Task#1: You! wash my car! (PART TWO)

Playing with Destiny



There, sited below the big tree was a small green hybrid car. 'It's cute.. for a guy like him to care enough for the environment' Taeyeon taught. Beside the car was a couple of buckets and a few feet from it was a lawn chair. '{sigh\}'Good thing I'm dressed for the occasion'  She was wearing a loose t-shirt coupled by denim shorts and sneakers.


"Get washing dork." he said, sitting comfortably on the lawn chair.



"Aw, you're not helping?" she joked.



"You wish." she scoffed at his remark and started with washing his car.


She poured water all over the car but unfortunately, some of the water splattered on Jiyong, who was sitting a little to closely.



"Yah! You're making me wet!" he yelled as he wiped himself.



"Mianhe, mianhe.." she bowed continuously in a joking way. " If you don't wanna get wet, you should at least consider moving back a bit." she continued. He backed away with a hostile expression on his face.



"Here! if you're still gonna make me wet in this distance, I swear you're gonna regret it!" he threatened her in a booming voice.



"Yes, master." she replied jokingly. This time around Taeyeon was more careful in washing his car making sure that not even a drop of water lands on him. jiyong on the other hand, thought that this situation seemed a little familiar.





"Yah! oppa~ you're splashing water all over me!" Yoona whined as she moved away from Jiyong. jiyong and Yoona became a lot closer after that bus incident. Because of them bumping into each other frequently, they've developed a close friendship.



Both of them was washing Jiyong's first ever car. Even thought both knew that they could just easily bring his car to the car wash or just let his maids wash the car for them, they decided on against it. It was a special car. After all, it's his first. He wanted to share that special moment (for him) with the girl he seemingly had feelings for not the over used car wash machine.



"he~ he~ Sorry Yoong." he said. yoona changed her position from beside him now, she was right across him. "i think it's time to rinse it already" she said to him who was scrubbing a tough spot on his car. "Ok" he said. "Since the buckets are on you side, you pour the water first." he continued but, she didn't listen further enough. Then, SPLASH! Instead of pouring it on the car, she splashed it on Jiyong and soaked every inch of him. His eyes turned to slits and looked at her with a piercing glare.



"Sorry oppa" she tried to apologize cutely but, his eyes were still dangerously fixated on her. As an apology, she poured the remaining water in the bucket she's holding on herself making her wet in the same manner as Jiyong. She looked at him apologetically and his expression lightened. 



"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!" Both laughed hysterically seeing their wet, stupid looking selves.



"Yoong! You're gonna pay for this!" jiyong yelled jokingly, still laughing a bit as he ran after Yoona, trying his best to catch her.



"Not if you can't catch me~!" she said merrily as she ran away from Jiyong who was catching up from behind. They laughes as they ran. They were both soaking wet and both looked like 2 crazy lunatics running after each other But, above all of that, they were happy. happy with each other's company.


[end of flashback]


A couple of minutes later, taeyeon was out of water for rinsing his car. "Uhh.." she hummed as she approached Jiyong with an empty bucket on her hand.



"What do you want?" he asked with his usual cold tone with his eyes fixated on a fashion magazine.



"Well, I'm out of water to rinse your car." she said.



"and.. what is it that you want?" he asked still fixated on that magazine.



"Obviously, I need water. You know where I can get it?" she was already getting annoyed with his behavior but decided to control her emotions.



"comfort room. There's a sink there, if you didn't know." He said finally looking at her who was standing in front of him. She had soap on her hair which made him chuckle a bit. Seeing that she was already on her way, he shouted "Taeyeon-yah!" which made her turn around and ran to where he was sited.



"What?" she asked annoyed. He stood up from his chair.


"Pabo! You've got bubbles on your hair and some of it are on your clothes! People would think you're stupid!" he said as he gently smacked her head.



"So what? It's not like you care.." she said as she wiped her hair and her clothes, removing the soap residue.



"I don't care. I just don't want to be seen with a crazy person." he replied. It was true. Maybe a little but still, the amount of 'no care' was greater than the little amount of 'care' he had.



"Now, go.." he said and she complied.





After some time, I came back with 2 full buckets. Surprisingly, Jiyong wasn't alone, he was talking to this one girl. I think she goes to the same university as me cause I'm pretty sure I've seen her before. As I came closer, their simple conversation turned to a heated one. I came closer again and I was able to hear her nag about something. 'I wonder what they're talking about..' keke. They look like a couple quarreling over something.



"I'm back~" I announced as I put the 2 heavy buckets down.



"Yah! who's she?" the girl asked in a very loud tone of voice. Wait, what does she mean 'who's she?' For all I care, I should be the one asking that question not, her!



"My maid." he said in a monotone voice. I was mortified! How dare he call me his maid?! For revenge, I pinched his arm very hard while muttering "I'M NOT YOUR MAID!" silently over and over again but, emphasizing every word of the sentence.


"Ow~!" he mouthed as he massaged his wounded arm. "You're gonna pay for this!" he muttered in the same manner I did earlier.



"Yah!" the almost forgotten girl yelled in a high pitched tone of voice.



"what?" Jiyong asked in a mono toned voice. Her eyes turned to slits and glared at him angrily. Then, she diverted her gaze to me. TO ME! It's seems like she wants me dead!



"You!" she said as she pointed to me then pointed to Jiyong. "do you like Jiyong oppa?" she asked.



"Well, that's a stupid question. NO. I. DON'T." I answered her question confidently. I looked at Jiyong and he had an i-don't-care expression plastered on his face.



"Ok then." she said still eyeing me. "Make sure you won't" she continued on.



"Oppa, I'll get going now." she said sweetly and turned to me again and made an 'i'm-watching-you' sign then, left.



"well then, that was weird." i said to no one in particular then, carried the two buckets again and brought it nearer to the car to rinse it.


An hour passed and I'm finally done. All is left is the polishing. "grrgh~" I heard my stomach grumble. 'I'm hungry. I haven't eat anything since this morning and it's already passed lunch. I really REALLY need to eat something! ASAP!'


"Jiyong-ssi, can I go buy something to eat?" I tried to be polite.


J: "No, you can't."


T: "Why not?"


J: "You just can't. ok?"


T: "I'm very hungry! I can eat this car!"


J: "Eat it then.."


T: "I was just exaggerating! I NEED FOOD!"


J: "Don't care"


T: I'm gonna faint if I won't eat! I'm telling the truth~"


J: "Still, don't care."


T: "No doubt.."


J: "No doubt, what?"





With an empty stomach, I started polishing and waxing his car. After a lot of wiping, I was finally done! I looked over at Jiyong and he was sleeping soundly. 'Yes! the god's have heard my prayer! This is the perfect time for me to escape. I need food now! I'm already feeling a bit woozy because of lack of food!' I left but before that, I left a sticky note that I got from my bag and stuck it on the front window of his car.





When I woke up from my short nap, the first thing I saw was my shiny clean car. 'Woah~ It looks brand new~' I thought. But wait, where's that dork? Did she leave already?



After walking around the car, inspecting every angle of it, I saw a sticky note. It said.. "Just gonna buy food. Be back later."



{sigh\} I sighed deeply.



 _   _   _  

[around 5pm]


"Yah! Jiyong, want some chips?" the dork said offering me her chips. I shook my head 'No'.



"Well, okay.. if you say so.." she replied. "Your loss" she continued as she munched on her chips.



"Didn't you say you were hungry?" I asked her..



"Yes, I did.." she replied still munching on her chips.



"And that's what you bought to satisfy your hunger?" I asked her again..



"...yes" after a while of silence. she replied as she finally stopped eating her chips. I shook my head in discontent.



I was looking in a far away distance, familiarizing the once forgotten park when I spotted that old soccer field that the park provided.



"Yah, come with me." I made way to the field with her trailing behind me.



"Where we going?" she asked but, I didn't reply.



"Let's play soccer." I said as we reached the middle of the small field.



"Okay... sure(?)" she said in an unsure tone of voice.



"That's your goal and this is my goal" I said as I pointed to the left goal which was hers and to the right goal, which was mine.



"What do you want me to do next?" she asked in a bored tone.



"Watch over your goal and make sure that the ball won't get in five times in a row"



"What if the ball gets in?"



"Well, it just proves that I'm the winner and you're the LOSER." I said emphasizing the word loser just to .



"Yah! I'm not a loser!" she yelled.


"Well prove it."



I kicked the ball three times and it also got in three times. She's definitely losing. "HAHA!" I found it funny on how she tried her best to deflect the ball but, failed MISERABLY. I was making my 4th kick when she abruptly spoke.



"Wait, can I ask you something?" she said as she came closer to where I was standing.



"You're already asking." 



"You're annoying." she said.



"I know" I replied as I played the ball with my feet.



"Who was that girl earlier? you know, the blonde one?"



"Oh.. her, she's Jessica. why?" I said still playing with the ball.



"Nothing. She's just intimidating." she said then went back to her goal.





I kicked the ball abruptly and it hit her then, miraculously it got in the net! She on the other hand, was kind of spacing out. "That's the 4th goal! The last one and I win" I yelled since she was a bit far. "Okay!" she yelled back as soon as she broke from her trance.


"That didn't hurt?!" I yelled again. That hit didn't seem to affect her at all! That's weird for a girl and since it hit her you know,... small muffins.



"Ow~! It's PAINFUL!" she yelled back. She's faking it for sure.



"Well, that was a late reaction."





"Well, that was a late reaction." Yes, it was late but it still hurt. I shrugged it off and kept the pain for myself but I really wanted to yell " OH GOD! MY S! IT FREAKING HURTS LIKE HELL! MY S WOULD DEFINITELY GO FLAT! HOW CAN HE KICK THE BALL WHEN I'M OBVIOUSLY NOT READY?!" but, i didn't. That would be embarrassing.



"Get ready, this is the last kick. If you still can't avoid it from getting in then, you've just single handedly proved that you're a LOSER!" he yelled. I'm NOT A LOSER! ok, TAENG.. FOCUS! FIGHTINGG!"



He kicked the ball and miraculously enough, I was able to catch it. "OH MY FREAKING GOSH! I caught it...!!" I yelled to no one in particular as I jumped around in joy.


"You're lucky this time dork." he said as he approached me with a smirk on his face.



"MWAHAHA! I'm not a loser. In your face! HAHA!" I kept rubbing it on his face that he was wrong and I was right. I, Kim Taeyeon am not a loser.



"Don't be too happy. I still won. For your information, I got 4 balls in out of 5." he said.



"I don't care~! I"M NOT A LOSER {sticks out tongue\}"



"Ok, ok. You can go home now." he said which made me more happy.



"YES!" I yelled as I pumped my fists on the air.



"I'm going home~~ I'm going home~~" I canted in a sing-song voice as I ran towards the tree to get my things. Jiyong was trailing behind.



I was fixing my things and so was Jiyong. After I finished, I asked him "You're not gonna bring me home? It's 7pm. It's dark already." in a joking manner.



"No." he said shortly. Ok, that was expected.



"Ok then, teayeon OUT!" I said as I showed him a peace sign like a thug and made my way home.





Author's note:

who has tumblr?

here's mine: http://hana-emi.tumblr.com/

Follow me if you want!

& don't forget to comment!!

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rethmargareth #1
Chapter 16: I just fpund this ff and it really my style
Can you continue writing this ff please?
Its too good to wasted TT
BoyMysterious #2
Stories for gtae, please. G-Dragon and Taeyeon
Hijauan #3
Chapter 16: For some reason you are the most people i hate. Better update soon
Hijauan #4
Chapter 16: For some reason you are the most people i hate. Better update soon
Chapter 16: NOO please update it!!! Hhuhuhuhuhu:( I really love the story!! It's really interesting,funny,cute,sweet and more!! OMG I can't wait!! Please update it!!
Alyeezy #6
Chapter 16: Aw, I finally had time to read some fics and when I saw yours was updated, I got too excited.
sadly it wasn't an update :(
I wish you luck though!
If you have time and if you are in the mood of finishing this fic, Please do :D!
Otherwise thanks for the great read ^^
MyLoveIs2ne1 #7
I wish you the best
D435UN6 #8
Chapter 16: i really wanna throw bricks in ur face....jk
Chapter 16: i can't..... wae wae wae???
taeyeoppeo #10
Chapter 16: CONTINUE HAVING GTAE fics please.