
lather, rinse, repeat

“Eat. Please.”

I couldn’t be any more mad at him than I was then. He knew I was on a strict diet. He knew I was trying so desperately to be beautiful, and yet, he stood so stiffly in my path, leading me astray.

I suppose I should have been thankful, but back then, I wanted nothing but to claw his face in.

Dragging me away from our class, I’d suspected Daehyun to pull me into the teacher’s longue; maybe our homeroom teacher had told the kids to bring me over given I ever showed my face again. My suspicion, however, quickly died out as he continued to pull me through the front gates of our school, shoving past crowds of the student body.

And before I could bring up a coherent enough statement to shake him off, I found myself seated in McDonalds, a tray off the most fattening substance sitting right in front of me. Mocking me.

Even just looking at it, I wanted to throw up.

Mentally, I calculated the amount of calories the thing held, cringing as the digits sky rocketed. I could not eat that. No way in hell. Eating that single burger would set me back by days. Even one bite would probably bring me up five kilograms.

It would make me disgusting again, as I had been beginning eighth grade.

“No.” Equaling his glare, I pushed the tray back away from me and towards him, pressing my lips to a thin line. I wouldn’t eat that even if he paid me. Even if Jaebum had told me to – which, he wouldn’t; JB would understand why I couldn’t. “Why don’t you eat it?”

Throughout ninth grade, with him shadowing me, there was one single emotion I’d grown for Jung Daehyun; and that was envy.

He was a bastard of many different sides. Stupid, but smart; annoying, but charming. Every time I would decide one thing about him, he would easily over throw my expectations with that cocky smirk of his. Sometimes, I wanted nothing but to rip him a new one.

Every time I saw him, it was with his mouth full; every lasting second of his life seemed to be solely dedicated to eating. I didn’t understand how he could stay fit with all the calories he took it. It was impossible. He wasn’t human.

Growling something from the back of his throat, Daehyun stood, shoving his chair back behind him to come next to me, cornering me into the corner of the sofa with a hiss. “Eat.” It wasn’t a suggestion anymore. And, somehow knowing I wouldn’t, he grabbed the burger, bringing the greasy, death trap to my lips.

I would not eat that.

When I didn’t make a move to take in the burger, the attempts began to get more violent, his free hand prying my jaw apart by squeezing my cheeks. “Eat, please; you’re going die at this rate!”

We He was making a scene at this point. The customers in nearby tables had turned to look our direction, whispering (in not so hushed) voices and pointing fingers. I wanted to cry; I was crying. I was crying, sobbing my heart out, and Daehyun made no single attempt to change his motives. He didn’t care about me.

He wanted to make me fat again.

Losing the struggle of physic, grudgingly, I took in the junk food, choking several times over my tears. I wanted to throw up. I knew I was going to throw up.

I had to throw it back up.

“See, that wasn’t too bad, was it?”

Yes it was. I was going to bloat up. I was going to be fat and ugly again.

And it was all because of you, Jung Daehyun. 

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Chapter 52: I was so surprised when I reached the end! I was so eager to read the next chapter and bam. The end.
Wow but you actually took time to write about the whole back stories it's nice, thank you.
I enjoyed reading this story.
Chapter 38: It's adorable, only one is missing from that cute friend-fam :)
Chapter 53: Wow this is a really fantastic story! The way it was written was so personal, touching and heartbreaking. I really felt Youngjae' anxiety and issues throughout the story. I like how you've left some parts of the plot ambiguous and up to our interpretation, I think it makes the story all the more interesting and definitely leads a food for thought
Thank you for writing such a beautiful fic!
yeolaf #4
Chapter 53: what....... this is so beautiful :(
why i just found this now :(
daehyun life really a mess more than youngjae life but theres he always beside youngjae really hope youngjae will ready for dae~
and poor baby jongup :( how can he be so angel

i really like your plot and how you conected the caracters ~
thanks for writing this one of best fanfic i ever read hehehe~
LoveBabyCass #5
Chapter 53: Nooh i need DaeJae and BangHim to happen! How could u do this to me?! Hmp! (I still like u a lot tho but i'm taking back what i initially thought of giving u chocolates! Haha!)
((and sorry if i just read it like 2 years after this fic was completed! i'm glad i found this amazing fic, honestly.))
i really want to hug the self-struggling youngjae and thank god daehyun's there to force him to eat--even though he'll throw it up later. i know jaebum is actually a good person but i cant help hating him when he shows up after a major interaction between daejae. HAHA
aND HIMCHAN. da best sidekick, literally. i want to have an older brother like himchan, but well, i have my own older brother irl.
jongup, poor jongup. it's not actually daehyun's fault as it's actually daehyun's fault. HAHA you get me? anyways, daehyun doesn't kill him and i hope he doesn't blame it on himself more about it.
but overall i really love how you write youngjae's feelings, how he feels so hideous and those angst-suicidal things youngjae's feeling, and then his development with daehyun's help, to become a less insecure youngjae even though he still is. i love your choice of words on those beauty, health, and pretty kind of stuffs and the one sided thing youngjae has with jaebum-- i really love this story in general.

*i just need another extra, seriously. i need to read them when youngjae is finally ready, and daehyun is there to hold him for real, and they'll be in each other's arms for forever. AAAH I NEED IT.

ps actually when i just reached 10+ chapters i was still thinking that i was reading about got7's youngjae. OMG. and then daehyun went out and i'll be like. what. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH. but daejae is one of my ultimate ships too, so--.
thanks for writing this whole beautiful and inspiring piece, and have a wonderful week! <3 sorry for the long comment.
Chapter 53: Although I didn't like how little of himself Youngjae was thinking and and what he made himself to go through, I still really liked how you wrote this fanfiction, the development of the story and its characters and bromance(s)!
And I know I'm very late. It's just... Although I had your story in my list for a really long time, I found time to read it only yesterday, but I got so into the story that I finished it in less than 2 days ^-^
P.S. I had to delete and repost my previous comment edited, because I saw the links the moment I opened the story in my computer. I don't know if you saw it or not before I deleted it, but I'm still sorry if I bothered you.
Chapter 51: i love the bromance feel, no y , just mild kiss and the your choice of diction is beautiful.
This is so good after some hours reading much M rated daejae ;w;

and I never thought dae approached jae for himchan. they had little moment but im curious how it would turn out.
I'm gonna read your other works (:
Chapter 53: I must be honest, I was a little surprised at the way you wrote this story. Your characters were written so well and every flaw or habbit which you wrote about without explanation of what secrets it kept made me think deeply of an answer. The story was so catchy and it got my attention so intense and deep, I just had to read it all in one go. (Although it's 2am now and I have to wake at 6:30) I could already tell from the start Jaebum was suddenly going to get interested with YJ just because of Daehyun. Since bap's lawsuit, it's been Daehyun all the while who surprised me the most of how strong he is and works towards his dream while (i don't want to sound insulting) Youngjae is probably searching for support and comfort with his mist trusting persons, who probably one of them is his brother. Thank you for this! This might sound weird but your story made me think a bit of how important it is to stay strong and believe in yourself. I'm actually a pretty smiley girl while going through ty stuff and health which is dropping to a zero, but still smiling as if being proud of a non existent thing. While a friend of mine is going through something I went through when I was young, and it's practically breaking him, I feel sorry for him, but I wish I could give him some of my strength of keeping up. Welp sorry for my long comment. Long story short; your story moved me, and there's no need to feel insecurities if you ever had some because your writing is really great ^-^