Second Step

The Sound of Falling In Love

 “Hi,” the loud one said as he walked towards them, “my name is Chanyeol and I’ll be your roommate from now on.”

“Hi, I’m Kyungsoo and this is my mother; nice to meet you Chanyeol.” Kyungsoo introduced and swallowed after.

“Nice to meet you Kyungsoo, and Kyungsoo’s mom.” Chanyeol greeted.

After a brief second of silence, Kyungsoo felt an arm on his shoulder. He figured that it was Chanyeol and let go of his linked arm with his mom. But something felt weird. And then he realized that it was the way Chanyeol had his arm around his shoulder.  

“The one with auburn hair and cordial looking expression that sitting on the bed to your right is Joonmyun and the one that has light brown hair and looks like he couldn’t care less is Sehun.” Chanyeol spoke, “and I’m in the bed above you.”

The voice came from the top of his head and Kyungsoo was shocked by how tall his roommate was. Kyungsoo has a rather average, height, but the giant beside is at least 10 cm taller.

“Hi, nice to meet you guys, I’m Kyungsoo.” Kyungsoo swallowed again.

“Hi.” Sehun and Joonmyun replied in unison.

“Hey Kyungsoo,” Chanyeol said after removing his arm from Kyungsoo’s shoulder, probably facing him now, “not to pry but why is your mom here with you?”

“Oh, she’s here to help me. I … can’t see with my eyes so I need her help to get me around the school.” Kyungsoo stated as his mom took him by the hand and walked him to bed.

Chanyeol paused momentarily, feeling probably apologetic and aghast, Kyungsoo guessed from pass experience. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

Kyungsoo walked over to pat him on the shoulder but he underestimated a certain giant’s height and patted on his arm instead, “it’s alright, no need to be apologizing. Plus, it’s just says how well I am at pretending to be normal.” He let out a chuckle and turned to his bed, where his mother sat.

 “Mom, shall we go? I’ll walk you to the bus station if so.”

His mother handed him a glass of water and said there is still more time to spare. Kyungsoo nodded and placed his cup down on the desk adjacent to him.

For the next few minutes, Kyungsoo just sat quietly on his bed while listening to Chanyeol carrying a conversation with his mom. Although it was a futile action, Kyungsoo viewed as an act of kindness and thanked Chanyeol multiple times in his head for indirectly informing his mother that he will be okay, in this new environment and all.

Kyungsoo had a faint smile the entire time, trying to cover up his sadness of leaving his mom. Although it wasn’t obvious, but he tried very hard to make sure that there are no puffy eyes or chocked up voice before he has the chance to say good-bye.

But time always moves faster than expected. It was time for his mom to go.

Before he left, he told Chanyeol that he was going to be back in a few and they are free to go and get lunch without him tagging along.






The way to the bus station was noisily cheerful just like the atmosphere they arrived in. The freshmen were getting to know each other and the seniors were catching up with each other’s summer. Everyone is socializing just like Kyungsoo and his mom, though with a different context. Kyungsoo’s mom nagged him about taking care of himself when she's gone the entire way and expressed her worries in numerous ways that Kyungsoo hadn’t thought of before. “Drink warm water, it doesn’t irritate your throat like ice water, and sleep early. Oh and don’t forget to call me once in awhile.”

Kyungsoo nodded and replied with “I will” and “Don’t worry” to all those demands without complaining. 

Before they realized, they are at the bus stop already. No matter how bad he felt inside, he didn’t dare to show it. He knew his mom is probably feeling the same emotions but they kept on talking about futile topics that seems to interest neither of them.

The bus arrived and it was time for her departure. His mother’s footstep on the metal steps magnified in Kyungsoo’s ears and he had to hold back the liquid that’s ready to speed down his cheeks. He smiled, like he never has before, eyes squinted and lips widely apart, and waved her good-bye as the bus left, carrying the most important person of his life away from him.







On the way back to his dorm, he felt bittersweet instead of the pure sadness before: sweet because he was no longer a burden to the family and bitter for not being able to see them for a long time. Ever since he was young, his mom had to pay special attention to him because of his disability and it made him felt like an “adult-sized fetus” that needed to be taken care off. Although the reference was hurtful coming from the neighbour but it was still very true. Kyungsoo can’t see anything. His entire world is just a dark, edgeless space filled with voice from the living.

But his mother never gave up on him, nor did his family. His mother tried to add happiness into his life when he decided that he doesn’t want to go to school anymore (no one wanted to play  with him because of his limited abilities) by quitting her job and staying at home with him. But the economy rocketed when he was seven and his mom was no longer able to stay beside him like she always did. Instead, he found a new friend: the old cassette tapes he dug out of his parent’s night stand and the cassette player.

At first he didn’t know what it was or what was it for so he kept it on the dining table in the living room to question about it after his parents return from their long day of work. His parents were surprised when they returned home but they still managed to explain to Kyungsoo what the cassettes and the player was for. Kyungsoo was amazed by this tiny box thingy that is capable of playing such enjoyable melody and this became his new hobby: listening to music using the player.  

But the music was limited and it was rather out dated so his parents had to decline his request of buying more cassette tapes. So then he invented a new way of playing with them; he tries to memorize the melody by singing them just like what he did with the lullaby his mother used to sing to him.

One day when they were having dinner, Kyungsoo hummed one of the songs unconsciously and it caught his mom’s attention. She asked him to sing it instead because the humming sounded intone and accurate. It was then they discovered his talent, his ability to sing and his perfect pitch.

Soon, they brought his very first piano (although second handed) for his birthday in attempts to improve his talents and make bring more happiness. Kyungsoo remembered that it was the best day of his life and he can never forget the amount of overflowing content in his heart.

This brought even more sadness to his heart now, and before he can take action against it, a drop of tear raced down his cheek.

All of a sudden, he snapped out of his flashback and came to the realization that he had no clue where he was. He panicked and the mixed up emotions are overwhelming him so that he just stood there, blankly, with his eyes puffy. He tried to figure out where he is but this entire school is new to him and he had no idea where he had wondered off to, especially when he can’t see. Before he panicked more, a voice interrupted.

“Are you alright?” 

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happy Halloween everyone, i wish i can give u all a update next weekend but I dont think I can. sorry sorry sorry sorry


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Chapter 1: Glad I found it <3
HaneulD #2
Chapter 4: This story is painfully beautiful I fell in love with it sooooooooo much it's just so interesting please update soon ☹
Chapter 3: no way!!!! it's been a while since ur cliffhanger ~ and now, omg~
please have mercy on me, my heart~ ugh *sobs
anyway,glad u updated~ xoxo
harukatheyandere #4
Chapter 1: What happened
Chapter 4: Even Kyungsoo who happened to be the most tolerant and patient people on Earth got tired and bored because there was nothing new.
Even me who happened to be the most tolerant and patient people on Earth got tired and bored because there was nothing new, author-niiiiiiim!
where's that long-awaited Jongin???
*okay dont kill me I'll be patient promise... if you get me Jongin here ^^
Chapter 1: Since it's the first chapter, I'm obviously not able to tell D.O.'s personality, but I see him as someone who's selfless and easily guilty; he doesn't like burdening others, and the feeling of being so dependent/weak makes him guilty. He seems to be kind and understanding, forgiving even.
But I feel like the usage of blind characters is too cliche. It's not unique anymore to see fanfics with someone blind or deaf or mute. But there's nothing wrong with cliche; it can be exactly what a person needs, and enjoyable even, depending on the author's writing style.

Personally, I don't find much unique about your style in particular. It's not too bland and dull, nor is it that beautiful and detailed. I feel like I can't exactly connect with Kyungsoo's feelings due to the lack of descriptive words in the sentences, but I know I'll come to understand him as the story actually progesses since this is--after all--only the first chapter.

What I recommend, though, is that you should try explaining things indirectly rather than directly. You say stuff that's so blunt like, "But he will still miss his hometown..." I think you should elaborate more on his feelings, or use more descriptive words--maybe even add some comparisons.
Rather than the typical "Kyungsoo felt dizzy and drowsy..." that has the same, direct adjectives every other author uses, try using similes; try comparing his feelings to actual things most normal people experience, or can imagine easily (e.g., how dizzy a person might feel after getting off a roller coaster). Try to use comparisons; they make it easier for the reader to understand the characters' thoughts/feelings/actions.

And I'm sorry for the criticizing and long comment. I used to be a reviewer, so I sometimes get too technical--even though this is a story I'm supposed to be reading for personal enjoyment. xD Haha, but I loved this chapter despite the flaws I pointed out. Thanks for taking time to write this. c: And I'm so excited to meet Jongin! >_<
This story sounds pretty interesting. It's okay. Haha. I don't like it when authors give away the whole plot in the description/foreword. :) Yay for Kaisoo! <3
I skimmed the beginning of your first chappie, and--just a word of advice--I don't think you have to double space between paragraphs like that. It makes it a little hard to read since I read on my phone and I have to constantly keep scrolling.^^;;; But it's okay. I'm excited to read this, though it will be a while till I start since I'm busy. ;D
Chapter 3: I'm actually craving for Jongin appearance..
Chapter 2: omg! cant wait for the next chapter!! :D :D
Chapter 2: who is that guy?
who is it who is it?
omg I wonder how is it, have to use all your senses other then sight?
And on top of that you know no one! :(
Kyungie is bright but I myself feel sad for him :(

oh I'm sorry I just do comment again, I just read like 20 updated fics xD
omg I'm so happy, best day on aff lol xD
and my long-waited-fav-fic is double updated xD

“In case you didn’t know, Joonmyun is extremely rich; he buys us dinner and lunches a lot. He was like our sugar daddy.” Luhan commented.
“Also known as their debit card.” Joonmyun added.

ahahahahaha xD rich a$$ gramp!
I love you gramp xD