Chapter 5

The Lost Couple

Chapter 5

Previous story: Onew just ‘interograted’ Taemin and he absolutely admit that he’s still stuck in love with Jongin. Meanwhile, Jongin still didn’t back to the dorm since he’s very stressed with that night accident. And finally, Minho and Jongin met at the company building and Jongin has already declared the war between them! What will Kyungsoo do next to resolve this big mess? Check this chapter out and enjoy the story ma beloved readers! XOXO


Kyungsoo’s looking at the phone to check a new message that come to his chatting application. He’s still half asleep since it’s already past 3 a.m.right now.

‘I really need to talk with you, Hyung. I’m in front of your room already.’

Jongin’s finally back and actually Kyungsoo couldn’t hide his excitement to meet his lovable boy. Since that night accident, the two of them didn’t get the chance to talk with each other. Kyungsoo was avoiding Jongin in purpose, since he really wanna teach a lesson for his boyfriend. He insisted not to contact Jongin first because he thought that the one that contact first is the one that feel guilty. Kyungsoo’s grinning when he realized that he won this time.

After he opened the door, he saw his boyfriend is standing with his head down. Kyungsoo’s laughing inside his mind. He sure that Jongin will apologize to him this time and he’s win already. After a few seconds, Jongin realized that Kyungsoo is still in silence and he decided to drags him forcefully to the equipment room and locks the door.

“Let’s talk here. I don’t want to wake up the others.” Jongin begins to talk with his sore voice.

“Okay, what?”

“What’s your relationship with Choi Minho? Tell me the truth, Hyung!”

Kyungsoo startled with that sudden question.

“We are friend. I already tell you this matter for countless time. You’re not satisfied, Jongin?”

Jongin’s smirking when continues, “Really? Is an ordinary friend even texting with you at this time?”

“I couldn’t sleep and he text me first so I replied him. Is that bothering you? Why’re you suddenly paying attention to this kind of matter? That’s funny for me, you know?”

Jongin’s tone begin to rise when he replies, “I’m your boyfriend.” He grabs Kyungsoo’s face while stare his boy’s big eyes with a sharp gaze. “This kind of thing’s bothering me since you are mine, Do Kyungsoo.”

“Haha! So you’re suspecting me to have an affair with him? You are really a jerk, Kim Jongin!” Kyungsoo answered when release Jongin’s hand from his face.

“How come I don’t suspect you if you’re not resist his kiss at that night?! You slapped my face in front of the boys, Hyung! I’m upset with your behaviour!”

Kyungsoo’s shocked with his boy sudden anger, “What? You’re upset? You couldn’t get your mind right, Kim Jongin! You are the one who started this whole thing! You take his hand to the singing booth! You’re not even paying ing attention to me!”

“Tsk... I rarely meet with him and you already know that he’s my ultimate bestfriend! We just singing together and you are kissing?! You make up a reason that’s really doesn’t make sense...”

“So, why did you NOT kiss me at that night? Why did you NOT punch Hyung’s face when he kissed me? You said you ARE my boyfriend!” Kyungsoo’s totally angry this time. He’s even shouting when he said that. Seriously, Jongin’s too much right now for Kyungsoo.

Jongin suddenly silence when he looks at his boy’s reaction. He couldn’t even say a word to answer because he’s actually still searching for the answer until now.

“Hahaa! See, you also admit that you’re a coward. You couldn’t even reply my question, right? You are the one that make a big mistake! Maybe if you apologize right now, I still forgive your mistake...”

“Apologize to you? Am I got a problem with my ear? You ARE the one who’s cheating behind my back, Do Kyungsoo!” Jongin shouts with full emotion this time.

“I really hate a person that doesn’t trust me, remember?” Kyungsoo’s face became very dark when he replied, “You talk to me like I’m a and you even don’t wanna apologize... I... really... hate you, Kim Jongin.”

Jongin’s totally shocked with his boyfriend’s expression. He couldn’t reply at all. For a moment, the two of them just locks their lips.

“Hey Kyungsoo-yah! What’s happened?” a knock at the door break that silence.    

“It’s enough, yeah?” Kyungsoo turned his back to get out from the room. “I will explain this to Joonmyeon hyung. You better keep your mouth shout before everything becomes a mess.”

Kyungsoo and Jongin are facing Joonmyeon and Xiumin when they open the door.

“I heard you’re shouting to each other inside that room. Geez, what’s happened with you guys?”

“He said that I’m a and I’m not pleased with that so I’m shouting at him,” Kyungsoo explains to Joonmyeon with a straight face.

“What?? I do NOT say that!” Jongin shout in front of Kyungsoo’s face and make Xiumin immediately drags him away to the kitchen.

“I’m very disappointed with you right now, Jongin,” Xiumin talks with a very serious tone, “You know that you should control yourself when you face that kid. I think you’re the one that understands Kyungsoo the best. He is your boyfriend.”

Jongin just freezes at his spot without saying anything and his face become darker. He moves his head down without even looking at Xiumin’s eyes. He’s too afraid with his oldest Hyung right now.  

“I know, Hyung. I just can’t handle this anymore... He’s the one that make that mistake and I’m trying to make him realize that...”

“You must look at yourself first before you judge other people since we are not perfect,” Xiumin replies wisely when leave Jongin alone at the kitchen while patting his shoulder, “Please be more mature and wise, Kim Jongin.”

Meanwhile, Joonmyeon talks seriously while he drags Kyungsoo away to the living room.

“Okay, what are you two arguing about?”

“Mianhae, Hyung I couldn’t tell you the details,” Kyungsoo replies shortly,”But one thing that you must know is I will NOT apologize to him even if you plead in front of me.”

Joonmyeon closes his eyes and touch his big forehead. After a while, Xiumin is walking across them without saying a word. Joonmyeon then sat desperately in a sofa while he thinks, ‘Seriously, is that this difficult for becoming a leader?’

@SM Rooftop

Taemin is looking at Seoul’s night sky on company building rooftop while observing the stars and the crescent moon. He often goes to this place when he needs a moment of silence to relieve away his stress from work, from friends, and from him. Taemin really loves the stars at the sky since he’s still being a little kid. Immediately after he could recognize the stars, he believes that there are other worlds in that stars. He even dreamt becoming an astronaut and visits the other worlds someday. Thinking that maybe there is other universe somewhere which is billions miles away from our world is very interesting for Taemin.

“You still wanna go to that stars even right now?”

A voice suddenly interrupts his imagination and then he realizes that Jongin is already sits beside him and look very amused at his face. Taemin could feel his heart is jumping up and down. Damn, why does this boy suddenly pop out?

“Eyy.. you scared me brat! Why you’re here so sudden?”

“I’m looking for you, Taeminnie. When Jonghyun hyung said that you’re out after practice I know that you’re here,” Jongin replies with soft voice. 

“Right, we often go there together in the past since this place is very beautiful,” Taemin reminiscing his memory when keep looking at the sky, “When you’re tired with all of that training activities and still doubt about your future, I often find you cried all alone here! Hahaa you actually sobbed very hard at the moment. Damn, I regret I didn’t record that moment on a photo or video! That’s gonna be hilarious if I spread them on the internet!” (-___-)

Jongin is not replying the older’s word. He just looks at the stars without saying anything. For a moment, the two keep silent and Taemin’s began to realize that there’s something wrong with this boy.

“Hey, what’s wrong? Is something bad just happen?”

Jongin doesn’t reply the question. He moves his gaze from the stars to Taemin’s eyes and Taemin could feel his breath is gone for a moment when he sees Jongin’s beautiful gaze. For a few second, Jongin keeps staring at Taemin and this is absolutely not good for him. He’s feeling very nervous right now.

‘Please stop your gaze, Kim Jongin. Damn, your eyes are freaking perfect to take my breath away.’

Suddenly, tears begin to fill Jongin’s beautiful eyes but he’s keeping his gaze to Taemin’s eyes. He obviously tends to show Taemin his true condition right now without even saying a word. Jongin’s trying to show that he’s fragile, he’s upset, he’s mad, he’s sad, and he gets too much problem at his mind right now.

“Never mind, you could shed that tears as much as you want, Jonginnie,” Taemin replies with a kind smile on his face.

Actually, Taemin also feels that his heart is hurt. He’s also feel pity and sad when he saw Jongin cried, but he never show his true feeling in front of Jongin. He’s the one that must keep smiling when Jongin’s crying. He knows that his smile is the only way that could erase Jongin’s sadness. Taemin’s bright face and jokes always become Jongin’s drugs to heal his pain.

Jongin continue cries and sobs in front of his best friend while Taemin’s hugging him and pat his back softly. Jongin’s not shy at all to show his actual feeling in front of Taemin as Taemin is the only people that saw Jongin’s tears nearly as much as his mother. At the situation like this, Jongin could feel that he’s secure if Taemin is by his side. He acknowledge that Taemin is really precious to be his forever ultimate best friend, his other half, and his best older brother.

Jongin keeps crying for nearly ten minutes when finally he could manage his feels and stops sobbing.

“It’s 9 minutes and 40 seconds. Last time you only cried for 8 minutes and 20 seconds, so I guess this is your second biggest record, ha! Congrats!” Taemin talks lightly when he check on his watch.

“Eyy... are you still counting the duration at this time? You’re totally jerk!” Jongin begins to grin and hit Taemin’s head when he heard Taemin’s response.

“Hey of course I must do this since I’m very curious when you finally manage to break your best record, 11 minutes and 35 seconds,” Taemin grins when he continue, “But hey, I think this time your problem is quite serious and you must share it with me. What’s really happens with your happy life, Kim Jongin-sshi?”

Jongin thinks for a second before he answer this question.

“I have a serious fight with Kyungsoo and our relationship is ruined right now,” Jongin finally speaks with slow voice, “I know that I’m pretty childish if I shed tears because of a boy but my mind is completely messed up. You know... I blame him for having an affair with Minho Hyung and he’s absolutely mad with me because of that. I’m very afraid when I imagine I could lose him... I still love him like crazy, Taeminnie.”

Taemin could feel his heart is broke into pieces while he tries to keep his face as blank as possible. Jongin’s crying because of that other boy, and Taemin really hates it. Although he already predicted that the accident at the last party will leave a big impact on Jongin’s relationship with his boyfriend, Taemin didn’t predict that is gonna be turn out to be this much serious. Although Jongin’s speaking the truth of his feeling, Taemin’s regretting his previous decision to ask Jongin about his problem. All the time he already know that Jongin’s heart is only for Do Kyungsoo and hear that fact again from Jongin’s mouth just make Taemin even feel worse.   

“Ah... I think Kyungsoo is not an easy type people that could immediately forget this problem and reconciliate relationship, right?”

Jongin nods his head when replies, “Yeah, you absolutely right. Ah I’m completely dumb to make him angry. Pabo Jonginnie, Pabo! What should you do to make up with him right now?”

‘Wrong. I AM the one that really dumb. I allow you to love that jerk when I’m also desperately in love with you at the same time, Kim Jongin.’

“You must apologize immediately to him when you’re still in love with him. You must keep doing that until he accept your sincere apologize”

 “But how If he don’t wanna forgive me and he cut off our relationship? We live at that same freaking small dorm and imagine that I will keep bump with him for 24/7 makes me afraid!”

Taemin takes a deep breath before he continue.

“That’s the point. If you live with him, you have pretty much time to make him go easier on you and forget this matter!” Taemin continue his word when smile brightly at the younger, “Smile! You could face this situation... Everything will be alright!”

“Yep, that’s right. I will always try to apologize and make him happy everytime I get chances,” Jongin replies with a wide smile at his face, “Thank you very much for your support, Taeminnie! You’re totally the best for driving my sad away and get my spirit back! Yossh! Fighting!!”

Taemin keep smiles at Jongin although deep inside his heart, he’s really angry with himself.

‘Lee Taemin, You’re completely idiot. You must curse yourself after all of this matter over!’

A/N : Aaaaw so sorry for the late update since I’m certainly just get too much work and I also must finish a conference at this time. But finally it’s done! :D How’s this chapter guys? The conflict getting more intense and I kinda feel bad for Taemin in this chapter because he’s in deeply pain with one his-side love towards Jongin! *attackedbyTaemin. Please wait for the next chapter to know what will happen to the boys after Jongin decided to keep fighting for his love to Kyungsoo! Comments are respected so I could know your thoughts, guys! Thank you for reading!

Thanks again bb @lovertronic for your awesome edit! XOXO   

Teaser for the next chapter and please guess what will happen next! kekeke *kickedbyreaders

“You must stay away from him in a while. I will make him regret his action!”

”We still could be together at the future even after I say this matter, right? You must promise to me.”

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Chen_Thunder #2
Chapter 6: When are you going to update ?
Chapter 6: I want 2min and Kaisoo at the end!
whadup #5
Chapter 6: Taekai taekai taekai taekai.
Oh god please make it so hahaha
Poor Jonginnie he's so heartbroken. He should start dating Taemin. >w<
Chapter 6: OMG!!!! IT'S GOING TO BE TAEKAI???????

MinSoo should totally stay together forever~
Chapter 6: wait so in the end it's minsoo and taekai?
sildo930112 #9
taeKai?? MinSoo??
Chapter 5: as much as i ship kaisoo I want Minsoo more right now!!!!!