Crack 2

The Crack-filled Life of Huang Zitao

Sunlight sneaks its way through the crevices of Tao's masterfully drawn curtains as a ringing noise slices through his haven of sleep, and Tao is all but ready to hurl a brick at his alarm clock. Instead, he settles for slamming his fist down on the snooze button violently and the clock's annoying alarm sputters to a stop. The clock's screams of pain were almost audible from the force of Tao's hand slamming down on it.

Tao questions the meaning of life as he lays sprawled in his bed as lifeless and unmoving as a sack of potatoes until a sharp jolt to his ribs has him keeling over in agony. "Get up, ya lazy er, it's time for school. Are you ready for our pre-calc test? I bet you didn't even peek at your book," an irritatingly familiar voice chimes. Screw throwing a brick at his alarm clock, he's fully prepared to throw daggers at the impolite intruder that dare enter his private quarters.

"Sehun, the are you doing in my room?" Tao lifts his head up slowly and proceeds to stare death into the depths of Sehun's forever sleepy looking brown eyes. Sehun flinches backwards, "Holy , we got an angry panda on the loose! I REPEAT, THERE IS AN ANGRY PANDA ON TH-mmmph!" Sehun is cut off by a projectile pillow being thrown at his face. "Quit with the panda joke, I do not resemble that creature in anyway whatsoever!"

Sehun raises his eyebrow and whips out his phone only to reveal an outrageously and ridiculously edited photo of a sleeping Tao, complete with prominently outlined dark eyebags and adorable fluffy ears drawn atop his mop of black hair.

"AWW, LOOK AT ME I'M SO CUTEEE~" Tao exclaims as soon as he takes in the childish doodles on his face.

"Sure you are," Sehun snorts, and again Tao shoots him a death glare.

"Okay, okay, calm your fur. Ugh, undomesticated animals these days..."

That remarks earns Sehun a blow to the balls.

"JESUS CHRIST, TAO, I WAS KIDDING," he half chokes as his body doubles over in pain. "My poor children," Sehun whimpers regretfully as he carefully cradles his injured manhood.

The unrepentant panda just rolls his eyes at the drama playing out before him when Sehun pulls him down from the bed, making his collide uncomfortably with Sehun's bony little legs. ", Sehun, what the fu-"

The door opens suddenly and there stands Tao's confused mother, but her expression is taken aback when she sees the questionable scene of Sehun, still grabbing his crotch and Tao tangled in between Sehun's legs.

"Well then," she says, glancing around the room, not sure of how to react to this easily misunderstood situation.

"Wait, no, Mom, I can expl-" Tao tries desperately, but is hushed by his mother.

"It's okay Tao, I just came up here to.. find out what all the ruckus was. Anyway, don't be late to school, you two. Have a good day, sweetie, and don't fail your pre-calc test!" She bids farewell and closes the door.

"Sehun." Tao starts slowly, dragging out his syllables in a staggeringly frightening tone. Sehun shrieks and dives for the mound of pillows. "Goodbye world," he wails, as he prepares for imminent death, but no crippling wushu blow comes. Instead, he opens his eyes and sees Tao with his arms crossed as he sighs deeply.

"You can make this up to me in one way," Tao begins, "Let me cheat off your test today."

"You devil panda," Sehun gasps, "Did you learn nothing about morals and honesty in middle school?"


"Fine. Whatever. If you get caught, it's all on you."

Tao only smirks.


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New chapters soon^^ It'll be out as soon as my beta approves! *hugs all of u for waiting so long*


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Chapter 6: Please update I love this!!
Chapter 6: ohmygahd! This is just hilarious. I'm dyingggggg. Damnnn
ollybear25 #3
Chapter 6: Author-him have you forgotten this fic? :'(
cos it's utter perfection and so please tell me you'll finish it
jiosne #4
Chapter 6: Lmfao sekai XDDD
Chapter 6: Omfg what is air I'm ing wheezing
And subscribing, yes
Lmao I love this!! Please update~!!
Chapter 5: Brilliant! You did write both comedy and romantic fluff, yet y... well, not yet, but I can see that it will be likely so. Or is that what actually I wanna read? Dont mind me.
Thanks for the fic, and jia you for the next chaps :)
Chapter 5: There can never be enough crack in ones life :D this story is perfect~ <3