My Heaven

A Collection of Fiction

Poster Credit; ver-sah-tyle/ | Made by; DJ






My Heaven

I wished for nothing beyond her smile, and to walk with her thus; hand and hand, along a sun-warmed, flower-bordered path.

~ Andre Gide


Hyunseung wondered around his manor in boredom, as he did every day. He ate breakfast alone, he wrote in his diary alone. He tended the garden, or what was left to be tended by the sneaky gardener, alone.

It was, on one of those normal days he hated, that he first saw her. A pretty girl, one that would have many admires, road, , a deep brown horse through his fence covered with overgrown vines to his manor. She had an air about her he noticed but, he wasn’t sure what it is.

The wind picked up, blowing her white dress and dark hair around her. Something tightened in his chest. Confused a hand rubbed over his face. He’d briefly run the thought that she might be a witch through his head before pushing it aside. Nonsense.

Hand briskly straightened his black vest, pulled the sleeves of his shirt down before brushing hair of his face. With a brief glance back at the girl he headed for the stairs. He didn’t know who she was but she needed to leave.

‘What are you doing here?’ his sharp voice whipped out through the garden. Confused and dazed she spun around on her horse, searching for the owner of the voice. Her brown eyes widened when she caught sight of him.

‘H-hello?’ she said softly. Her voice floated out like honey.

His expression didn’t change, he was still cold. ‘Answer the question.’

She blinked. It took a moment for her to reply, ‘I’m lost.’

A gust of wind flew from his mouth in annoyance. ‘Then keep going until you find your way back.’

gapped open, ‘But,’ she stuttered but Hyunseung had already turned away from her. His large steps ate up the distance to his manor.

‘Hey!’ she cried out, kicking her horse into action to cut him off, ‘You’re telling me to leave?’

He glanced up at her and tried to catch the breathe she stole from him. She was stunning, especially with the evening sun falling behind her and highlighting the dark hair and soft skin. ‘Yes.’ He said blankly and started to make his way past the horse.

She sat on the horse stunned before another gust of harsh wind slashed the air. Hyunseung stumbled but didn’t turn back, he was use to harsh wind.

A scream shattered the air as well as the whinnying of a stressed horse. He spun on his heel in fear and watched in blank horror as the horse bucked up and she fell off the .

He raced over to her, calming the horse quickly before dropping next to her. Autumn leaves had found a home in her hair and a slight scratch marred her cheek. The long hair had tumbled out of it’s constrictions to tumbled in a rain of gorgeous waves around her shoulders.

‘Are you ok?’

She nodded gingerly before glancing up at him. She smiled prettily, a delicate hand rising to brush her hair behind her right ear. She glanced at him from under her lashes before looking away with an awkward giggle. He was handsomer than any man she’d seen before.

‘I’m Nevaeh,’ she whispered. The hand she’d stretched out for him to shake awkward retracted when he glared at it. An awkward laugh left her and she waved her finger slightly. ‘Nice garden.’

Cold eyes observed her, not knowing what to think of the strange girl. ‘It does its purpose.’

Her large eyes looked up in surprise and locked with his, ‘what’s that?’

Despite himself a smile slipped onto his lips, ‘To look pretty,’

Her lips curved in an ‘o’ of understanding before the same smile from before appeared. He found himself walking the garden with her, pointing out different flowers and inviting her to dinner.

She didn’t end up leaving that night.

Nor the next, or even the one after that. Before he knew it months had passed. Somehow she became a part of his life and slowly he started smiling freely. The servants didn’t acknowledge any change in him, there’d been told before to be distant. Like pretty paintings that moved when they were needed. He was started to regret telling them to be like that. He’d asked, at one point, if she had family waiting for her but she’d shook her head and spoken no more on the subject. He let it rest.

He found that he had fallen in love with the strange girl that had stumbled into his life, and she with him.

A year passed, they fell more in love.

He woke early one morning alone. The side of the bed where she’d slept was still warm and her sent lingered in the air. With a small grin he sat up, letting the white covers cascade down his frame to puddle around his lap. He glanced around the room, expecting her to be on the veranda. Disappointment sunk into him when she wasn’t there.

‘Nevaeh?’ he called out.

Concern fell over him, ‘Nevaeh? His voice echoed through the house. He bumped into one servant who stood gazing at him with wide eyes and a mouth that no sound escaped from.

‘What is it?’ he asked.

Her tears filed with tears and, still unable to comprehend words, pointed to the stairs. Something was wrong.

Fear filled him and he raced towards the stairs, taking them two at a time and following the line of concerned and jittery servants to the dining room.

Time slowed. Servants’ distraught faces turned to him but he ignore them, all he could see was her. Her with the long hair he loved to run his hands through, her with the deep browns orbs eyes that smiled at him and the sweet melodic voice that use to call his name.

She, who was laying on the floor a deathly pale colour covering her face. She, whose eyes stared unseeing at the ceiling. She, who had servants crying over her limp body.

He opened his mouth to ask why but no sound escaped. Tears speared his eyes and fell down the perfect cheeks to splash onto the white tile floor.

‘She’s dead,’ sobbed one of the servants, ‘she’s dead.’

Shock rattled him.

She was gone.

The days dragged forever. He no longer wandered the garden in joy but in melancholy loneliness. His breakfasts went back to being alone. He found himself tracing her name on the steamy shower. A sigh fell of his lips. He missed her.

He forced himself from the shower, threw a fluffy white towel over his head and stared at his reflection. He was a little too thin.

He was heading to the door when something caught his eye. Slowly he turned. The name he’d traced on the other side of the mirror was now backwards. A new word was formed.

He smiled to himself.

The word staring back at him read; Heaven.  

‘My heaven,’ he whispered as he traced a hand over the word.


He fell back into his old habits, but with a slight jump in his step. She’d changed him. Love or lust? Which was real? At a time, the second option had been the only option in his mind. Then he met her.

A smile graced his lips. Even though she’d left, even though she was no longer by his side he knew, in his heart he knew he’d never be the same.

Despite the pain in his heart, he’d never have wished she didn’t appear at his side. Never have wished she didn’t stumble into his life.

Because of her, he knew what love was.

He wouldn’t trade that in for the world.





That's great~! I try to make my stories so that maybe my readers will be able to emotionally respond to the characters situation. I freaked out when you said 'not beautiful,' i went all... 'OH NOES~! :O' haha but I'm so glad I read on and your liked it! Thanks so much for the subscription and comment. It means so much, I hope you enjoyed the update~

Thank you so much, and for reading it with the song~! *gives you cookies* I wrote them while listening to the songs for each different story. :] I tried to get the emotion from the songs into the stories. Thanks so much for the comment, subscription and taking the time to read. I hope you enjoyed the update~! If you want an extra story chucked in feel free to request another song. I missed a couple on the album :]

I know~! I feel so bad for hurting the beautiful leader. B2uties forgive me~! I love Doojoon too~! Hahaha. Thanks so much :] Your comment means heaps to me, as well as your subscription!! :D thanks heaps, heaps, heaps. :D I hope you enjoyed the update~

To Subscribers;

I love you guys~~! Thanks so much for reading! I hope you enjoyed the update~ :D

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Sorry for the wait guys! I'm writting the next oneshot now :] Doojoon's turn~


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shujun #1
Chapter 10: waa..why doojoon's stories are so sad..i'm going to cry..
really hoping you would write another doojoon's story..
hwaiting dear author..^^
Chapter 10: OH. MY. GOSH.

I swear. your writing is too beautiful.
thank you very much for updating. ;___;
I'm sooo happy!!!

this chapter made my day! XDDD

will definitely wait for the next update tho. :3
Chapter 9: Re-reading and I just can't get enough with these one-shots.
The writing is beautiful, the plots are simple but amazing!

Loveeee! :3
Plmokn #4
update soon
LynaHeera #5
Nyaaaa~~~ AHHH been so long since i read a FF... so glad i did today!! Love the updates.. Love it love it!!~~ Thanks
i'm older than her and never been in love *sigh* i hope Junhyung would come to my life and show me what love is. lol as the sight of this 'I’m sure it’s not as bad as you make it seem.’ i instantly scrolled down to my chapter 7 comment. looks like Jihyun and I have something in common^^ oh i see an embedded vid! kkk... i hope there's more to come and update soon.