BaekHyun 2

EXO Oneshot Scenarios (SEMI-HIATUS)


Request by DJhipstar

EunJoo goes to a fan-signing and BaekHyun falls for her.



“Stop dragging me.” EunJoo complained. “I can walk.”


Her sister sighed and dropped her wrist. EunJoo turned her attention to the crowd ahead and gulped. Suddenly, she felt around for DaBin’s hand and grasped onto it. The crowd was incredible. Girls, girls, girl were everywhere you looked. In groups, in packs they were everywhere.


“DaBin...” EunJoo gulped. “Remind me why we’re here again.”


“Oh my gosh.” DaBin sighed, rolling her eyes. “We’re here to see EXO.  I’m here to see Kai oppa, you’re future brother-in-law.”



Compared to DaBin, EunJoo was a reserved girl. Although she was older then DaBin, EunJoo wasn’t the confident, outgoing type. She didn’t like it when there were too much people around. She only came to the fan signing because her mom wouldn’t let DaBin go unless EunJoo came along.


“Unnie.” DaBin tugged on EunJoo’s hand. “We have to hurry, there are so many people here.”


Wordlessly, EunJoo nodded still in awe. She stumbled along as her younger sister dragged her.The day was a little chilly. Running and pushing past people, EunJoo’s hair flew back, revealing her ears, exposing them to the cold air. Soon, she felt her nose go numb, probably rosy red from the cold. They pushed past people, bumping into shoulders, making a few people drop their bags.


“I’m so sorry!” EunJoo called back to the girl that dropped her purse.


Stopping a few people behind EXO’s signing table, DaBin fished in her hand bag and shoved an album into EunJoo’s hand. She looked at the album down in her hand and then back at her younger sister. 


“What’s this?” she said, her breath slightly panting from all the running.


“I got two albums, both for me. But, I’ll go get Kai oppa to sign mine and you go to BaekHyun oppa and get the album signed. I like them both but getting them signed one by one will take a bit of time.” DaBin stated.


EunJoo sighed and looked at the album. She flipped it to the back and observed all the members.Out of all the members, she only knew Kai because DaBin would not shut up about marrying him one day. Suddenly she realized the she didn’t know who BaekHyun was. Turning over to DaBin she opened to ask.


“Which-” she started.


Before another word slipped , eager fans were pushing and shoving her forward, separating EunJoo from her sister. Glancing over her shoulders, she saw that DaBin was already in front of the table, on the far side. EunJoo sighed, letting a string of fog escape from .


When she was pushed to the front, in front of one of the members, EunJoo began panicking. The member in front of her smiled and gave her a small wave. He had grey-blonde hair, coming down the his eyebrows, covering his eyes only slightly. His eyes were small, curving downwards when he smiled. His teeth pearly white and perfectly straight, shining through his smiled.


“Uh...” EunJoo started. “You wouldn’t happen to be BaekHyun, would you?”


All of a sudden she felt stupid. A surge of embarrassment rushed through EunJoo as the member chuckled a bit. EunJoo looked away and rubbed her lip sheepishly. That was a habit, she rubbed and played with her lip when she was nervous.


“Yes.” the member spoke. “I am BaekHyun. This is the first time I’ve experienced something like this.”


“Neh?” EunJoo said, not sure what he meant. “What experience?”


“Usually, girls would come screaming at me.” he laughed. “They’d be yelling ‘OPPA! OPPA!’ Not asking me if I’m BaekHyun or not.”


BaekHyun observed EunJoo and smiled. Her nose and cheeks were rosy red because of the cold. Her fringe tucked behind her ear and her dark black hair falling down to her stomach. Something about her seemed interesting to BaekHyun.


“I came with my sister.” EunJoo laughed. “She really likes you guys. She really wanted to go but my mom wouldn’t let her go unless I came.”


EunJoo handed BaekHyun the album she had in her hand and watched as he smiled, taking the album from her hand. Setting down the album, BaekHyun opened the cap of his black marker.


“I think this is out of ink.” he sighed. “Could you give me a second?”


EunJoo nodded as BaekHyun turned around and called one of the staff members over, saying a few words before they set off. BaekHyun turned back to her and smiled.


“Sorry.” he said. “The markers are back in the van. It’ll come soon. So let’s take this time to talk. What’s you’re name?”


“EunJoo.” she replied. 


“How old are you?” BaekHyun leaned forwards on the table, clasping his hands together and resting them on the table.


“I’m turning nineteen this Mar-” she said.


“BaekHyun, what are you talking about?” EunJoo saw a member nudge BaekHyun. That member was taller and had a bigger build than BaekHyun. His eyes were larger and his smiled was more childish.


“This marker’s working fine. It’s still got ink.”


BaekHyun glared lightly at the member and hushed him, stopping him from saying anything else. BaekHyun looked back to EunJoo and laughed. His eyes curving while he smiled.


“It wasn’t working before. It’s working now!” he cheered. “Let me sign your album.”


After signing the album and scribbling other things on it, which looked like pictures or letters, BaekHyun handed back the album to EunJoo. 


“Thanks for coming.” he waved. “Look over my autograph though.” 


BaekHyun winked. EunJoo furrowed her brows and looked back down at the album. Along the front was his signature, then underneath was written “To EunJoo, from your oppa, BaekHyun. Don’t forget my name, neh?” Underneath that was a row of numbers. EunJoo looked at the numbers and looked back at BaekHyun with a puzzled expression.


“I thought we could go out for coffee sometime, in the near future.” he smiled proudly. “Text me your number.”


EunJoo looked at him, eyes wide. Was this guy insane? He was an idol with looks, money, fame and other girls swooning over him, yet he chose to give her his number? BaekHyun looked back at her with an encouraging smile.


“Y-y-you mean t-text you now?” EunJoo stuttered, lost for words.


BaekHyun nodded. With shaky hands, EunJoo dug into her pocket and began texting her number to the numbers written on the album cover. Checking over and making sure that it was the write number, she sent it to, shoving her phone back into her pocket.


“Got it.” he smiled and clapped happily. “Thanks for coming, EunJoo-ah. Hopefully we’ll see each other soon.”


EunJoo nodded and waved at him. BaekHyun laughed and waved back cheerfully with two hands. Turning away from him, she felt her heart pound against her ribs, making her ears ring with each beat. Glancing around the crowd to look for her sister, EunJoo felt her phone vibrate.


Expecting it to be from DaBin, EunJoo checked her phone in a careless manner. But her eyes widened when she saw the number.


“Nice nose. It’s nice and rosy red ^^ I like it.” the text read.


EunJoo turned around and glanced at BaekHyun who was further away from her than before, but was still in her view. She looked it him and smiled a bit. He smiled back and raised his eyebrows, bringing his finger to tap the tip of his nose.


“This guy...” EunJoo whispered to herself, smiling.


I present to you, the first request. OMG I started to fangirl by myself when he gave her his phone number. Why won't these things happen to me? That's why life is so depressing. Enjoy these and please keep requesting, yeah? Thank you.


Take care!


Love treblebass.


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Chapter 6: awww its ok, you must be going through a hard time, dont worry about it take your time :)
crazy4dkfan #2
Chapter 4: OMGGGG This so so sweeett <3
Requested!:D Though I hope it's cool with you that instead of an OC, I paired him with another idol...
I've requested! ^^
i've requested! :)
sasha260100 #6
Chapter 4: That's O.K, author-nim! I love it! Thank you so so much! Fighting! <3