106 - Package

101 On How to Screw your Seobang's Morning Exercise



Yuri woke up early and rolled on the bed. Strange, Yuri frowned when she streched her arms and found nothing but thin air. Yuri sitts up from the bed and looked at her left, Empty.


Yuri frowned and her lips turned upside down when she didn't see a sleeping Jessica beside her. Yuri was upset cuz her Sica baby wasn't with her whens he woke up.


'Where is she?' thought Yuri as she scanned their room looking for any traces of the missing Ice Princess but she found none.


Yuri stood up from the bed and walked up to the bathroom to check if she was there but a cold air hit her body making her shiver when she opened the bathroom door, Empty. Jessica wasn't there so Yuri just did her daily routine before going down the living room.


But there is still no sign of the Ice Princess in the living room. Yuri frowned.


"Where could she be? She's not here in the bathroom even in the living room maybe she's in the--Oh !" Yuri make a run for it when an idea suddenly popped in her mind.


She's not in their room when she woke up. She's also not in the living room where Yuri would always find her lying comfortably on the couch while flipping channels on the tv. So that only means that there's only one place she would go and that is






























Oh the horror of it thought Yuri as she made her way to the kitchen praying hard to all the gods and deities not make her nightmares become reality.


"Sicaba--Huh? She's not here...Phew Thank God~" Yuri sighed in relief when she didn't found Jessica in the kitchen where Yuri would oftenly get a heat attack whenever she sees Jessica in there wearing her cute baby blue apron.


"Thank you all Divine beings for not making my nightmares come true and I am NEVER READY for a 'SPECIAL BREAKFAST PART II' Oh Thank you Lord!" cried Yuri in exageration. 


"Arf! Arf! Arf!" Yuri looked back and saw Hani happily wagging her tail.


"Oh hi there you little ball of cuteness~ Who's the cute one? who's the cute little ball here tell me~" Yuri picked up Hani and level her face into her and started brushing her nose on Hani's soft and cold ones. 


Hani wagged her tail and exitedly barked at her owner "Arf! Arf! Arf!"


"Awww~ You're so cute" Cooed Yuri as she hugged Hani and walked up to the cupboards to get her dog food. Yuri filled her bowl with dog food that Hani happily ate. Yuri smiled while watching her dog eat.


"Eat well Hani but I'm reminding you something, 'NO MORE DOG MILK' for you okaaaay~ CUZ WE ARE NEVER EVER EVER EVER TO THE NTH TIME OF EVER GOING TO BUY YOU THAT HORRIBLE STUFF EVER AGAIN Understood~?" Yuri smiled sweetly at Hani but her eyes give up the opposite. 


Hani just stared at her owner before going back to eat her dog food. She knows she'll get her milk later when Jessica comes with or without Yuri's concern. Yuri cleared all their Dog Milk products from the fridge not wanting to see that thing ever again. But, unknown to her Jessica hid them somewhere behind the farthest side of the cabinets so Yuri won't find them and go haywire. 


The last time Yuri saw another carton of that milk she went crazy and even bought an incinerator on the spot that was delivered into their backyard where Yuri burned the poor carton into ashes before burying them 6 feet under the ground. There was once a time where Jessica was eating cereals and Yuri walked in the kitchen and she saw a carton box of milk though regular milk but it seems Yuri had labeled all kinds of milk as 'Dog Milk' that she took that milk even Jessica's cereals and threw them again in the incinerator.


After that incident Jessica banned Yuri from using the incinerator and padlocked it so she won't be able to use it again.


Back to the story. After Yuri had eaten breakfast she walked up to the living room and the tv flipping through the channels. She laid herself comfortably on the couch while munching on a bag of chocolatechip cookies.


Hani walked up to her from the kitchen and jumped beside her and watched tv with Yuri. Yuri just let Hani sitting on the couch unlike Jessica who would always scold Hani for sitting on the couch.






"Heh...too cheessssyyy~ but I'm Chessy Yul hehehe~" 




"whoah! he's ed up!"




"Meeehh.....not scary...My Sica baby is more scary than that when she's on HellSica mode" Yuri shivers at the mere thought of her Sica baby in her HellSica mode.




"Bwhahahahahahaha........Maaan~ that's funneeehhhh~" Yuri laughed out loud while holding her stomach, here eyes starting to tear up.




Swit---Ding Dong~


"SICA BABY~" Yuri ran up to the door like a kid who's excited to see her Mom who just went home after shopping. Yuri flashed a wide grin when she opened the door only to be changed into a poker face.


"Package for Ms. Jung" said a deliverman who flashed a sweet smile at her obviously trying to flirt with her. Yuri rolled her eyes before she grabbed the box he's holding and quickly signed the papers anbd shove the papers into the deliveryboy's face and slammed the door into the poor deliverboy's face.


"Heh...Flirt. Sorry I already have my Gorjess Sica baby~ hehehe Yul you are so lucky to have a Super y, Beautiful, Gorjess, Mouthwatering and Goddess Girlfriend~" Yuri praised herself and her greatness.


"Hmm...I wonder what's this?" Yuri thought as she turned the box from left to right and from top to bottom. Yuri puts the box on top of the cofee table before she sat on the couch still examining the box in front of her. 


"Hmm....is this one of those expensive bags that Sica orders?" Yuri looks at the label on the box.


"To: Jessica Jung Sooyeon...From: GGV....GGV Clinic? what's that? I wonder what it stands for" Yuri scrattched her head in confusion. Yuri scanned the papers and gasped in surprise, her eyes widen in shock while her jaw dropped.


"Sica baby used my credit card to pay for these!?" Yuri gasped in shock when she saw her name in the payment mode used. 


"So this is where Sica baby used my gold credit card when it suddenly vanished!...Whoah!!! 1000 Dollars? what is this thing!? WHY IS THIS SO DAMN EXPENSIVE!!!!.....MY 1000 DOLLARS!!!" Yuri cried in exaggeration while messing her hair.


"THAT'S IT! I'M OPENING THIS BOX THIS INSTANT!!!!" Yuri opened the box without a second thought while gritting her teeth.




Yuri's eyes widen in shock as her face paled whiter than a ghosts face in some movies. Her jaw dropped dramatically.




Yuri saw her one of her biggest nightmares and that is






























Yuri let out a cry of dispair as she clutched hard into her head. 


Hani just watched Yuri from the couch oblivious to her master's sufferings.




"Oh! Seobang you're awake already...Hani! bad girl get off the couch this instant!" Jessica just arrived from the supermarket. Hani obeyed Jessica's order and jumped out of the couch and walked up to her while wagging her tail. 


"Hani, how many times do I have to tell you that you shouldn't sit on the couch you have your dog basket near the couch" scolded Jessica and Hani justn stared at her. 




"Good girl~" Jessica smiled at Hani befor she turned around to look at Yuri who seemed lifeless.


"Seobang? what happened to you?--*Gasps*" Jessica saw the opened package on the cofee table. She looked at Yuri and found her looking down the floor, her shoulders shaking.


Jessica was about to walk towards Yuri when Yuri suddenly laughed out loud like a carzy maniac. 






Yuri suddenly took the box full of 'EVIL' and dashed towards their backyard like a mad mad while she kept on chanting curses about how EVILLLLLLL the dog milk is. 




Cried Yuri like a maniac as she destroyed the padlock in the incinerator with a crowbar before she the icinerator into max power and dumpped all the contents of the box into the fire. 


"BWAHAHAHHAHAHHAHHAHA~" Yuri danced like an cray old guy in front of the incinerator.


"Oh God why?" Jessica facepalmed when she saw Yuri's crazy dance in front of the incinerator while shouting that the Evil is gone now. 


"Could somebody tell me why do I have a Stupid Seobang?"  





A/N: Bwhahahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaa! 

Poor Yul she have gone crazy because of Dog Milk. Poor Yul, she  must have been traumatized for life cuz of those EVILLLL THING. xD

And yeah Sica you really have a Stupid and Crazy Seobang so deal with it. xD

*GGV Clinic  - Girls Generation Veterinary Clinic 



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I got a Spin-Off in mind in relation to this. Is it a Yay or a Nay?


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Chapter 17: Mencanto
Chapter 17: Cuteeeee, thank you for this story full of fluffiness kkk :D
Love this story a lott!
vhelzzz #4
Chapter 11: i agree with you author nim "yul tried to be chill but sicabb so hot , that yul melted"
vhelzzz #5
Chapter 10: blush~blush~blush >_<
vhelzzz #6
Chapter 7: kkekekeke smile ear to ear
vhelzzz #7
Chapter 6: i imagining yul dancing like crazy , aww that must be adorable sight ever, kkk
yulsic185 #8
Chapter 8: Hahaha its so funny
Chapter 16: Plz create more about yulsic
primadona22 #10
Chapter 14: yeeeaayy yulsic happy ending ^^