BaekHyun 3

EXO Oneshot Scenarios (SEMI-HIATUS)



Requested by CutieBaek

BaekHyun and MinHee meets on a bus and he asks her out.


Sitting on the bus seat early in the morning, with the chilly morning wind lurking through the gapped door, MinHee shivered under the wrath of the cold. The seat next to her cold and empty, she glanced around the bus, taking in its features. Windows scratched, seats graffitied upon and mucky brown stains stuck to the floor.


Suddenly the bus came to a rough stop, making MinHee lurk forward on her seat and settling back down roughly. The front entrance door of the bus opened and in stepped a boy with brown hair, messily styled with his bag on his shoulders. He wasn’t a stranger, but he wasn’t exactly someone MinHee knew either. She would see him on the bus everyday on the way to school but there was nothing more to them. 


His eyes examined the run down bus and looked at the seat next to MinHee. Strutting towards her with glowing confidence aura, he smiled at her slightly and set his bag down to his feet, sitting down on the seat. 


“I didn’t see you yesterday.” He spoke to her for the first time. “Where were you?”


MinHee’s attention turned to him and looked at him, seeing his softy, smiling expression, she spoke to him with ease and comfort.


“I wasn’t feeling too well yesterday.” she said. “Thought I’d stay home, but I’m fine now.”


He nodded, letting his brown fringe fall upon his eye. MinHee stared at him and watched him flick his fringe back, away from his eyes. Shivering at the aura that he carried and partially because of the wind that had crept through the bus. 


“I’m BaekHyun, by the way.” he smiled, stretching out his arms, offering MinHee his hand. “I’ve seen you for a while but I never got the chance to introduce myself.”


“MinHee.” she replied back, taking his hand and shaking it.


Feeling his hand, soft and warm MinHee felt something in her stomach stir. Unintentionally warmth crept onto her cheeks, making her look away incase BaekHyun knew saw her expression of embarrassment.


“What year of high school are you in?” BaekHyun said, pulling his hand away stuffing them into his blazer pocket. 


“Second last year of high school.” MinHee smiled. “Exams are pretty hectic. You?”


“Last year of high school.” BaekHyun smiled proudly, pointing casually to the badge on his blazer, shining with golden letter “School Senior.”


The bus trip carried on, the two conversing. MinHee couldn’t help but realize the way BaekHyun’s eyes arched when he smiled. How white and straight his teeth were. How unique his smile was. Passing BaekHyun’s usual stop, MinHee turned to him with a puzzled expression. He looked back at her, raising his eyebrows with a smile.


“Something wrong?” he asked.


“Aren’t you getting off here? Don’t you always get off here?” MinHee asked, her finger pointing back to the last stop.


BaekHyun chuckled, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.


“Was that too obvious? I thought maybe I could walk you to school today.” he said. 


“Oh BaekHyun,” MinHee gasped. “You don’t have to. You’ll be late for school. You’ll-”


“Enough said.” BaekHyun said, stopping MinHee mid-sentence. “I am walking you to your school gates and that’s that.”


MinHee sighed, not knowing how she got into this situation. She bit her lip, clasping her hands together, playing her thumbs MinHee felt uneasy inside. In the corner of her eyes, she could see BaekHyun glancing at her and chuckling.


Getting close to her stop, MinHee got herself ready and looked at BaekHyun, a way of telling him that she was getting off at the next stop. 


Stepping off the bus, MinHee grabbed the straps of her school bag and walked awkwardly, trying to make it look like she was casual. But with her tense footstep and her gazed fixed to the front, BaekHyun knew for a fact that she was tense. He knew that she was nervous.


“Where’s your school?” BaekHyun asked, slowly stepping stealthily next to her. 


“Only a few blocks away now.” MinHee answered. “You can stop walking with me here. I’ll be fine.”


“I object.” BaekHyun cooed, raising a finger. “I shall walk you to your school gates.”


Arriving at the school gate, MinHee earned many stares and whispers. Murmuring coming from the girls that were walking past them. Turning back to BaekHyun she gave a sheepish smile.


“I’m here.” she said. “So you can leave now. Thanks anyways, BaekHyun.”


“No worries.” he smiled. “I’ll be here after school to take you out for coffee. You’re free, right?”


“Huh?” MinHee gawked. “Take me where? What?”


BaekHyun laughed and pinched MinHee’s burning cheeks.


“Let’s count this as our first date. I’ll see you soon, MinHee.” he waved.


MinHee was still speechless when he waved at her and walked away. Staring at his back figure, she unconsciously felt her lips tug into a smile. Maybe this was going to be a start to something interesting.


“See you soon, BaekHyun.” she whispered, walking into the school.



PWAHAHAHA BaekHyun is like so adorable. So yeahh... Next request is going to come soon. OMG I  have a school programme tomorrow and I really don't want to go. D: 

Until next time, take care. :D


Love treblebass.

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Chapter 6: awww its ok, you must be going through a hard time, dont worry about it take your time :)
crazy4dkfan #2
Chapter 4: OMGGGG This so so sweeett <3
Requested!:D Though I hope it's cool with you that instead of an OC, I paired him with another idol...
I've requested! ^^
i've requested! :)
sasha260100 #6
Chapter 4: That's O.K, author-nim! I love it! Thank you so so much! Fighting! <3