
A Collection of Fiction

Made By; Amalia
Credit; Ver-Sah-Tyle/

Can I just say how awesome that poster is? :O Yay!


A/N; this isn't very long but I felt so bad for not updating in so damn long so I thought i'd just struggle at it until I found something. Thanks to listening to some Epik High I got some inspiration and bam, a new oneshot that, to me, seems a little... wierd. Anyway I hope you enjoy. I've requested a poster so it should be here sooner or later. :D Thanks for all your support.










We don't know why, but there are some gradients of infection.
~ Luc Montagnier



The sky was grey the day they met. The clouds had come at midday, shadowing the city in a state of melancholy grey. The light breeze that flew through the city was chilled with the cold wind from the sea. It was late November and winter had arrived.

Jihyun’s scarf flapped in the wind around her, pulling the thin material away from neck and exposing her to the cold. A shiver ran up her spine as she tried to shake of the cold. The cars sped past her, the average day-to-day worker on their way home from a long trip. A soft sigh floated from Jihyun’s lips, her head was starting to spin again.

A shaky hand rose to press against her thumping temper as black spots appeared in her vision. She shouldn’t have gone out.

Time seemed to slow, her breaths became lengthy and labored and each one sounded slightly surreal. Jihyun’s vision became blurry, the legs that normally held her up crumbled and she fell, blindly, to the floor.

A large shot of pain surfaced in her head followed by a dizziness that caused her stomach to coil in on itself. Feeling in her fingers escaped, her hands uselessly lying near her face on the cold cement.  Passerby’s had stopped, staring curiously and with worry at the young girl who lay half conscious on the floor.

That’s when she first saw him, through fading vision and blurry eyes. He made his way through the ground, the only one with the initiative to help instead of stand awkwardly and watch. Jihyun could easily remember the worry marred on his face before that same face blurred. As the rain started to fall, splashing down around her and highlighting the streets with the reflections of the lights she passed out. 



She was floating, where she didn’t know. Or was she falling? She couldn’t decide all she knew is that the air felt like she was lying on clouds and her head wasn’t hurting anymore. Jihyun turned her head, meeting white emptiness.

Sounds could be heard in the distance but they sounded muffled, as if a wall was between her and them but there were no walls in sight. Frustration fell over her but she squashed it as she tried to remember where she was. The small eyes screwed shut in frustration before opening again as if maybe the scenario had changed.


That's when the voices began to get louder, making her head pound in frustration. A gasp escaped her full lips, the hands that were too thin rose to press against her head, try to suffocate the sound off but nothing happened. If anything the voices grew louder until tears fell from her brown eyes.

‘Where am I?’ she shouted but no one responded.

After what felt like hours the noises started to lesson and Jihyun slowly, with fear, opened her eyes. The room swiveled around her, no longer white but almost grey. Shots of skin colour invaded the blur of colours and then there was some black and deep green. Jihyun blinked rapidly, trying to get the colours to stop melding and create an image and eventually they did.

She found herself staring at the face above hers, trying to remember where she’d seen it before. He was handsome, with hard features and a scattering of brown hair that fell over his eyes that were staring at her almost intimidatingly. Clueless to his identity she allowed her eyes to fall past his face, onto those of an older man who held a clipboard.

His lips moved. ‘Welcome back.’

A groan fell from her lips, the pain in her head reappearing as she tried to make sense of what was going on.

‘You have anemia.’ The doctor stated simply, not even bothering to look at his clipboard. Jihyun just closed her eyes; she’d heard that before. She knew what was wrong with her, she knew how to fix it. Her problem was that she was too lazy. She effectively zoned out the voice of the doctor telling her she needed to eat more iron and focused on the boy that was now standing to the side, looking a little awkward.

Why was he here? She was sure she knew that face, or had seen it before but as hard as she tried she couldn’t remember him.

She didn’t realize the doctor had left, leaving her alone with the other patients in the small ward and him, the scary man who kept his eyes locked with hers. She expected to be fearful when he took a step forward but she wasn’t, if anything she was just curious.

‘Junhyung,’ he muttered and stuck out his hand. She couldn’t help but let a smile pass her face as she accepted his hand. His voice was deep, a little husky but maybe that was from the cold.


‘Jihyun,’ she replied, surprised that her voice was hoarse and rusty. He must have noticed the way she frowned because he was suddenly walking away only to return with a small plastic cup of water. She gave him a smile as thanks and accepted the cup, gulping down the water greedily.

She was surprised when he started to talk again. ‘You shouldn’t do that,’ he half muttered.

Jihyun raised her eyes to look at him, watching curiously as he fiddled under the gaze, ‘Do what?’

‘Faint in the street.’

She brushed off his concern, a little embarrassed. Turning her head she stared at the window, dark from the skies and drenched in the downpour. A sign fell from her lips, she hated the rain.

The man beside her shuffled, ‘I don’t get a thank you?’

She didn’t turn to look at him, ‘For what?’

‘Helping you?’

The girl turned quickly, wide eyes staring at the boy, ‘That's who you are!’ she suddenly remembered the blurry face flooding her vision before she fainted.

He seemed a bit taken back at her sudden out burst and didn’t answer, instead kept his almost black eyes trained on her, ‘I’m who?’

Jihyun felt her cheeks fill up with blood, sure that they were stained red she turned her face away mumbled a soft never mind. A though suddenly crossed her mind and before she could tell herself to shut up she let it voice.

‘Have you ever been in love?’ When he didn’t answer she turned to look at him. His expression hadn’t changed bar the slight darkening of his face as if he was plagued by painful memories.  ‘I’ll take that as a yes.’

‘Why?’ Jihyun was surprised by how rough his voice was when he asked. Scared now, for the first time, she shook her head and focused her attention on her hands.

‘I’ve never been in love,’ she finally said, though it was a half whisper, ’17 and never been in love.’ There was a trace of self-contempt in her voice.

The man, Junhyung, scoffed, ‘It’s nothing to boast about.’

Jihyun tilted her head, interested, ‘Why not? What’s it like?’

She watched, curious, as Junhyung shuffled around the small space, rubbing his hands together and then his neck before finally plopping himself in the seat beside her hospital bed. He didn’t speak for a while, simply watched the floor sighing every now and then.

‘Like an infection.’ He finally said.

She couldn’t help it, the laughter bubbled out before her hands slapped over to shut up. She tired to avoid the dark eyes. ‘Why? Is it that painful?’

‘If it goes wrong it feels like your heart is being torn in two directions. The other person because all you can think about, all you surround your life in. They infect your life and you’re lost.’

Jihyun scrunched her nose, ‘Sounds… delightful.’ A sigh slipped from her lips, ‘Still… I want to experience it. I’m sure it’s not as bad as you make it seem.’

Junhyung was struck by the soft smile on her lips, the gentle twinkle in her eyes and her in general. Before he knew what he was thinking he was imagining her smiling at him like that, because he’d made her laugh or bought her something cute. Imagining her soft arms around him and the laughter that seemed to escape her lips regularly in his ears.

He almost hit himself when his next words left his lips. ‘If you’re so curious, go out with me.’

A laugh escaped her lips, her mind telling her he was joking with her until she turned to face him. The previous laughter died in .

He was serious.

‘What?’ she whispered.

For the first time since they met a smile fell over his lips, though it was shy and a little confused it still made her heart start to pound in her chest.

‘It was just an idea…’ he mumbled, a hand rising to rub the back of his neck.

She surprised even her self with the words that slipped from her lips, ‘Ok.’ However it was joy, not nerves that filled her when that same shy smile appeared on his lips.

That's how Jihyun’s relationship with Junhyung started. 






Thank you~! ^^ Sorry for the late update :(

Haha, thanks for being so excited! ^^ Thank you so much~! :[ I'm so sorry I'm a terrible updated, it was my graduating year. As it stands I graduate in 11 days!! :D I'm so sorry it took me so long to update still T.T 

:O really? haha aww, awesome!! ^^ Thanks so much for your support~!! Sorry for updating so late~! T.T

aniyababo; x
^^ Thanks for all your support! I hope you enjoy the oneshots and this one, which is a bit off O.o Sorry about the late update T.T

I'm so glad you liked it ^^ I really had fun writting Dongwoon's story, he's my Beast bias hahaha. ^^ Thank you for all your support and comments, they mean the world to me! I'm so sorry it took me so long to update T.T 

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Thank you!
Sorry for the wait guys! I'm writting the next oneshot now :] Doojoon's turn~


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shujun #1
Chapter 10: waa..why doojoon's stories are so sad..i'm going to cry..
really hoping you would write another doojoon's story..
hwaiting dear author..^^
Chapter 10: OH. MY. GOSH.

I swear. your writing is too beautiful.
thank you very much for updating. ;___;
I'm sooo happy!!!

this chapter made my day! XDDD

will definitely wait for the next update tho. :3
Chapter 9: Re-reading and I just can't get enough with these one-shots.
The writing is beautiful, the plots are simple but amazing!

Loveeee! :3
Plmokn #4
update soon
LynaHeera #5
Nyaaaa~~~ AHHH been so long since i read a FF... so glad i did today!! Love the updates.. Love it love it!!~~ Thanks
i'm older than her and never been in love *sigh* i hope Junhyung would come to my life and show me what love is. lol as the sight of this 'I’m sure it’s not as bad as you make it seem.’ i instantly scrolled down to my chapter 7 comment. looks like Jihyun and I have something in common^^ oh i see an embedded vid! kkk... i hope there's more to come and update soon.