Chapter 2

The Lost Couple

Previous story: Jealous Kyungsoo is jealous towards Taemin so he decided to take some action for revenge (?). EXO boys have been finished their rehearsal but SHINee boys are still on their way to the stage now. What will happen later between them in Hongkong? Check this chapter out readers!  Happy reading! ^^


The time is 11 a.m. already but the boys still stuck at Hongkong’s traffic. The concert will begin at 1 pm so if they haven’t arrived at 11.30 they will not get the rehearsal. Although doing-reharsal or not-doing-that is not a big deal since they are freakin shining SHINee, Minho is totally unhappy.

“Argh, what’s going on with the people here? This traffic is absolutely crowded! If we don’t arrive immediately, we couldn’t do that rehearsal!” Minho yells out his complain while hit the window.

Onew just look at him with weird face when he added, “Eii.. This is weird, dude. A ‘Choi Minho’ cares about rehearsal?”

“What’s weird about that, Hyung? We must do a rehearsal so we could check everything is okay for our performance!”

“It’s very strange since it’s you that worried about this matter. What happen to you?” Kibum replied while not move his gaze from his phone.

Minho looked nervous when Kibum attack him. Of course He couldn’t talk his actual reason is he isn’t patient enough to see his ‘little-cutie-pie’ there (-___-)

“Erm.. I just wanna finished the performance today perfectly since we haven’t come to Hongkong for a long time, our fans will very anticipate our performance, right?”

Onew just give him a ‘you-really-make-up-a-reason-that-even-doesn’t-exist’ gaze to him that make him totally nervous.

“Eii.. what’s with you, Hyung?”

“Just spit out your actual reason, Minho,” Onew talked again while grinning creepily, “We have been brothers for 8 years, anyway.”

Minho sighed, damn he’s chaught.

“I just wanna talk and meet someone there,” he mumbles, with lower and sad voice, “You know, Hyung, since we had been broke up recently, I just need to look for someone else.”

Onew just replied sadly while patted his dongsaeng’s shoulder, “Fighting, Minho-ya! I know it’s very hard for you to pass this situation since we must stick each other everytime. But you should forget him immediately of course, and find someone else better!”

“Yeah, thank you, Hyung. I totally regret his decision, you know, I still didn’t believe why he’s doing that to me...”

“Everybody has a reason for love and has a reason to end that love. If you ready to start a relationship, you also must ready to lose it,” Kibum advised him while smile and look at the backseat, “Geez, the two are still on their dreamland.”

Minho sighed and took a deep breath when smiling. Then, he follow Kibum’s gaze and find the maknae and Jonghyun are now sleeping peacefully. He talked very slowly while staring on the maknae’s peaceful face, “This is actually my mistake too. He’s not happy with me, either.”

“Cheer up Choi Minho! From now on, love him as a brother, right?”

Minho turned his face to his leader when added and smiled brightly on him, “Thank you, hyung. I will find someone that much better than him and he must find someone that much better than me, too.”


After the long traffic, finally they arrived on the venue on 12.30 pm and of course they couldn’t do the rehearsal. Minho immediately run into the performance director to ask the schedule of today’s performance. Great, they have to perform at 1.10 pm and 3.30 pm, so he still had time to look at his little one.

“Minho Hyung! You’re late for the rehearsal!” Minho turns immediately and saw Sehun is talking behind him. This boy stands together with Yixing, Chanyeol, and Luhan. Minho immediately shook their hand and patted his juniors’ shoulder enthusiastically.

“Hey guys! Happy to see you here! You know, Sehunnie, the traffic is a total mess so we couldn’t do anything,” he talked very fast while added, “By the way, where’s the other? Do they still on the waiting room? Where is your waiting room?”

“Ne, they’re still there. Our waiting room is the first tent on the right of main stage...”

“Ah! I see...thank you Chanyeollie! Bye, guys! See you very soon!” Minho talked again when run immediately into the tent.

“What’s happened to him? Why everybody act very strange today?” Chanyeol look at Minho’s back with puzzled expression.

The other three just raise their shoulder in synchronized.

@Waiting Room

Kyungsoo is still get his hair styled when he heard someone come into their tent.

“Minho hyung!  You miss the rehearsal!”

“Hey all!” Minho greets the rest of EXO boys at the waiting room, “I don’t know what happened to Hongkong people today. They just travelled at the same time with us!”

“But for you guys, doing rehearsal is not a big deal, eh?” Suho asked when smile on Minho

“Haha, actually we still wanna check some equipment so the performance will be as good as possible,”

“Oh, I heard you guys have just finished your arena concert! Congratulation, Hyung!” Jongin walk towards Minho and hug him, “By the way, where’s Taeminnie? I can’t wait to congratulate him!”

“Ah, ne,ne, thank you Jonginnie,” Minho nodded reluctantly while his eyes scanning through this room and find his little pie is sitting on the chair at the other side. He could feel the dragon on his stomach is laughing happily (-___-)  

“Hyung? Minho Hyung? Where’s Taeminnie?” Jongin asked again while he saw Minho is stand still with blank eyes.

“ what are you talking about?”

“Taeminnie, Hyung! Where’s he?”

“Oh.. he’s on our tent, I supposed. He still sleeping when I got out of the van,” Minho replied Jongin while smiling, “And our tent is on the other side of stage, beside the big mixing equipment.”

“Thanks, hyung! I wanna go there first!” Jongin patted Minho’s shoulder when go away from the tent.

Minho then texting when keep smiling on his phone

‘Eii.. you pretend not to know I’m coming already?’

Kyungsoo feels his phone vibrating inside his pocket and take a look on it

‘Ani. I just don’t want Coordi noona make a fuss with ma hair if I turn ma head,”      

Minho laughed on his replied, ‘Fine, I just come to see you’re doing well, little! Don’t forget our promise! I leave first to get styled.’

“By the way, what are you doing here, Hyung? Are you supposed to get the make-up on your tent?” Jongdae asked this time.

“Ah.. sorry I forget, I just come to make an invitation to all of you!”

His phone vibrates again and he immediately checks on it, ‘What invitation, Hyung? You haven’t told me!’

“Woaah! What kind of invitation, Hyung?”

“We already finished our Arena concert succesfully and you guys also doing very well with your promotion, right?”

All the rest of EXO nodded happily.

“So I decided to hold a special party! I’ve already make a special request to our manager to do a join party” Minho talked enthusiastically “All of 17 of us and the managers! Yeah! We will do all boys’ night out guys! ”

The rest of EXO members clapping and cheering so loud, while Kyungsoo laughed happily in silence and text again, ‘Seriously, you nearly gave me heart attack, Hyung! I’m so happy right now!’  


SHINee has finished their performance under the heavy rain. Despite they felt very tired and cold, Minho feels really happy right now since he finally got time to talks with his little pie. He’s already wait on the backstage with towel on his head and new shirt for nearly 10 minutes while he saw his little pie came from his waiting room with new outfit for today shoot. God, he’s too cute to be true! (>,<)

“You’re late, little!” Minho said happily when rubbing the younger’s head

“I must borrow this first from Jonginnie,” Kyungsoo shows him that pocket camera, “We will do a shoot at Hongkong streets later, so I guess I must prepare some documentation to film some interesting things, Hyung!”

“Really? I guess there aren’t interesting things that more interesting than this little pie here!” (-___-)

Kyungsoo blushed when Minho said that.  

 “Eii.. don’t said that, Hyung.. Everybody said that I’m boring,”

“Then I’m not that ‘Everybody’ then,” Minho smiled again while pinch Kyungsoo’s cheek, “You’re the most interesting and cute things here!”

Kyungsoo’s just look blank and blink his big eyes when look straight into his Hyung’s sharp eyes

“Aigooo~ Don’t try to act cute like that, Kyung-ie! Seriously you’re just too cute too be true!”

“Eii..I’m not cute, Hyung, I’m handsome. Don’t call me cute again, okay?” Kyungsoo insist on his opinion when keep his face do that O.O expression (*dead)

Minho chuckles when Kyungsoo said that, “Arrasseo...arrasseo.. uri Kyungsoo is handsome, and Choi Minho accepts his handsomeness!”

Kyungsoo smiled again when replied, “Nah, that’s better, Hyung!”

“You know, Kyung-ie, I just missing you like crazy. Just seeing your face is make ma heart jumps up and down.”

“Don’t try to seduce me, Hyung. I know you also do that kind of talked to the other because you’re still ‘hunting’ right now,”

“Aniyo! It’s just you, Kyung-ie. Trust me, I just keep texting with you only. If you don’t believe, you could check on ma phone,”

Kyungsoo keep smiling when replied, “Ah ne, ne, I believe you, Mr. Choi,”

Minho looks at the younger and feels that this boy is totally adorable. His squishy cheek and fair milky skin also his cute dorkiness made him fell for Kyungsoo already and he promised to himself that he gonna make his boy also fell for him. This boy is actually much better than their maknae.

“So, how’s your relationship? You’re still quarrelling with Kkamjong?”

 “Actually not, Hyung,” Kyungsoo’s talk suddenly becomes intense, “He’s already said sorry to me and he promise not to ignore me again and I already forgive him this morning.”

Minho could feel his lips bitter, “Ah ne, that’s good, Kid!”

“But his promise is always broken by him,” Kyungsoo’s pouting his mouth in his angriness, “You could see his action at the waiting room before, right?”

Minho just nodded his head.

“I could even give up with this situation, Hyung,” Kyungsoo said again with lower voice, “I still love him very much but he NEVER pays attention to me. He said he loved me too but he RARELY smiles on me. How could I not be mad?”

“Sssh...Everything will gonna be alright, Kyung-ie! Keep smiling and face this situation with positive thinking! I believe Kkamjong also loves you too, but he just couldn’t express it to you.”

“I’m afraid that he’s not happy with me, Hyung. What should I do now?”

Minho could feel his heart is very painful when he heard Kyungsoo said that. Yeah, the same situation is going on him with their maknae since 2 years ago and he really know the feels. Damn Kkamjong, how come he could wash away his so-adorable-boyfriend like this? 

“Look at me, little,” He lifted the younger head and look straight into his eyes, “Forget his bad action to you. I will make sure that I will make you happy, Okay? ”

Minho could see Kyungsoo’s face is red when he heard his sentence. He couldn’t miss this chance to hug him and make sure he’s doing good enough to make Kyungsoo feels comfortable.

Kyungsoo’s lips grinning secretly while he saw two other boys come at their place.

‘Great Job, Minho-hyung! You’re already followed by my lead!’

A/N : How’s that chapter guys? Ahahaha I’m so happy that I could make Kyungsoo as creepy-and-scary-little-cutie-pie here and a bunch of Minsoo moment! XDD *attackedbyJongin. Please wait for the next chapter to know what will happen at the party! Comments are respected so I could know your thoughts, guys! Thank you for reading, visiting, and subscribing! Please wait for the next update guys!

Thanks again bb @lovertronic for your awesome edit! XOXO  

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Chen_Thunder #2
Chapter 6: When are you going to update ?
Chapter 6: I want 2min and Kaisoo at the end!
whadup #5
Chapter 6: Taekai taekai taekai taekai.
Oh god please make it so hahaha
Poor Jonginnie he's so heartbroken. He should start dating Taemin. >w<
Chapter 6: OMG!!!! IT'S GOING TO BE TAEKAI???????

MinSoo should totally stay together forever~
Chapter 6: wait so in the end it's minsoo and taekai?
sildo930112 #9
taeKai?? MinSoo??
Chapter 5: as much as i ship kaisoo I want Minsoo more right now!!!!!