Lost in thoughts

Let out the beast

Lost in thoughts


SeHun could hear the regular breath of his friend but he couldn’t sleep. He didn’t succeed to forget what he had heard earlier. What was BaekHyun plotting? He couldn’t really love Yina and even if he knew that his friend would never heart a girl, SeHun came to think that maybe BaekHyun was trying to take a kind of revenge on the girl…

He couldn’t help but hear BaekHyun saying “I love you” again and again.

Could BaekHyun really be playing with Yina’s heart? He strongly doubted that his friend would ever do something like that… But at the same time, his friend perfectly knew the wolves’ rules: he couldn’t mate with a human especially when a she werewolf had saved him.
But who was this she werewolf? SeHun couldn’t help but wondering.

He had thought that she would come and see SeHun but nobody had come except his friends and Yina.

SeHun had also tried to go and seek for her in the woods but he hadn’t found any wolf footprint that wasn’t one of his friends…
Did she even exist or was it only a fantasy? He dared not ask his friends about the she werewolf. He didn’t want everybody to look at him as if he was a fool but he did hear BaekHyun calling “her” in his sleep to protect him. He knew that something wasn’t right.
BaekHyun had sealed an alliance with the she werewolf and he couldn’t go back.

SeHun was scared.

He was scared that his friend was leading them to their loss.

He was scared that their pack will divide.

He was scared because his friend was risking everything for a… human.

He knew that he would never do that. He wouldn’t risk hurting his friends.

He had to talk about this to someone, but who could he talk to?

He couldn’t talk to SuHo about this. His past with Ara was too similar to the problem.

He couldn’t talk to BaekHyun, his friend would probably deny.

Kris was sometime too scary… Tao was Yina’s best friend… The rest of Exo m will also take Yina’s side and defend her…

Kai didn’t like Yina and would probably take this as a way to exclude her.

D.O and ChanYeol were sometimes childish and he didn’t really know if they would be able to help him in any way…

He couldn’t take it anymore. He had to transform. He felt tingling all over his body as his rainbow hair were coming out of his skin. He ran out through the open window only to crash on the wooden floor.

He yelped as he stood up. He had to find the she werewolf. It was capital that he opened his friend eyes before that his group of friend was shattered.

He was just hoping that he wouldn’t meet any bear or any real wolf pack. His strength wouldn’t be enough: he was only a young werewolf and even though he was a great predator, he wouldn’t survive in such case…

but he was too tired. He shouldn’t have come out this night. Exhaustion was invading him and he wouldn’t find the strength or the courage to come home. He found a spot of green moss which was inviting him and lay down.

It was still the misled of the night when he woke up. Ha was quite eased not to be facing the fangs of any cruel beast. He heard a growl behind him and froze. The wolf was surely very strong to have such a growl.

He stood and turned slowly as he met the eyes of a she werewolf. But it wasn't any she werewolf.

It was her.

But she was much more beautiful than he had seen the first time. Her fur wasn’t covered by his friend’s blood. Her brown fur had dark reflection and her dark eyes were looking him directly in his eyes. He was perfectly amazed.

How could his friend love Yina and forget about such a beautiful creature.

However he was startled. There was something familiar about this wolf. Her eyes were glowing at the faint light of the first moon crescent.




Ok I must do a new promise, one that I would be able to respect.
I'm actually on holidays and I don't have a regular access to internet neither that I have time to write: I'm with my family and I must help etc etc...
So I promise, from now on, to update at least every two days if I can't do it everyday...
I feel that it won't be fair if I don't write a love story for every exo XD so I wanted to introduce SeHun in this chapter...
of course I'll begin to write SuHo and Tao's stories first... I have so many ideas that I don't know what to write on this this story it's very frustrating!
Next chapter will be posted either tomorrow or the day after!
I hope you like my story.
Thanks to all of you for reading/commenting/subscribing! :)

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In the meanwhile I'll be thinking about the story to write somehiw less crappy chapters! I hope you'll still read this. See you soon (I hope)


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Chapter 7: i still love the story and still become all excited when i read it!
good work! :)
update soon :)
Chapter 2: seems intersting, udate soon ^^
key_love #3
Seems nice ^_^
Update soon! <3