You don’t know me.

Let out the beast

You don’t know me.



Kris couldn’t believe what he was seeing as he opened the door. What was happening? Yina was helping BaekHyun to walk and led him to his room. She even helped him to lay on his bed.

It’s wasn’t that extraordinary coming from Yina but what was more surprising was that BaekHyun was smiling and kept thanking her.

- Do you need help Yina?

- No no it’s alright… I’m going to prepare something to him. He went to school but he forgot to bring food so he is starving…

Kris looked at Yina then suspiciously at BaekHyun. Did his friend knew what Yina really was or was him just being civilized? He strongly doubted that, looking over his shoulder to see Yina being concentrated on her cooking he went in the room.

- Just tell me what’s happening.

BaekHyun raised his head and looked at Kris puzzled.

- What do you mean?

- Why are you and Yina friends? What do you know? What happened?


He smiled while playing with Yina's fingers.

- You know, I’ve been liking you since we first met eyes…

- You’re joking right? You hated me… You even flew away from me when you saw that I was your friends’ friend.

- I never hated you… I was… Scared… I didn’t know this feeling. I was confused. I didn’t know you…

- You still don’t…

- Will you let me know you? I want to know you but you’re so secretive… If I hadn’t found out that you were the she-werewolf would you have ever told me?

- I don’t know… if I trusted you why not…

- But you’re not sure… How can I prove to you that we are meant to be together?

- You don’t have to… But I need time… I’m not ready for your friends to know me as a werewolf when they don’t even trust me for who they know me…

- They will trust one of them.

- I’m not one of you. You were born this way. I was transformed and I choose to be. I don’t want them to look at me the way Exo M did when they learned that I had transformed. I don’t want to look at me as if I was a beast.

- But you are a beast. And so are they. You don’t have to be scared or feel threatened by them… They will be your friends.

- They won’t be. I was the one who made their friends break several rules. I will never be one of you. You didn’t even feel that I was a werewolf.

BaekHyun looked over at Yina. The girl was hiding her head but he could feel the warm tears escape her eyes. He didn’t know if these were because she felt rejected or if he was the one to blame. Did he hurt her by not seeing she was a werewolf…? He wanted to hug her. But he couldn’t. His wounds were preventing him from moving. Plus he couldn’t hug her in public, if she ever agreed on being hugged.

Somehow he did understand her. She was not a plain human. But she wasn’t a “true” werewolf either… He tried to imagine himself learning that one of his human friends had been transformed. Would have he behave the same way Exo M did? But how did they react? She was right. He had so much to learn. Who was she? A name, a nature, it wasn’t enough. And even though his heart made him think he knew her he had a lot more to know before “knowing” her.


- Nothing happened. We just talked. I’m trying to know her better.



I'm sorry... The chapter is quite short... :/ 
I'm going to write the second one I'll try to make it a little longer^^


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In the meanwhile I'll be thinking about the story to write somehiw less crappy chapters! I hope you'll still read this. See you soon (I hope)


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Chapter 7: i still love the story and still become all excited when i read it!
good work! :)
update soon :)
Chapter 2: seems intersting, udate soon ^^
key_love #3
Seems nice ^_^
Update soon! <3