the others.

When we arrive on school grounds, Min flings herself onto me, “So what happened those 2 days?”

“Nothing,” I hiss as we walk into the bulidling.

“Hey ______.” V greets with a flirty tone before winking at me.

“Hello.” I say slowly.

“Oh, and hey to you two too.” V smirks at my two friends.

“Hey V,” Min pats his head and shoves him off.

“Since when were you guys all buddy-buddy? Last time we saw you two together, you both were practically throwing daggers at one another with your eyes.” Ara opens her locker.

“Stop exaggerating,” I tell her while I take out my textbooks.

“She is so not,” Min supported Ara while closing her locker door.

“Well I just had a bad first impression,” I simply say and close my locker as well.

“And what exactly, did he do to change your stubborn mind?” Min asked me and I could hear the seriousness hinting its way out.

“Nothing, we just talked.” I answer and head toward my classroom.

“You are so lucky I’m in a different class than you ______, you are so lucky.” Min eyed me before walking off.

“But I’m in the same class as you and you know I won’t fail to embarrass you if you don’t tell me what’s up.” Ara casted her deathly smile at me.

“We just talked about our family backgrounds, well actually our lives’ background, and then yeah. We just kinda buddied up.” I shrugged mindlessly before entering our Math Class.

Jung Kook was sitting behind my desk, awaiting me.

He was smiling straight at me, more like smirking, so I nodded at his direction. I could hear the whispers of girls crowding us and I could see Jung Kook’s smirk growing after I noticed him.

“Annyeong! How’s my favorite noona doing?” he cooed so softly that only Ara and I were able to hear him clearly.

Ara flashed me a grin that read, ‘You have a lot of explaining to do.’

I sighed and smiled at both of them before starting my work.

I could feel Jung Kook kicking my chair from under his desk and every time he did, I would mess up my answer. I understood that he wanted attention, but why in the middle of class? Correction, beginning of class.

“I can’t believe I have to wait a week for noona to come back,” Jung Kook gently trailed his slender fingers down my back.

Ara’s smile twitched meaning I was in real trouble now.

“Stop Kookie,” I whine under my breath.

“Sorry noona,” Jung Kook apologized, but I could hear the smirk behind it all.

“Yo, teach! Open up!” There was a banging on the door.

The teacher sighed, knowing it was one of his older students.

“Some old lady told me to deliver this to you,” V muttered shoving the paper into the man’s hand.

“Thank you Taehy-----”

“I prefer V, thanks teach.” V interrupted despite how rude that sounded.

“Well since when was Jung Kook so touchy with you?” V walked up to my desk. His smirk matched Jung Kook’s.

“Ayo, wassup V?” Jung Kook withdrew his hand from my back and stood up.  They grabbed each other’s hands and leaned in for a bro-hug.

“Nothing much man, I gotta go before that old hag yells at me for being late.” V says.

Jung Kook chuckled, “Right, see you around man.”

“Laters,” He walked to the door and didn’t fail in winking at me before he left.

The girls squealed.

“They interacted.”

“I totally ship them.”

“If Jung Kook isn’t mine, he is V’s.”

“V is so hot, but then again nobody in BTS isn’t hot.”

I rolled my eyes and Jung Kook leaned into my ear, “Let’s hang out during lunch today Noona! You can sit with me and the boys! Oh and Ara-yah too!”

I loved being able to see his childish side, which half of the school probably didn’t have the chance to ever see.

I nodded and he leaned back into his seat.

“____-ah!” J-Hope greeted as we sat in their table. I was sitting between him and Ara.

A few girls mumbled while walking by for the 10th time, “How come they get to sit there but we can’t? Damn them.”

I scoffed loudly, signaling to the girls I heard them. When they looked at us nervously Min gave them a death glare, and Min is very..very scary at times.

But I’d say Ara is the scariest out of all of us, nobody’s scared o f her because she doesn’t usually get angry.

“I have a feisty girlfriend, ____ is such a bad influence.” Namjoon jokes.

“You have the best sister, admit it.” I stick my tongue out.

V smirks while muttering something to Jin who chuckles and smack V’s shoulder.

“One should never tell lies,” Namjoon teases.

“And here is our leader everybody,” Suga jokes and Namjoon playfully punches Suga in the arm.

“Shut up Sugar,” Namjoon teases back.

“You did not!” And then they go at it, teasing one another playfully.

“We are such a messed up group,” Jin sighs as he leans his head on his milky white hand.

“I’m sorry you can’t handle the heat, gramps.” Jimin teases and the group bursts out laughing.

“Here I bought you clothes to last you until Friday.” Namjoon took a mini bag out of his book bag and threw it at me.

I caught it and gave him my thanks before heading off to where J-Hope was leading me.

“You know how to ride a motorcycle?” He asks as he fastens his helmet and hands me one.

“No,” I answer as I strap my helmet on as well.

“Well I do,” he says and hops on, waiting for me to latch onto him. When I do, you begins the engine.

“Why the hell have you been so touchy around BTS lately?” One of his fangirls shout. I had a remark at the tip of my tongue but J-Hope beats me to it.

“It’s actually BTS’s decision. She IS Namjoon’s sister and we have a duty to protect our leader’s younger sister.” That sounded so believable.

I would’ve fallen for that lie except I didn’t because I knew the truth, and the truth was BTS had rented me.

“Oh sorry ____-ah! BTS are so sweet! But they’re super hot being badass too.” The same girl spoke softly.

J-Hope chuckled and sped off with his motorbike.

“SLOW DOWN,” I order him as my grip on his waist tightens. I was pretty sure my nails and sunk in deep.

“Are you kidding me? This isn’t even half the speed I normally travel at!” J-Hope laughs and in around 5 minutes he rides up to a gate.

He slides his card in, types a pin and types a password before the gates open and allow him to enter.

The gates close once he’s in and he opens the garage door. He parks his bike next to the other 14 that are parked next to each other in the garage.

“Well let’s go inside,” he smiled and brushed his fingertips over a scale before an elevator door opened.

“Someone can easily fall for that as a plain wall J-Hope,” I warn him.

“That’s the point,” He ruffles my hair and the door opens at the same time.

He walks through these stairs and hallways, I’m so confused right now.

Down, straight, left, up, straight, down, right, straight, BINGO.

When I plop onto my huge new bed, I don’t even have the strength to do anything else except lie there.

“If you need something press this button right here, and hold it while you speak. It travels to the maids’ room. Someone will answer you. My bedroom is two doors on your left if you want to know.”

“Wait they share one room?” I question about his maids.

“No, silly. They have their own section, it’s House 3b. They all have their own room but the speaker travels to their common room. But there are maids taking a night shift and a day shift so you can peek out the door, shake the bell’s string to ring it, and someone will assist you.” He smiles at me before sitting next to me and my hair out of my face.

“Thanks,” I mumble. So far, J-Hope has the most classy house.

He smiles before exiting the room to do his work, and leaving me to do mine while sprawled on the bed.


“I can’t believe you like V AND our maknae!” J-Hope suddenly says, barging into the room and sitting on my bed once again.

Yep that gave this potato the strength to sit up straight, “When did I say I liked them!?” I was done with my work and I guess he just finished his.

“It’s obvious by your actions toward them. You three are so needy of each other,” J-Hope casually shakes his head.

“It’s just because I’m closer to them. By Friday, I’ll equally favor all of you.” I say and my arms cross over my chest.

“No, I’ll be your favorite.” J-Hope cheekily smiles at me.

I can’t help but flush, “And why so?”

“Because I’ll be the one helping you out with all your problems.” J-Hope softly ruffled my hair again before yawning.

“ W-We’ll see about that.” I stubbornly bite my inner cheek.

He huffs, “That hurts.” He dramatically places his heart on his chest and flings onto the bed.

“It hurts so much. I don’t think I’ll be able to move until you get buy me something.” J-Hope coughs and breathes heavily.

I am about to say something smart but I slip off the bed and land on my behind.

“Aww man,” I say and sit up.

“Fate really must have wanted you to keep your mouth shut,” J-Hope looks down at me from the bed.

“Shut it,” I growl, totally unamused.

“Hey, the truth hurts. May I remind you who shattered my feelings a few minutes ago?” He raises an eyebrow and does the most wild face I have ever seen.

I stand up while saying, “Ew! You have really creepy expre—OUCH!”

I grab my left forearm with my right hand, and I’m on the floor again. I rub my arm to soothe it, but it doesn’t help.

“Wow, you are so clumsy. I guess that’s the first problem I have to help you with.”

“I just hit my hand on the bed that’s all.” I say and in a few moments J-Hope tiredly chuckles.

“Let me help you,” he says and lifts me up like I’m his bride or something. He places me on my bed and tucks me in, “Night _____, I’m gonna go sleep.”

I yawn as well, “Night Hoseok.”

I saw him get surprised at the addressing, but he smiled and took his leave. I swear his cheeks turned red for a second and then it slowly faded in the darkness.

The lights were still on, and so was the T.V, but I was too tired to even care.


I am such a bad updater, sorry guys (;_____;)

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Chapter 1: Just so u know it's jungkook not jeongguk (^ω^)
jeyjey_120 #2
Chapter 11: Chapter 11: I love this story pleasse update soon <3
jeyjey_120 #3
Chapter 1: This kinda reminds me of a kdrama so far and I love it <3
lyxnx1004 #4
Chapter 11: Nice story, cant wait for next update!
Puppyloz #5
Chapter 11: plz update
Chapter 11: Update soon!!!