Since we've left you

Let out the beast

Since we've left you


“How is he?”

“Like what he has been for a month…”

“Has he even slept last night? I’ve seen him wondering around the house at 3AM when I went down to drink water…”

“All I know is that he cries. Even in his sleep. Trust me, I’m his roommate…”

The five young man exchanged looks.

“I can hear you. Stop talking about me.”

It was the first time they heard his voice in a month.

Since they had made BaekHyun leave with them, the boy hadn’t talked to any of them. He didn’t eat either if not a slice of bread when the others were forcing him. He never sang during his shower as he used to. And he barely slept since a month. At least his brothers had never saw him sleeping.

In a word he was only the shadow of the man he used to be.

He was a ghost.

No, scratch that. He wasn’t a ghost. He had no spirit left in him. He was only a body barely living thought SuHo.

The oldest felt guilty. He knew what BaekHyun was going through. This mixed feeling of guilt and pain. He knew his friend suffered even more because he knew he had provoked a stinging pain of the one he loved.

SuHo had felt this when he had left Ara. And he felt even worse because he knew that the feeling will remain. SuHo was acting every day to hide how hard it was to be far from the human he loved with all his heart. His friends had forced him to burn all the photo of Ara he had but her figure and face were engraved in his memory and his heart. And he knew it was the same for his friend with Yina.

“I don’t understand what’s going on with him… Doesn’t he understand what the others had hidden from us? He was the first one to talk about betrayal when they introduced Yina to us!”

“I do Kai…” SuHo’s voice was only a faint breathe but all the boys heard it. “He did understand. But there is a stronger feeling than resentment. One day you’ll know. There is nothing wrong with him… He had just pictured a wonderful life with the one he loves…”

“How can he love someone he doesn’t know?” asked ChanYeol

“I’m sure he knows her more than anyone. Some links cannot be explained. And it’s where it’s hard for him to go on. He knows that he has hurt her. And he is himself deeply hurt because there is nothing worse than a dream loss…”

“You know even though they should have told us… I wish we hadn’t done that.” D.O finally whispered.

“Me too… It’s so hard to see him like that… He doesn’t even want to turn into a wolf and go hunting with me anymore…” Kai admitted.

“I miss my hyung. He is definitely not the same… And even if he had begun to change since Yina’s first appearance he was still himself… Just another reflection of himself…” SeHun said dreaming.

“I wish the mirror wasn’t broken and we could still see our Baek and not… a zombie… I wish we could do something…” ChanYeol added.

“And what if we could… Would you agree on that, guys?” SuHo asked, full of hope.



So... Another short chapter! This is the end of today's update!
I originally wanted to make it from Baek POV but I thought it will be more interesting (and maybe appealing for my next fanfic with SuHo...^^) from SuHo's one...

Tomorrow will be the last chapter of this fic! Wow... Thank you my lovely readers ♥ Thanks for the one commenting and subscribing... Each comment and subscription is like a gift to me ♥

I don't know if BaekHyun really sings under his shower... but... really who doesn't? I don't have a great voice but I know I do! XD
And ok... Baek is quite extreme (not eating, not sleeping etc...) but I know it's how I am because of stress since several days so why not because of something even more important like love?



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In the meanwhile I'll be thinking about the story to write somehiw less crappy chapters! I hope you'll still read this. See you soon (I hope)


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Chapter 7: i still love the story and still become all excited when i read it!
good work! :)
update soon :)
Chapter 2: seems intersting, udate soon ^^
key_love #3
Seems nice ^_^
Update soon! <3