Third Step

The Sound of Falling In Love

Kyungsoo turned around with a little bit of a shock upon hearing the voice that’s somewhat familiar but doesn’t recollect. Before he could speak anything, he felt a shaking finger wiping his tear away. “It must be hard to start a new life and leave people you love behind.”

Kyungsoo nodded a little and tried to chock back the tears harder since it was rather embarrassing for him to start crying in front of a complete stranger. He kept his head down and listened to the boy’s soft voice as he tried to calm him down. But this random act of kindness magnified Kyungsoo’s urge of crying. The boy was empathetic towards him and it felt like he understood all of his pains and sorrows completely.

The tear drops completely blurred his vision and he knew that he’ll make a fool out of himself by sobbing like a big baby. But before the tear drops let lose, he was pulled into a warm hug and a hand wrapped around his head, patting and comforting him. “It’s okay to cry now, no one will see.” He whispered.

Kyungsoo wrapped his arms around the boy’s thin lower back and let his tears fall freely. When he was calm and the urge faded away, he still remained in the boy’s embrace, inhaling the pleasant smell of jasmine that came from the boy.

They remained like that for awhile. Minutes, hours or as Kyungsoo wished, days. None of them had the urge of letting go. But the unwanted is imminent. The bell rang and the boy pushed him away, disappointing Kyungsoo by the slightest. But he grabbed his hand the following second replacing the disappointment with satisfaction. “Where is your class room? You have about 5 minutes before you are late.”

“I… I don’t know. I have to go back to my dorm and check. Can you walk me there? I’m in dorm 114.”

“Come, quick.”

Kyungsoo was glad that he didn’t recall walking on stairs. Or else judging by the speed they are scurrying, he could have tripped and fell down to the bottom of the stairs and the boy won’t even know why. He never acted like he was disabled and he was proud that people would treat him like he’s normal. So he didn’t bother telling the boy to slow down or anything.

The journey to his dorm was better than he expected. The hand-holding and everything just seemed to cheer Kyungsoo up. He didn’t know why but for sure, he was delighted.

They arrived at the dorm and Kyungsoo rushed in to gather his binders and books for his class. The room was empty as expected and he headed out while grabbing something to eat since time pass by quickly while hugging a random stranger and he completely missed out on lunch.

Outside the dorm, the stranger watched him as he gathered his belongs while occasionally bumping into things. With a faint smile, he walked over to him and carried some of his books for him. Kyungsoo looked at him and grinned like he just received the best present ever for his birthday and they headed for his class.

His classroom wasn’t far, just right around the corner, and he made it in time. The boy walked him to an empty desk in the room and left without bidding goodbye. But Kyungsoo didn’t mind, he was probably rushing to his own class anyways.

It wasn’t until the second bell rang that Kyungsoo realized that he never gotten the boy’s name yet; the boy with a deep voice like Chanyeol’s but without the deafening volume or enthusiasm and a heart as kind as his mom’s. He wondered what kind of name he had. Joonhee? No, no, too feminine. Saeyong? No, that doesn’t seem right either. Hmmm… This is too hard to guess.

He went searching through possible names that the boy can have but he eliminated all of them and decides to stop all this nonsense and focusing on what the teacher is teaching.

The teacher, judging by her voice, is someone in her mid-thirties. She doesn`t wear heels like most girls in his school and she is always passionate about the little anecdote she`s telling. She seemed easy to talk to and friendly, not to mention kind-hearted and professional. She introduced herself as Ms. Choi and like every other class he was in, Ms. Choi asked everyone in the room to do a brief introduction of themselves.

Class ended in 40 minutes and Kyungsoo had to ask Ms. Choi where his next class is. Thankfully, the she has a spare next period and volunteered herself to walked Kyungsoo to his class. Before she left, she even asked the teacher-Mr. Lee-to make sure that he gets to his next period safely. Kyungsoo bowed and thanked her repeated before she left.

This class passed by quickly as well. Mr. Lee talked about his career and how he went from performing in a band when he was young to being a teacher at Seoul`s Institution of Fine Arts.  Kyungsoo was fascinated by the crazy but brave things he did to get him to this level and felt inspirited and motivated like everyone else in this class.

Unfortunately, the bell ended up pausing his story but Kyungsoo was pretty satisfied with what he learn from Mr. Lee`s story as a high school student. On the way to History of Fine Arts, Kyungsoo asked Mr. Lee numerous questions about his past and was unable to stop his excitement even when he arrived to his next class. He bid goodbye to Mr. Lee unwillingly and thanked him before he left.

For some reason, History of Fine Arts didn’t interest him as much as the previous two classes and by the end, Kyungsoo was half-sleep. He stretched a bit after the bell rang. But he was a little too slow that the teacher left already. Kyungsoo blinked blankly and decided to give it a try to find out where his dorm is. Fortunately, there are some students remaining in this room and Kyungsoo was able to get himself a kind guide to lead him back to his dorm.

The scene Kyungsoo encountered after he opened his door was a bit different than what he expected. Since it was 5pm, he thought everyone would be out for dinner and the dorm will be empty. But it seems like it became even more crowded and noisy than when he and his mom was here. There are more unrecognizable voice howling over one another and it seemed like they are doing some activity that Kyungsoo couldn’t figure out just by the way they are talking.  

He felt a tap on his shoulder and a soft voice came right after.” Hey Kyungsoo, this is Joonmyun. Our next door neighbour kinda came over while we waited for you to come back and eat dinner with us.”

Kyungsoo turned to face him, “Thanks Joonmyun. Anyways, what are they doing?”

“Just a random game of truth and dare to get to know each other; you are not missing much.”Joonmyun explained. “Do you want to join them?”

“Nah, I’m fine. Why aren’t you playing though?”

“I’m a senior so I actually know most of them from last year. And are you sure you don’t want to join them?” Joonmyun asked again. “It’s better if you make more friends you know.”

“I’m okay.” Kyungsoo reinsured him while Chanyeol simultaneously shouted “Come and join us Kyungsoo.”

“Oh yeah, someone is here looking for you but I have no idea where he went.” Joonmyun added.

“Looking for me? But I don’t know anyone in this school except you guys.” Kyungsoo looked at him with confusion (if that's possible).

“I don’t know, he came in and asked to see a boy with big eyes and a height about 175cm. Hmm… where did he go – oh there he is.” 



Here you go ~~~ I just love leaving you guys cliff hangers like this *laughs hysterically* Anyways, what do u guys think of the new chapter? I tried to be funny (probably failed terribly) but I hope u guys enjoyed it. Honestly, I feel like my writing ability has plummeted cause I just sat in front of my pc with no inspiration... You know what... damn this chapter is boring. 

Thanks for subscribing and I shall update again in a month <3 


hmmmm... what should i call myself? Squid?



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happy Halloween everyone, i wish i can give u all a update next weekend but I dont think I can. sorry sorry sorry sorry


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Chapter 1: Glad I found it <3
HaneulD #2
Chapter 4: This story is painfully beautiful I fell in love with it sooooooooo much it's just so interesting please update soon ☹
Chapter 3: no way!!!! it's been a while since ur cliffhanger ~ and now, omg~
please have mercy on me, my heart~ ugh *sobs
anyway,glad u updated~ xoxo
harukatheyandere #4
Chapter 1: What happened
Chapter 4: Even Kyungsoo who happened to be the most tolerant and patient people on Earth got tired and bored because there was nothing new.
Even me who happened to be the most tolerant and patient people on Earth got tired and bored because there was nothing new, author-niiiiiiim!
where's that long-awaited Jongin???
*okay dont kill me I'll be patient promise... if you get me Jongin here ^^
Chapter 1: Since it's the first chapter, I'm obviously not able to tell D.O.'s personality, but I see him as someone who's selfless and easily guilty; he doesn't like burdening others, and the feeling of being so dependent/weak makes him guilty. He seems to be kind and understanding, forgiving even.
But I feel like the usage of blind characters is too cliche. It's not unique anymore to see fanfics with someone blind or deaf or mute. But there's nothing wrong with cliche; it can be exactly what a person needs, and enjoyable even, depending on the author's writing style.

Personally, I don't find much unique about your style in particular. It's not too bland and dull, nor is it that beautiful and detailed. I feel like I can't exactly connect with Kyungsoo's feelings due to the lack of descriptive words in the sentences, but I know I'll come to understand him as the story actually progesses since this is--after all--only the first chapter.

What I recommend, though, is that you should try explaining things indirectly rather than directly. You say stuff that's so blunt like, "But he will still miss his hometown..." I think you should elaborate more on his feelings, or use more descriptive words--maybe even add some comparisons.
Rather than the typical "Kyungsoo felt dizzy and drowsy..." that has the same, direct adjectives every other author uses, try using similes; try comparing his feelings to actual things most normal people experience, or can imagine easily (e.g., how dizzy a person might feel after getting off a roller coaster). Try to use comparisons; they make it easier for the reader to understand the characters' thoughts/feelings/actions.

And I'm sorry for the criticizing and long comment. I used to be a reviewer, so I sometimes get too technical--even though this is a story I'm supposed to be reading for personal enjoyment. xD Haha, but I loved this chapter despite the flaws I pointed out. Thanks for taking time to write this. c: And I'm so excited to meet Jongin! >_<
This story sounds pretty interesting. It's okay. Haha. I don't like it when authors give away the whole plot in the description/foreword. :) Yay for Kaisoo! <3
I skimmed the beginning of your first chappie, and--just a word of advice--I don't think you have to double space between paragraphs like that. It makes it a little hard to read since I read on my phone and I have to constantly keep scrolling.^^;;; But it's okay. I'm excited to read this, though it will be a while till I start since I'm busy. ;D
Chapter 3: I'm actually craving for Jongin appearance..
Chapter 2: omg! cant wait for the next chapter!! :D :D
Chapter 2: who is that guy?
who is it who is it?
omg I wonder how is it, have to use all your senses other then sight?
And on top of that you know no one! :(
Kyungie is bright but I myself feel sad for him :(

oh I'm sorry I just do comment again, I just read like 20 updated fics xD
omg I'm so happy, best day on aff lol xD
and my long-waited-fav-fic is double updated xD

“In case you didn’t know, Joonmyun is extremely rich; he buys us dinner and lunches a lot. He was like our sugar daddy.” Luhan commented.
“Also known as their debit card.” Joonmyun added.

ahahahahaha xD rich a$$ gramp!
I love you gramp xD