About Me

I am...

As you see, entitled Cho-Phanes. Well, literally it means butterfly in various languages :) But, feel free to call me Cho :)

I am not really agency biased here. I read any fic with my favorite charas and OTP, and sure, I will leave comments afterwards (because I am a picky reader already). Sometimes, when I am inspired by something, usually it is because of movies, I will start to write, and being bored, thus the process will stop. I apologize for that. Well I know I am no good author... with that habit plus I am not really good in English. What will make me then?
By the way it's holiday in my school, so I will try to write any fic with Taoris, or Zhoury. Maybe some one shoots, because that's where I's like to start again as an author. However for you who read my story, leaving comments, and even subscribe to it :) You have my greatest  gratitude.

And for ones who added me as friend, thankssss!!! >_<

