What if she was mine?

Let out the beast

What if she was mine?



SeHun wanted to go closer.

He really wanted to get to know the beautiful creature who was facing him.

He wanted to understand what was wrong with her and how his friend could get over her for… Yina!

But she had already left, as swiftly as she had come. And from the impression she had left him, she had nothing wrong, she was perfect.

He didn’t know what to feel, he didn’t know how to react but it was obvious that she wasn’t interested by anybody other than BaekHyun. At least for the moment. All he had to do was to do an impression on her as she had done to him. He had to show a manly side of him. He had to show a more mature wolf side than the wolf cub impression he had been told he reflected…

And for that he had only one thing to do:

He had to make BaekHyun go down.

He wasn’t proud of his idea. In fact he didn’t want to do BaekHyun any wrong.

But his friend had hurt the one he was trying to impress. He had ignored the she-werewolf and he would do everything to make her his.

Still thinking about what had to be done he went back to the house to sleep, or at least to try to sleep.

The sun was high in the sky when he got up. He didn’t have any worries because he didn’t have classes that day. Well… He did have one worry: he had to show BaekHyun’s betrayal to the pack.

*change of POV*

All the pack could see that something was wrong with SeHun that day. Sure, he wasn’t always smiling but usually he wasn’t sulking alone in the corner lost in his thoughts.

And he also didn’t throw deathly glare at BaekHyun usually…

Everybody had some bad days, surely SeHun was having one but his friends were quite irritated to see him sulking and not even reacting to any of their gestures toward him.

Finally LuHan went out. As SeHun closest friend he thought that he had the ultimate solution to their problem: Bubble tea. When SeHun have had problems to be part of the pack, LuHan had the habit of bringing him the beverage the younger liked so much. Maybe the younger will open to him like he had in the past if they were alone with their drink.

LuHan reached the shop but there was a long line to the counter. He couldn’t help but being irritated. He didn’t like to know that SeHun was bad and he hated to know that the others were stuck with him as well. Letting a huge sigh out he tried to be patient, but how could he be when so many people were stuck in such a little space and shouting at each other’s? Feeling more irritated than ever he finally reached the counter only to meet a pair of soft and smiling green eyes.

“What can I do for you Sir?”

The girls’ voice sounded like wind in a tree’s branches to LuHan ears and he couldn’t help but looking more thoroughly to the girl. Her smile faded as the young man in front of her didn’t answer. The line was huge and she would probably be scolded later.

“Sir? What. Do. You. Want?”

This time LuHan cringed, her voice had an entirely other feeling than before. It was… stinging, quite like a woodpecker drumming on a trunk’ bark. He remembered his mission and hurried to go back to the house.

As he was arriving he knew that SeHun was still in a really bad mood as he saw the entire pack making faces at him. He couldn’t help but to smile at Chanyeol’s and Chen’s impersonations of SeHun.

When he entered the room all the pack had left, apart from SeHun who was still in his corner. LuHan already knew what he had to do and went straight to his friend, holding out the bubble tea for his friend.

“Talk to me SeHunnie. What is going on with you today?”

The younger throw him a glance before taking the drink.

“I guess I should be thanking you… So thanks.”

“Come on Hunnie! I want answers. Why are you all sulking like that?”

“You can’t help me. I have a problem and it involve Baek. You’re not supposed to be in the middle.”

The pack, who was listening to the chat from the other room looked at BaekHyun with confusion and somehow compassion.

“And how is Baek a problem to you? You were alright last time I checked…”

“He is not behaving like the real wolf he is. He isn’t behaving like a brother from the pack.”

“He hadn’t done anything wrong until now. Why are you being so harsh on him?”


The others couldn’t help but being dragged in the conversation. What could BaekHyun have done to displease SeHun so much?

“He has a human girlfriend.”

Gasps could be heard from the other side of the door as BaekHyun felt nine pair of eyes scrutinizing him in a way that was far from being sympathetic and he couldn’t help but lower his head like a culprit.



Sooooo I'm finally back!!! I'm sorry I won't be able to write/upload another chapter today, I have a HUGE cold so I'm trying to rest... Anyway I'm really back so the next chapter will be tomorrow!

I know LuHan is not officially an important character of the story but since I have the project to do a wolf serie with a love interest for each of the exo members I'm kind of trying to introduce them :p (even though the next one to have his story in about like three or four days because the story is nearly ending will be SuHo!)Oh and I'm a frustrated fan: I've never tasted a Bubble tea actually even though I know that I'll love it... I'm knida obsessed with drinks and tea in particular...^^

Thanks again for readin and/or subscribing my lovely readers ♥ Do comment, pleaaase :)

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In the meanwhile I'll be thinking about the story to write somehiw less crappy chapters! I hope you'll still read this. See you soon (I hope)


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Chapter 7: i still love the story and still become all excited when i read it!
good work! :)
update soon :)
Chapter 2: seems intersting, udate soon ^^
key_love #3
Seems nice ^_^
Update soon! <3