Crack 6

The Crack-filled Life of Huang Zitao

“He totally wants the D,” Jongin cackles to Sehun one day in Chemistry class while the sleepy little panda has his head down on the table, mouth slightly open as he rests his fluffy little head on a chemistry book, dreaming of bamboo forests as far as the eye can see.

 “I mean, did you see him the other day at lunch when Tao dropped his book in the hallway and Kris picked it up for him? I almost shivered from the .”

Jongin and Sehun have taken it upon themselves to ship Tao and Kris like a blinger would ship JongKey, and therefore they tend to make inappropriate and totally unnecessary comments towards their tutor-student relationship.

Or they’ve just been reading too much shoujo manga. Because everyone knows what kind of fancy ideas about romance shoujo puts in your head. Tsk, tsk.

They share a table with Tao, Kris, and Xiumin; the latter two being the ones who actually have their books out, paying attention.

“What’s the D?” Xiumin asks innocently with genuinely curious eyes, and Jongin and Sehun stare at him like they want to wrap him up in a blanket, tuck him into bed, give him a warm glass of milk, and maybe read him a bedtime story about unicorns and fairies.

“Dinosaurs,” Sehun says, “It means dinosaurs.”

“When will you guys learn that talking about other people‘s while they’re trying to concentrate on molar enthalpy is rude,” Tao says in defense of Kris if only to save Kris from hearing such profanities.

“Wait, so the D doesn’t mean dinosaurs?” Xiumin makes a face, confused.

“Save it for anatomy, Xiumin,” Sehun grins and ruffles Xiumin’s hair.

“Ew, Sehun, stop acting so motherly,” Jongin says disapprovingly at the affectionate ruffling of hair.  

“Jongin, you just weren’t loved as a child.”

“My mother loved me very much, thank you! Every night she’d read me bed time stories wrap me in my blankets and kiss me on the-”

“Okay, okay, we get it, mama’s boy.”

“Don’t act like I wasn‘t there when we were younger when you scraped your knee and you ran to your mommy crying until she kissed it better.”

Sehun clears his throat, “Ahem, but anyway,” he proceeds to ignore Jongin, “Luhan would kill me if he found out I tainted his precious, puffy-cheeked boyfriend,” Sehun shudders at the thought of having to face Luhan’s wrath. Sure, Luhan has a pretty face, but he can be one scary motherer if you mess with him or his baozi. Either that, or if you accidentally happen to deflate Luhan’s favorite soccer ball. Then you’ll really be facing the flames of hell and the wrath of Satan‘s incarnation in the form of a cute fluffy little blonde haired man. Not that Sehun would know from experience the kind of wrath a cute fluffy little blonde haired man is capable of.

“And you guys like to ship me and Tao, but you guys should see yourselves,” Kris mutters to himself, but a little too loudly without taking his eyes off the notes he was scrawling in his notebook.

“What’d you say, Kris? You ship me and Sehun?” Jongin remarks, intentionally misinterpreting what Kris said as his sarcastic smile spans wider than the Cheshire cat’s.

“What? Kris has ships? You’re bullting me,” Sehun slaps Jongin’s arm repeatedly, laughing crazily from the humor of the moment. Kris just rolls his eyes and the two boys whose imaginations going overboard.

“Back table, over there! Be quiet while I’m trying to teach!” the teachers walks over to them and hits Tao on the head.

“Ow, motherfu-.. Oh, it’s just you, teacher,” Tao lazily lifts his head up and yawns.

“Yeah, it’s just your TEACHER who gets to decide whether you pass or fail this class,” the teacher rolls his eyes, “ NOW WAKE THE HELL UP. THIS IS WHY YOU’RE BARELY PASSING THIS CLASS,” the teacher berates angrily and stomps away back towards the projector screen.

“Tao, the next time you sleep in this class I’m probably gonna have to raid your Gucci closet and burn one of your favorite sweaters,” Kris warns sternly, in all seriousness using his high and mighty ‘I’m your tutor’ voice.

“Oh, shut it. You’re my Math tutor, not my Chemistry tutor, now get off my ,” he grumbles.

“And if you need to get on anyone else’s , I volunteer as tribute,” Jongin adds unnecessarily while wiggling his eyebrows in a suggestive manner.

Kris ignores him.

“At this rate, you’re going to be needing a Chemistry tutor if you don’t stop taking little beauty naps during class,” Kris shakes his head in mock disapproval.

“Wait, how do you know I have a Gucci closet when you’ve never even been to my house?” Tao knits his eyebrows, in deep thought.

“I pretty much know all your deepest, darkest secrets thanks to Sehun, here,” Kris grins and pats Sehun’s shoulders.

At the mention of Tao’s darkest secrets, Tao’s eyes widen with fright. “Sehun, you didn’t…”

Sehun shrugs and  just sits there with an expert poker face and pretends to flip through his Chemistry book as if he actually wanted to learn about ionic bonds. “Oh Sehun!” Tao nearly screams at the mischievous demon in front of him who continues feigning complete innocence as he purses his lips together to prevent himself from laughing out loud.

“Oh Sehun I swear if you told him about the time I-”

“Shhh, what are you talking about Tao? I didn’t tell him anything,” Sehun continues browsing the pages of his textbook.

Panicked and assuming the worst, Tao turns to Kris. “Kris, listen, about that time, I swear I only did it because I was kind of a little drunk and I really didn’t even mean to throw up on Chanyeol and kiss Baekhyun I was half asleep and I swear if Sehun said anything about me crying during The Notebook he is a filthy lying stinking- ”

“Wait, Tao..” Kris tries to interrupt Tao in his panicked montage of confessions, but Tao unfortunately doesn’t hear him.

Instead, Tao continues rambling, “And that one time I was in the grocery market and I stole like 7 handfuls of chocolate raisins? Like, come on, that isn’t even that bad. Who hasn’t done that at least once in their life? Oh my god, and the one time I ate a lizard was when I was 7 years old and Jongin made me do it for a dare, okay?!”

By now Sehun couldn’t hold his laughter as he slapped Jongin and Jongin mutually slapped him back.

“Tao,” Sehun gasped in between his laughter, “I didn’t tell him any of that,” by now he was basically choking on air.  


Tao took a much needed minute to process what Oh Sehun had actually just done to him. He duped Tao into destroying his own image of himself in front of Kris, his tutor and not-so-secret crush.

“OH SEHUN YOU DEVIL CHILD I WILL PISS ON ALL THE THINGS YOU LOVE, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT THE NEXT TIME YOU DRINK YOUR BELOVED BUBBLE TEA,” Tao shouts his plan for revenge for the whole classroom to hear. He was met promptly with a whack on his head that made him cringe in pain.

“NO ONE WILL BE PISSING IN ANYONE’S BUBBLE TEA IF YOU’RE STUCK IN CLASS AFTER SCHOOL FOR DETENTION. OH SEHUN AND HUANG ZITAO, YOU ARE STAYING WITH ME TODAY AFTER SCHOOL,” the teacher announces the two troublemakers’ punishments and walks away muttering under his breath, cursing the current generation of young troublesome whippersnappers.

“… At least you two will have each other?” Jongin tries to brighten the situation of their impending two hours together after school for detention.


“What?! Why?”

“I found this note on the floor. Maybe I should read it aloud to the class, hmm? Ahem,” the teacher clears his throat.

    ‘Roses are red,
    Violets are blue,
    Please let me have with you

    Sincerely, Kim Jongin’

The teacher finishes the poem and there’s an awkward silence hanging between the rest of the class and Jongin.

Finally, Sehun applauds to break the silence. “Wooooooow, real smooth there! You’re such a romanticist, Jongin,” Sehun pats his dear friend on the shoulder, who is barely even fazed by the fact his creatively deep and heartfelt poem was just heard by everyone in the class. He just shrugs his shoulder and grins like the little creep he is. Such a creep.

Xiumin gasps, “But Jongin! You’re too young for those kinds of things!” He frowns with disappointment at Jongin.  After having been reprimanded cutely by the all-knowing umma Xiumin, Jongin hangs his head in shame. “Forgive me Xiumin, for I have sinned,” Jongin says in earnest repentance.

Xiumin purses his lips together in the cutest way that would’ve made Luhan squeal with joy and pinch his cheeks until the cute baozi whined in protest. “You are forgiven,” he relents with a tone of decisive finality.

“You three,” the teacher proceeds to point to Jongin, Sehun, and Tao with the pointer he is holding, “will all write me an essay about the inappropriate behavior you conducted during class.” The bell rings, signaling the end of the day and the teacher dismisses all of the class except those three. Kris is in the process of gathering his books when Tao says, “But teacher.. Kris and I have a tutoring session after school, can I just give you the essay tomorrow morning? It’s kind of important… Right, Kris?” Tao bulls all of this to his teacher with expertise and then looks to Kris with pleading panda eyes. A moment of telepathic communication commences between the two, which consists of Tao making gross cute faces at Kris.

Tao: Kris! Please save my , just this once?  

Kris: No.


Kris: No.

Tao: I’ll buy you something to eat afterwards?


Kris sighs and slowly turns to the teacher. “Yes, Tao has to prepare for his Math test tomorrow so he can redeem the 37% he managed to procure during the last test. I’m sorry, but it would be of great help if you could excuse him just this once.”

The teacher eyed Kris up and down as if trying to detect any hint of insincerity and sighed. “Go,” he waved his hand dismissively, and Tao jumped out of his seat. “Thank you, sir!”

With that, Tao latches onto Kris and they walk out of the room together while Sehun and Kai give each other incredulous looks.

“That little !” Kai exclaims like a man who has just been betrayed by his comrade.

“That little ,” Sehun agrees.




Thank you guys for staying with me this whole time regardless of my lack of updating! Sorry if this , but I know you guys wanted another chapter so at least I tried >.< I hope you all had a good Christmas or a great holiday~ Until next time, goodbye my dear readers!



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New chapters soon^^ It'll be out as soon as my beta approves! *hugs all of u for waiting so long*


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Chapter 6: Please update I love this!!
Chapter 6: ohmygahd! This is just hilarious. I'm dyingggggg. Damnnn
ollybear25 #3
Chapter 6: Author-him have you forgotten this fic? :'(
cos it's utter perfection and so please tell me you'll finish it
jiosne #4
Chapter 6: Lmfao sekai XDDD
Chapter 6: Omfg what is air I'm ing wheezing
And subscribing, yes
Lmao I love this!! Please update~!!
Chapter 5: Brilliant! You did write both comedy and romantic fluff, yet y... well, not yet, but I can see that it will be likely so. Or is that what actually I wanna read? Dont mind me.
Thanks for the fic, and jia you for the next chaps :)
Chapter 5: There can never be enough crack in ones life :D this story is perfect~ <3