Fifth Step

The Sound of Falling In Love

The weather outside is just as lovely when he first arrived here. It was warm, but not hot, and a little windy. Kyungsoo wanted this weather to last forever because right after the cool season of autumn comes the freezing winter. Snow would cover everything in a white blanket and he would be wrapped in layers of cloth that makes him clumsier than he already was. 

The restaurant was a barbecue house named BBQ Land where the customers had to cook their own dishes but the reasonable price was a major attraction and it’s near school campus so it’s popular among the majority of the students. They walked noisily, as usual, as they headed to BBQ Land with Sehun holding his hand for guidance. 

Surprisingly Jongin fitted in perfectly, in fact, he can have a conversation with anyone of them better than Kyungsoo can.  He wasn’t socially awkward or anti-social; he just quiet in general. It’s just how he was born and raised as. And sometimes, he doesn’t see the point of talking; he would rather just run wild in his head because it’s fun and imaginative. But hearing Jongin’s voice is a complete different story. He felt compelled to listen to his voice and what he was saying. Something about his voice is different from the others. 

The hand that was held by Sehun felt a shake, “We are here.” 

Kyungsoo heard the hostess talk, and walked to their table. Someone pulled out his chair for him and he sat down with Sehun on his right and Jongin on his left. 

“Kyungsoo, what do you want to eat?” Joonmyun asked, while looking through the menu. 

“Anything will do, I don’t have a picky mouth.” Kyungsoo replied with a smile. 

“How about you, Jongin?”

“I’m okay with anything as long as it’s free.” 

“Well that settles it; we’ll take two plates of samgyeopsal, actually make that three, one plate of neck meat, and one plate of potatoes. Oh and rice for everyone and a plate lettuce, don’t forget about the spicy paste and pepper.” Joonmyun ordered. 

“Water for all of us too,” Luhan added. 

The waitress nodded and walked away with the menus. 

The waitress came back later with a trolley full of food. Carefully and quietly, she places the dishes on the table and left after lighting the grill. 

Being the oldest of them all, Luhan volunteered to cook the meat and acted as a temporal chef for the night. He placed the meat along with kimchi on the grill and flipped them occasionally while the others got carried on with another conversation gossiping about people this year. Kyungsoo sat silently in his corner, taking sips of his water while listening to their conversation and the sound of sizzling meat. The scrumptious smell emanated ten minutes later when the meat is almost ready. Chanyeol volunteered to cut up the meat and kimchi after Luhan sat down to take a break. 

Chanyeol was fast, he used one hand to hold the meat and the other to cut; and he was done before Kyungsoo can back from the washroom to wash his hands with Joonmyun. As soon as he sat down, Jongin told him to open his mouth and Kyungsoo did as he was told and a big wrap stuffed his mouth. Fresh lettuce, well done meat, sweet and spicy paste and rice blended in together perfectly. Kyungsoo thanked Jongin after he finished chewing and swallowing, and offered to make one for him too. 

Jongin laughed and said, “I’m alright, however you should feed our sugar daddy.” 

“Don’t worry about me, by the way Jongin did you even wash your hands?” 

“Of course not” Jongin said in a serious tone. 

“Oh my gosh, and you fed Kyungsoo that wrap, eww.” Chanyeol teased. 

“I…” Kyungsoo was speechless. 

“I’m only kidding, Kyungsoo.” Jongin chuckled.     



Half way through eating, Luhan suggested that they drink some alcohol in the name of celebrating their survival of the first day of school. Kyungsoo agreed without any hesitation, it was tempting since he never drank before. Sehun on the other hand decided that it was better if he stayed sober the entire time to make sure no one gets in to trouble. He wasn’t a big fan of alcohol anyways. Everyone else was up for it as well. 

They ordered soju and beer since none of them really wanted to be hung over tomorrow. Sehun poured for everyone and sat back down with his glass of water. Chanyeol stood up and raised a toast to everyone. “Cheers”, he yelled, “to school and all the other we have to deal with in life.” 

“Cheers!” Everyone said in unison while standing. Glasses filled with alcohol clattered together. 

“Bottoms up!” Chanyeol shouted. 

Kyungsoo drank everything in his cup as fast as his throat allowed him. He felt the chilly liquid slipping through his esophagus with a slight burn. It wasn’t that bad he thought. Soju tasted better than what he imagined. It wasn’t as bad as he heard if from his mom,  it has an indescribable tasted that makes it addictive. Or maybe it could have been the excitement of being somewhat of a rebel in his case. Kyungsoo poured some more for himself while everyone else resumed to eating. 

Occasionally, Kyungsoo would ask Sehun to fill it up for him and drink without a second thought. It was the first time in his life that Kyungsoo had ever touched alcohol and it was the first time in his entire life that he felt this happy. The euphoric feeling filled him, as well as slight dizziness. He felt so delighted and uplifted that nothing troubled him anymore. He felt like he can touch the moon if he wanted or even have the guts to ask Jongin’s number.  But this is only temporary. When all this ethanol leaves his system, he will be back to the introverted Kyungsoo who has a grudge against the world; a grudge for taking away colors from his world, grudge for making him a coward, grudge for being a burden to his family. 



WOW its been years since I've been on this website, s have happened in life and am I ever sorry for my lovely readers. It's funny how I had to read the story over before writing it cause I can barely remember what I wrote hahahahahhahahha. 

University is fun to some extent I guess, people don't really care about what you say or do unless it offense them. But thats what I like about uni I guess. The less they give the better. But gosh, the classes are hard T.T I survived last semester but this semeter I have been really lacking off on practically everything. 

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this update that was postponed for a year, apologies again. I have absolutely no idea when I'll update again so apologies before hand. 

May the odds ever be in your favor, 


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happy Halloween everyone, i wish i can give u all a update next weekend but I dont think I can. sorry sorry sorry sorry


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Chapter 1: Glad I found it <3
HaneulD #2
Chapter 4: This story is painfully beautiful I fell in love with it sooooooooo much it's just so interesting please update soon ☹
Chapter 3: no way!!!! it's been a while since ur cliffhanger ~ and now, omg~
please have mercy on me, my heart~ ugh *sobs
anyway,glad u updated~ xoxo
harukatheyandere #4
Chapter 1: What happened
Chapter 4: Even Kyungsoo who happened to be the most tolerant and patient people on Earth got tired and bored because there was nothing new.
Even me who happened to be the most tolerant and patient people on Earth got tired and bored because there was nothing new, author-niiiiiiim!
where's that long-awaited Jongin???
*okay dont kill me I'll be patient promise... if you get me Jongin here ^^
Chapter 1: Since it's the first chapter, I'm obviously not able to tell D.O.'s personality, but I see him as someone who's selfless and easily guilty; he doesn't like burdening others, and the feeling of being so dependent/weak makes him guilty. He seems to be kind and understanding, forgiving even.
But I feel like the usage of blind characters is too cliche. It's not unique anymore to see fanfics with someone blind or deaf or mute. But there's nothing wrong with cliche; it can be exactly what a person needs, and enjoyable even, depending on the author's writing style.

Personally, I don't find much unique about your style in particular. It's not too bland and dull, nor is it that beautiful and detailed. I feel like I can't exactly connect with Kyungsoo's feelings due to the lack of descriptive words in the sentences, but I know I'll come to understand him as the story actually progesses since this is--after all--only the first chapter.

What I recommend, though, is that you should try explaining things indirectly rather than directly. You say stuff that's so blunt like, "But he will still miss his hometown..." I think you should elaborate more on his feelings, or use more descriptive words--maybe even add some comparisons.
Rather than the typical "Kyungsoo felt dizzy and drowsy..." that has the same, direct adjectives every other author uses, try using similes; try comparing his feelings to actual things most normal people experience, or can imagine easily (e.g., how dizzy a person might feel after getting off a roller coaster). Try to use comparisons; they make it easier for the reader to understand the characters' thoughts/feelings/actions.

And I'm sorry for the criticizing and long comment. I used to be a reviewer, so I sometimes get too technical--even though this is a story I'm supposed to be reading for personal enjoyment. xD Haha, but I loved this chapter despite the flaws I pointed out. Thanks for taking time to write this. c: And I'm so excited to meet Jongin! >_<
This story sounds pretty interesting. It's okay. Haha. I don't like it when authors give away the whole plot in the description/foreword. :) Yay for Kaisoo! <3
I skimmed the beginning of your first chappie, and--just a word of advice--I don't think you have to double space between paragraphs like that. It makes it a little hard to read since I read on my phone and I have to constantly keep scrolling.^^;;; But it's okay. I'm excited to read this, though it will be a while till I start since I'm busy. ;D
Chapter 3: I'm actually craving for Jongin appearance..
Chapter 2: omg! cant wait for the next chapter!! :D :D
Chapter 2: who is that guy?
who is it who is it?
omg I wonder how is it, have to use all your senses other then sight?
And on top of that you know no one! :(
Kyungie is bright but I myself feel sad for him :(

oh I'm sorry I just do comment again, I just read like 20 updated fics xD
omg I'm so happy, best day on aff lol xD
and my long-waited-fav-fic is double updated xD

“In case you didn’t know, Joonmyun is extremely rich; he buys us dinner and lunches a lot. He was like our sugar daddy.” Luhan commented.
“Also known as their debit card.” Joonmyun added.

ahahahahaha xD rich a$$ gramp!
I love you gramp xD