Since you’ve been gone

Let out the beast

Since you’ve been gone


Chen and LuHan were worried. Since that day, a month ago, Yina had disappeared in the woods. Tao felt guilty and didn’t want to go out of his room and they didn’t have any news from their brothers who went away. Who knew if SuHo, Kai, ChanYeol, D.O and SeHun will forgive them one day? Kris was out to go shopping and XiuMin and Lay were following their courses at the college.

“Listen Chen, I’m sure she’s alright… I’ve seen a shadow that looked like her the other day…” LuHan could see Chen’s worries written all over his face.

“She may be healthy but she is far from being fine. I know it. I feel it. She’s like a sister to me and I can’t stand to know that her and Baek aren’t OK.”

“You know she is a great wolf. There is no reason she would be wounded…”

“I know. She isn’t wounded but she is so deeply hurt that she can’t even go home… Do you realize what it means? Do you even realize it’s been a month she hadn’t been a human?”

“I do. And I think it’s time we do something.”

“What do you have in mind?”


Yina wa gritting her fangs. The full moon was high in the sky. Tonight was going to be even harder to bear. But after all, it was only physical pain.

It has nothing on what she had been suffering for days and days. She had lost the track of the days actually. But her pain couldn’t be measured with days. It wasn’t measurable.

Until that day she had never understood her friends when they had told her how hard it was to be a wolf. But now she understood. Since that day she had no control. She wasn’t able to turn back into a human. Her pain was taking the best of her. Her pain was stronger than anything else. It was almost physical. She was overwhelmed by BaekHyun loss.

She had still her consciousness but anything else didn’t matter. She knew that he was her wolf mate and she also knew she would never see him again.

She had no control over herself. She had no control over her life since he was the one who gave her direction. 


Since the chapter is quiiiite short and everything well... There's going to be another one today! (guess who is going to be there!)

I should be working... But come on I have to finish today's update!^^ Off to write the other one ;)

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In the meanwhile I'll be thinking about the story to write somehiw less crappy chapters! I hope you'll still read this. See you soon (I hope)


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Chapter 7: i still love the story and still become all excited when i read it!
good work! :)
update soon :)
Chapter 2: seems intersting, udate soon ^^
key_love #3
Seems nice ^_^
Update soon! <3