102 - ​Hani

101 On How to Screw your Seobang's Morning Exercise

It was a peaceful sunday morning. Sunday's are Yuri's scheduled day off exept when she needs to spend the night in the office just to finish the mountain of paper work by the courtesy of Soonkyu err...Sunny don't tell her the Bunny might get angry at me.


Beep! Beep! Beep!


The alarm clock beeped and Yuri slowly reached up to it and turned it off.


The alarm clock was now changed due to the past event where in Yuri still didn't suspect that it was her beloved Ice Princess's doing or maybe NOT.


Yuri leaned her back on the headrest while rubbing her sleepy eyes. She looked glared at the new alarm clock remembering that 'Alarm clock incident'. Yuri frowned at the mare thought.


"Tch...stupid alarm clock" mumbled Yuri as she remebered the embarassment she felt that day.



After Yuri have changed into her business attire she quickly dashed towards her car . One of their neighbors saw her and gave her a weird look but she just shrugged it off and then drove her car at max speed. 


Yuri drove so fast that she even beat two red lights in one go, soon a police mobile appears and asked her to park her car to the side because she had aleready surpassed the speed limit. Yuri groaned in irritation but still drove her car to the side and waited impatiently as the police officer lectured her for over speeding.


"Okay...Okay I got it sorry but I'm in a hurry" She said and just took the slip from the police and immediately drove away but this time in an average speed limit so the police wouldn't annoy her again. 


The Police officer was left dumbfounded when Yuri suddenly drove off while he's in the middle of lecturing her about the rules and regulation of the road.


"Come on...Hey! You bastard get out of my way!!!" Yelled Yuri at the driver of the car that she almost bumped into.




Yuri arrived in her office building and hastly parked her car in the underground parking lot then dashed off into the elevator.


Yuri was tapping her feet impatiently while constantly looking at the floor levels. 'Come on...'




"Finally!" said Yuri as the elevator oppened. Yuri quickly walked out of the elevator.


A worker was shocked to see Yuri when the elevator oppened. He just stood there in front of the elevator with a confused face before he went inside.


Yuri was walking sprinting her way towards the elevator that connects to her office. Yuri just shrugged off the weird glances that her workers gave her as she made her way to the elevator. Before she walked inside she looked back at them and gave them a cold glare (she learned that from her Sicababy). 


"Get back to work NOW!" she shouted that startled them and they scurried back into their respective places.


Yuri sighed in frustration while massaging her temples. 'Oh God what did I do to deserve this!' 




Yuri arrived at her floor and marched in towards her office. Her Secretary Victoria gave her a weird stare and Yuri snapped at it.


"What!?" She shouted that startled Victoria. "Why is everybody giving me that weird look ever since I have entered the building?" gritted Yuri.


"Hey! that almost gave me a heart attack! and by the way why are you here Yuri?" she asked and Yuri just rolled her eyes. 


"Oh, Please Vic...why wouldn't I be here huh? please enlighten me?" before Victoria could have answered Yuri, she had already turned her back on her and started walking towards her office. "By the way order me a Cafe Latte and just deliver it in my office." She said without looking back at Victoria.


Victoria just raised an eyebrow at her Boss who suddenly showed up when it's supposedly her day off but she just shrug it off. 


"But Yuri Soshi cafe is closed every SUNDAY" she said and Yuri suddenly stopped and looked at her with an incredelous look on her face.


"S-Sunday?..." she repeated. 


"Uh...huh" nodded Victoria. "So, should I just order to--" 






Then it hit her, real hard. No wonder everyone was looking weirdly at her when she entered the building. Today was SUNDAY I repeat S-U-N-D-A-Y so basically today was supposedly her DAY OFF. Yuri ruffled her hair in frustration and stomped her way out of the building. She kept on cursing about that freak'n alarm clock, that today was supposedly her day off and she also started plotting on how to get back on that Bunny.




Victoria was left with an amused expression on her face after she saw her Boss's epic face of realizatiion. She took out her phone and called someone.




"Nickhun, are you watching the cctv earlier? if yes send me the copy of the video of the past 5 minutes" 


'Okay....what are you going to do with it?'


"I'll send it to Jessica she's asking for it. bye"




Yuri left the sleeping Jessica and went down to the kitchen. She made her favorite Ma juice and drink it when she heard ruffling sounds. Yuri thought it was just her imagination and continued drinking her Ma juice when a sudden crashing sound startled her.


"What the!?" Yuri ran off to the living room and what lied in front of her made her jaw drop. 


Ripped news paper everywhere, the cusions scattered on the floor, her magazines torn into pieces some even flew off to the tv and a wriggling dog in the middle, chewing into something.


"Hani! Bad dog, Bad!" Yuri scolded her dog named Hani. 


"Grrrrr....." Hani ignored her and kept on chewing into the thing in .


"Ha--!!!" Yuri gasped when she saw the thing her dog was chewing, it was her beloved/favorite rubber shoes. "NOOOOOOO!!!" Yuri cried in frustration.


Hani let go of the shoes and let her master cry in despair with her broken rubber shoes on the floor.




Yuri ignored her dog for the entire day even if Hani walked up to her with a ball in asking her master to play with her but Yuri just looked away. 


Hani's ears and tail limp down before she let go of the ball and walked off towards the kitchen.


"Hani come here cutie~" called a sweet voice and instantly Hani's ears perked up and she constantly wagged her tail. Jessica crouched down into her height and opened her arms wide.


"Arf! Arf!" Hani run up to Jessica's arms and Jessica hugged the dog, petting it's head. 


Jessica smiled sweetly at the dog and gave her a doggie treat that good dog's deserve. For Jessica Hani is a 'Good Dog' and she deserves a treat.


"Awww~ You are so cute I just wanna eat you up~" cooed Jessica at she kept hugging and petting the dog while showering it with compliments purposely saying it out loud.


Yuri frowned when she heard Jessica compliment the dog that just ruined her favorite rubber shoes. Yuri grumply stood up and marched towards the stairs when she accidentally stepped on the ball that Hani left awhile ago.




"Urghh!!! STRESS!" 



A/N: I hope you like this chapter and I'll try my best to create more chapters. (^_^)

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I got a Spin-Off in mind in relation to this. Is it a Yay or a Nay?


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Chapter 17: Mencanto
Chapter 17: Cuteeeee, thank you for this story full of fluffiness kkk :D
Love this story a lott!
vhelzzz #4
Chapter 11: i agree with you author nim "yul tried to be chill but sicabb so hot , that yul melted"
vhelzzz #5
Chapter 10: blush~blush~blush >_<
vhelzzz #6
Chapter 7: kkekekeke smile ear to ear
vhelzzz #7
Chapter 6: i imagining yul dancing like crazy , aww that must be adorable sight ever, kkk
yulsic185 #8
Chapter 8: Hahaha its so funny
Chapter 16: Plz create more about yulsic
primadona22 #10
Chapter 14: yeeeaayy yulsic happy ending ^^