First Step

The Sound of Falling In Love

“Kyungsoo honey, let’s go and pack up. We need to get you to school tomorrow.” Kyungsoo’s mother said as she walked towards him, removing his sister’s head from his lap. With his mother’s arm around his, he got up from the couch and walked up the stairs, towards his room. Feeling his way against the wall, he sat down on his bed silently, staring out of his window. His mother, kneeled beside his suit case, packed his luggage and occasionally questioned him whether he needed a certain item for school.

The school he will be attending is in the urban area. It’s little crowded but Kyungsoo doesn’t mind. He likes the noises; it’s what makes him feel alive. But he still will miss his hometown, his family, the park he always visited with his sister and the kind neighbours.

Kyungsoo and his mom left for the city the next day. Although everything seemed a little rushed, Kyungsoo was ready to set out his own journey and adventures.

His mother had one arm around him while the other arm carried a small luggage as she guided him towards the train station. It was a short walk but Kyungsoo felt the tears building in his inner self. Don’t cry Kyungsoo, don’t cry. He told himself repeatedly.

They spent two hours on the train and during that entire two hours, Kyungsoo’s head spun like crazy. What if they I miss my family too much? What if his mom misses him too much? All kinds of worries rushed to his head. Nervousness took over his mind and he felt tired already with all the paranoid ideas running wild. By the time they got off the train, Kyungsoo felt dizzy and drowsy.

Then his mother dragged him on to a bus. After plopping down beside his mom, Kyungsoo laid his head on her shoulder and closed his eyes. The sweet scent of his mother was calming enough to him already. He fell asleep.

“Kyungsoo, wake up.” his mother said while patting his head. “We are here.”

Kyungsoo lifted his head and stood up to stretched a little, then, he headed out the bus with his mother.

The air smells extremely fresh. There must be a lot of plants around, Kyungsoo thought to himself as he listened to the noisy crowd of students by the gate. Amidst them, there is some sort of advertisement going on with people shouting their special deals.

“Would you guys like to go and try our new drink? It’s half price.” A young man recommended and handed them a piece of paper.

Before they could answer another young man interrupted, “Jongin, can I please have more flyers? I have none left.”

“Yep, here you go.” The guy named Jongin said.

“You want to try it Kyungsoo?” His mother inquired him after scrutinizing the sheet.

“It’s okay, I’m not thirsty.” Kyungsoo said as he dragged his mom away overflowing crowd of the people. Supposedly, it was a good deal but they are better off with just drinking water rather than tasting those drinks with god knows what in them.

First impressions are important, and it truly was important and crucial as it was described. 






“Ah, we are here,” Kyungsoo’s mother stopped after wondering around the school like in a maze, “here, 114.” She grabbed Kyungsoo’s hand and gently brushed across the number sign.

She opened the door and stepped inside. Kyungsoo followed her. “It seems like your roommates are not here yet.” she comments.

“That’s good; we can temporally have the room to ourselves.” Kyungsoo said while putting down his luggage. 

“There are two sets of bunk beds; do you want the one on the left or right?” his mother inquired.

“I’ll stick with the one on my left.” Kyungsoo replied while dragging his luggage towards the bed.

“There is a desk in between the two beds, the closet is by the door on the left hand side as well.” his mom added.

With the help of his mom, it took them about 20 minutes to organize all of his belongs and get ready for his first day.

His mom sat on his bed, taking a break, and Kyungsoo sat beside her, massaging her shoulder and arms.

“Thank you mom,” Kyungsoo said as he continued to massage her, “you are the best mom alive.”

Kyungsoo’s mother laughed and tapped him lightly on the nose, “did you have too much candy today?”

“Oh, come on,” Kyungsoo smiled, “you love compliments.”

“Too bad I won’t hear them as much as I used to,” Kyungsoo’s mom sighed.

“Mom, I swear I will visit you sometimes soon,” Kyungsoo said cutely.

“I know, I know, I’m just teasing. Come on, it’s about time to walk you to your classroom.”

Kyungsoo walked up to her, intertwining their arms together, and headed out to his class.

Since it was the first day of school, classes were postponed till 10 o’clock which left Kyungsoo quite awhile to explore around the school. He wondered around with his mother until she alerted him that it was 10 minutes till class starts. 






His mother walked him to class, then left.

Kyungsoo sat in his chair silently and waited for more classmates to walk into class. The window was open and muffled voices seeped into the quiet classroom from the schoolyard. And there is the occasional squeak from some girl followed by a bunch of guys laughing. Kyungsoo wonder what they are talking about since he had never talked to any girl aside from his sister and mother before.

The classroom filled up in the next few minutes. When the last student scurried in, the teacher stood up and started her introduction. She talked about how excited she is for this year, to meet different people with amazing talent. Then she asked everyone in the class to do a brief introduction that included their name, their major and some hobbies while she took attendance. The boys in the class were eager to show off to appeal to the girls; it did give them an out-going image and the classroom was no longer silent.

“Kyungsoo, can you introduce yourself to the class?” the teacher asked because Kyungsoo had no intention of initiating it.

He stood up and spoke with a smile, “My name is Do Kyungsoo. My major is vocal, and my hobbies are playing the piano, beatboxing and singing. Nice to meet you guys.” He sat back down and the teacher resumed on taking attendance. 








The bell rang and everyone rushed out the room except for Kyungsoo. He was waiting for his mom who got too carried away with talking to the teacher outside of the classroom. Although her voice isn’t loud or attention drawing Kyungsoo still managed to overhear some of their conversation. It was something about thanking them for accepting him and how he will try his best to keep up with everyone. Then she talked about how the doctor found out that he was abnormal three months before he was born and how she almost had an abortion surgery because of the shocking news.

While they exchanged information outside, Kyungsoo stood up and started feeling around the room. He was going to spend the next year here so he better know the classroom well enough. Feeling down the aisle, Kyungsoo tried to picture where he was. A room rectangular shaped; two doors, one at the front the other at the back; bookshelf at the back; piano at the left hand corner. When he was almost done with examining the room, his mother walked in. “Kyungsoo honey, let’s go.”

“Okay.” Kyungsoo said and headed towards where the voice came from, bumping into a couple of chairs on his way. His mother wrapped her arm around his and they left for the dorm.

“So how was it?” His mother asked.

“It was okay. Everyone in my class was friendly,” Kyungsoo replied with a smile.

“That’s good, did you make any friends?” his mother inquired.

 “Not yet, but I’ll start making friends soon so no worries.” Kyungsoo patted his mom’s hand.

When Kyungsoo opened the door of his dormitory accompanied by his mother, it was no longer empty as it was when he first arrived. He heard unrecognizable voices. One of them is rather loud and deep, the other was soft and welcoming sounding.

Before anything could happen, Kyungsoo felt himself tense up already. These people will be sharing the dorm with him till next year and for sure he didn’t want to say anything stupid to mess this up. He told himself to calm down and be polite. But the butterflies lingered in his stomach longer than he expected.



For those of you who read this before, plz reread this cause I changed and I just thought the previous version is abosolutely atrocious. I tried to make it more interesting per say. 

Sorry for the extremely long waiting. 

I don't think I'm going to update often so I'm not making any promises this time. This is my grade 12 year and it has been exhausting. But one promise is that I will finish writing this story. A little heads up, this is angst. Although I'm still undecided, there is a high possibility that this is going to have a sad ending since it's following the plot of a tragedy. 

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happy Halloween everyone, i wish i can give u all a update next weekend but I dont think I can. sorry sorry sorry sorry


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Chapter 1: Glad I found it <3
HaneulD #2
Chapter 4: This story is painfully beautiful I fell in love with it sooooooooo much it's just so interesting please update soon ☹
Chapter 3: no way!!!! it's been a while since ur cliffhanger ~ and now, omg~
please have mercy on me, my heart~ ugh *sobs
anyway,glad u updated~ xoxo
harukatheyandere #4
Chapter 1: What happened
Chapter 4: Even Kyungsoo who happened to be the most tolerant and patient people on Earth got tired and bored because there was nothing new.
Even me who happened to be the most tolerant and patient people on Earth got tired and bored because there was nothing new, author-niiiiiiim!
where's that long-awaited Jongin???
*okay dont kill me I'll be patient promise... if you get me Jongin here ^^
Chapter 1: Since it's the first chapter, I'm obviously not able to tell D.O.'s personality, but I see him as someone who's selfless and easily guilty; he doesn't like burdening others, and the feeling of being so dependent/weak makes him guilty. He seems to be kind and understanding, forgiving even.
But I feel like the usage of blind characters is too cliche. It's not unique anymore to see fanfics with someone blind or deaf or mute. But there's nothing wrong with cliche; it can be exactly what a person needs, and enjoyable even, depending on the author's writing style.

Personally, I don't find much unique about your style in particular. It's not too bland and dull, nor is it that beautiful and detailed. I feel like I can't exactly connect with Kyungsoo's feelings due to the lack of descriptive words in the sentences, but I know I'll come to understand him as the story actually progesses since this is--after all--only the first chapter.

What I recommend, though, is that you should try explaining things indirectly rather than directly. You say stuff that's so blunt like, "But he will still miss his hometown..." I think you should elaborate more on his feelings, or use more descriptive words--maybe even add some comparisons.
Rather than the typical "Kyungsoo felt dizzy and drowsy..." that has the same, direct adjectives every other author uses, try using similes; try comparing his feelings to actual things most normal people experience, or can imagine easily (e.g., how dizzy a person might feel after getting off a roller coaster). Try to use comparisons; they make it easier for the reader to understand the characters' thoughts/feelings/actions.

And I'm sorry for the criticizing and long comment. I used to be a reviewer, so I sometimes get too technical--even though this is a story I'm supposed to be reading for personal enjoyment. xD Haha, but I loved this chapter despite the flaws I pointed out. Thanks for taking time to write this. c: And I'm so excited to meet Jongin! >_<
This story sounds pretty interesting. It's okay. Haha. I don't like it when authors give away the whole plot in the description/foreword. :) Yay for Kaisoo! <3
I skimmed the beginning of your first chappie, and--just a word of advice--I don't think you have to double space between paragraphs like that. It makes it a little hard to read since I read on my phone and I have to constantly keep scrolling.^^;;; But it's okay. I'm excited to read this, though it will be a while till I start since I'm busy. ;D
Chapter 3: I'm actually craving for Jongin appearance..
Chapter 2: omg! cant wait for the next chapter!! :D :D
Chapter 2: who is that guy?
who is it who is it?
omg I wonder how is it, have to use all your senses other then sight?
And on top of that you know no one! :(
Kyungie is bright but I myself feel sad for him :(

oh I'm sorry I just do comment again, I just read like 20 updated fics xD
omg I'm so happy, best day on aff lol xD
and my long-waited-fav-fic is double updated xD

“In case you didn’t know, Joonmyun is extremely rich; he buys us dinner and lunches a lot. He was like our sugar daddy.” Luhan commented.
“Also known as their debit card.” Joonmyun added.

ahahahahaha xD rich a$$ gramp!
I love you gramp xD