Sixth Step

The Sound of Falling In Love

The way back to the dorm was troublesome for Sehun; especially, when he has to literally carry someone home. Kyungsoo, who drank one bottle of soju by himself, was completely knocked out of his calm and quiet self. He was talkative, like never before, and most importantly, he was opening his heart to Sehun, Joonmyun and everyone else although still a bit shy to Jongin but they can talk without him stuttered over every second word. 

Kyungsoo was still conscious, he knows what he’s doing, and he just felt the urge of talking. 

Luckily, he wasn’t the only one feeling that way; Chanyeol had his arm dangling on Joonmyun’s shoulder as they walked home while struggling with words to the point where he just shouted out random words. They conversed(if you call exchange of words converse then this verb works excellently) till they were back at the dorm wrapped in their soft and cozy blankets. They conversation varied from weather to humanity, then to school and everything else that mattered in their life. 

Kyungsoo felt complete that night. Complete as a human. 

Ever since he was little, music, or sound in general, was his only friend. He couldn’t play hid-and-seek with kids his age and soon the kids got tired of him and refused to play with him. 

Kyungsoo was hurt. But he got over it.  

He found new interests instead of playing around aimlessly. His mother brought him a piano (just an electric second-handed one though, since his family was never rich to begin with). 

He was beyond amazed and impressed when he first pressed down on a key of the piano. It was clear, euphonic, and reminded him of birds chirping at morning. And that’s how his first friendship started. He finds joy playing the piano and sometimes singing along. 

 But those past friendships are with inanimate objects. 

Today, Kyungsoo finally felt what real friendship is like. Although alcohol played a key role, but he was still very satisfied. 

Thank you, God. I know I’m greedy but can you make all this last forever. 

Kyungsoo fell asleep, with a faint grin on his face.  



“Hyung,” someone nudged him on the shoulder, “wake up.” 

Kyungsoo opened his eyes and tried to process his not-yet-awaken brain. This sweet husky voice is so pleasant to the ear. He thought as he rolled over to get up. But instead of touching the ledge of his bunk bed, he felt someone’s warm, shirtless body. 

“Hyung, what are you doing?” 

“Oh my Gosh, I’m sorry Jongin, I didn't realize that there was someone else on my bed.” Oh my Gosh I can’t believe it, Jongin and I slept in the same bed. I know I’m greedy but I never asked for this. 

“That’s alright, I just didn't want you to roll me off your bed. Anyways, you need to get up, your class, according to Joonmyun Hyung starts in about 20 minutes.” The bed cracked and he felt the absence of a person. 

“20 minutes?! I can’t be late on my second day. And what happened to everyone else?” Kyungsoo exclaimed as he rushed up and almost tripped on his shoes by his bed. 

“They start an hour earlier so they all left. Here, wear this.” Some sort of clothing landed in his arms. 

“Hmmm.. and these pair of pants would go with it. Now hurry.” Jongen threw something else to him. 

Kyungsoo rushed to put on his shirt and pants while doing some calculation in his head. From the dorm to the school would take me about 15 minutes, that is given that I don't get lost. 

After he’s now properly dressed, someone handed him his backpack. “I didn't touch anything in there, do you need anything else? And you don't have time to eat breakfast so I’ll find you at your second block to bring you food okay?” 

“Okay, thank you so much, Jongin. But I need just one more favour.”

“I got you covered already, I know you don't excel at directions so I was planing on walking with you.” 

Kyungsoo let out a chuckle, “thank you, but out of curiosity, why are you doing all of this for me?” 

“Because I like you, Hyung.” 



SOOOOO First year uni ended for me last saturaday and I decided that I shouldnt leave my lovely readers hanging to long so here I am with a new, but short update. BUTTT I will for sure update more often now that school is out of the way. And I'm thinking of writing a oneshot too before updating again but considering how lazy I am, the chances of that happening is like the sky raining free food, which is impossible. 

I also noticed that I have a rather odd sense of humour thanks to the ever awesome writer John Green who is absolutely one of the funniest writers I admire. 

Also, dear readers, please do not let exo and it's recent activities evoke sadness in you. I heard that Tao is going to leave but I'm not 100%. Either way please don't bash on him and support him insteadAnyways, enjoy,. 

May the odds ever be in your favor, 


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happy Halloween everyone, i wish i can give u all a update next weekend but I dont think I can. sorry sorry sorry sorry


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Chapter 1: Glad I found it <3
HaneulD #2
Chapter 4: This story is painfully beautiful I fell in love with it sooooooooo much it's just so interesting please update soon ☹
Chapter 3: no way!!!! it's been a while since ur cliffhanger ~ and now, omg~
please have mercy on me, my heart~ ugh *sobs
anyway,glad u updated~ xoxo
harukatheyandere #4
Chapter 1: What happened
Chapter 4: Even Kyungsoo who happened to be the most tolerant and patient people on Earth got tired and bored because there was nothing new.
Even me who happened to be the most tolerant and patient people on Earth got tired and bored because there was nothing new, author-niiiiiiim!
where's that long-awaited Jongin???
*okay dont kill me I'll be patient promise... if you get me Jongin here ^^
Chapter 1: Since it's the first chapter, I'm obviously not able to tell D.O.'s personality, but I see him as someone who's selfless and easily guilty; he doesn't like burdening others, and the feeling of being so dependent/weak makes him guilty. He seems to be kind and understanding, forgiving even.
But I feel like the usage of blind characters is too cliche. It's not unique anymore to see fanfics with someone blind or deaf or mute. But there's nothing wrong with cliche; it can be exactly what a person needs, and enjoyable even, depending on the author's writing style.

Personally, I don't find much unique about your style in particular. It's not too bland and dull, nor is it that beautiful and detailed. I feel like I can't exactly connect with Kyungsoo's feelings due to the lack of descriptive words in the sentences, but I know I'll come to understand him as the story actually progesses since this is--after all--only the first chapter.

What I recommend, though, is that you should try explaining things indirectly rather than directly. You say stuff that's so blunt like, "But he will still miss his hometown..." I think you should elaborate more on his feelings, or use more descriptive words--maybe even add some comparisons.
Rather than the typical "Kyungsoo felt dizzy and drowsy..." that has the same, direct adjectives every other author uses, try using similes; try comparing his feelings to actual things most normal people experience, or can imagine easily (e.g., how dizzy a person might feel after getting off a roller coaster). Try to use comparisons; they make it easier for the reader to understand the characters' thoughts/feelings/actions.

And I'm sorry for the criticizing and long comment. I used to be a reviewer, so I sometimes get too technical--even though this is a story I'm supposed to be reading for personal enjoyment. xD Haha, but I loved this chapter despite the flaws I pointed out. Thanks for taking time to write this. c: And I'm so excited to meet Jongin! >_<
This story sounds pretty interesting. It's okay. Haha. I don't like it when authors give away the whole plot in the description/foreword. :) Yay for Kaisoo! <3
I skimmed the beginning of your first chappie, and--just a word of advice--I don't think you have to double space between paragraphs like that. It makes it a little hard to read since I read on my phone and I have to constantly keep scrolling.^^;;; But it's okay. I'm excited to read this, though it will be a while till I start since I'm busy. ;D
Chapter 3: I'm actually craving for Jongin appearance..
Chapter 2: omg! cant wait for the next chapter!! :D :D
Chapter 2: who is that guy?
who is it who is it?
omg I wonder how is it, have to use all your senses other then sight?
And on top of that you know no one! :(
Kyungie is bright but I myself feel sad for him :(

oh I'm sorry I just do comment again, I just read like 20 updated fics xD
omg I'm so happy, best day on aff lol xD
and my long-waited-fav-fic is double updated xD

“In case you didn’t know, Joonmyun is extremely rich; he buys us dinner and lunches a lot. He was like our sugar daddy.” Luhan commented.
“Also known as their debit card.” Joonmyun added.

ahahahahaha xD rich a$$ gramp!
I love you gramp xD