Jelly Jelly?

~ The Boys ~

All the boys/Yoo-Ri rode in their one and only so called "fancy van". It was a very small bright red van and could barely fit 7 people; it wasn't the cleanest van as well. Since Chanyeol was tall, his head could almost hit the roof. Although the van needed to be "Pimped", what matters was that they were all content with what they had. 


Suho was the one driving, D.O. called shotgun and of course as usual; he was eating. Sehun, Yoo-Ri, and Chanyeol all sat in the middle area, while Kai & Baekhyun sat at the very back. 


"Sehun! Did you drop your most famous stink bomb again?" said Kai while hitting Sehun at the back of his head. 


Everyone covered their nose and gave Sehun death glares. 


"Yah! I know I always drop the stink bomb but trust me, not this time. I SWEAR!" Sehun scratched his head in pain. 


"Ruined my selca moment here!" Baekhyun shouted.

"This is stupid" Chanyeol rolled his eyes. 


"Guys! Please! Stop! I'm trying to drive safely here!" announced Suho. 


"Are we *munch* there yet?" asked D.O. 

"Soon. Very soon D.O." Yoo-Ri smiled. Chanyeol saw from the corner of his eyes that she hugged D.O. from the back of D.O.'s seat. 


~ Is this what happens when a girl goes through puberty? .. They get touchy and act all cute? What is this? .. That's obviously not the Yoo-Ri I know ~ [CHANYEOL]


- - - - - - - - - - 


20 minutes of driving later, and they finally arrived at their destination. It was their favorite street vendor. It was a small old street vendor but what kept EXO coming back was the comfortable feel to it and the very delicious food they served. 


"Annyeong hashimnika Sunsaengnim! We'll have the usual please!" winked Suho. 

"Neh! .. Oh! Who's girlfriend is this beautiful young lady here?"

"She's mine" said Sehun wrapping his arms around Yoo-Ri's neck and pretending to kiss her cheeks. 

"Actually.. She's mine" said Kai while pushing Sehun off of her. 

"She's nobody's" said Chanyeol as he grabbed and moved her to the side. 


The Sunsaengnim was confused while the rest of the EXO boys surprisingly looked at Chanyeol. 

Yoo-Ri just stared at him. 


~ Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed ~ [YOO-RI]


"Phhst! What's wrong with Chanyeol?" Baekhyun nudged Suho. 

"I don't know man" said Suho as he was carefully watching Chanyeol. 

"I mean he's never acted like that towards a girl before. He is known to be "The Heartbreaker" I wonder what this guy is up to" 

"Yoo-Ri is not just any girl though, she's part of our group. So he has that special connection towards her" 

"Chanyeol didn't have that special connection towards Yoo-Ri when we were younger. He was so cold to her..."

"Well yeah... but deep down we all know he cared for her as well"


When they were younger, Chanyeol was always bullied because he was chubby and cause of his pet ferret. Chanyeol built walls around his heart turning him to a cold hearted person. Only Yoo-Ri was able to slightly get passed that. She always stood up for him, and physically fought with people who would hurt him. But when it came to Yoo-Ri being bullied herself; she could not stand up for herself. 


- - - - - - - - - - - 


The group began to eat and they were all shocked to see Yoo-Ri eat. She ate as much as D.O. She was like the girl version of D.O.; well in this case in eating.


"I'm so *munch* happy right *munch* now" D.O. said. 

"Hehehe *munch* me too. Just like *munch* old times" smiled Yoo-Ri. 


Kai and Sehun jaws dropped to see such a beautiful slim lady to be eating that much food. 


"Wow. You never really changed Yoo-Ri" Sehun slowly clapped. 

"Well she doesn't have the bowl cut anymore" laughed Kai. 

"Guys... My appearance may have drastically changed but I'm still me. This is still the Yoo-Ri you guys grew up with" 


- - - - - - - - 


Meanwhile while the group continued to munch, Chanyeol noticed that Suho & Yoo-Ri kept looking/smiling at each other even though they were sitting at the opposite sides of the table. Chanyeol was starting to have this weird feeling inside of him. Could this weird feeling be jealousy?


~ What're you doing Chanyeol? Why are you acting this way.. This is stupid. Yoo-Ri's just a friend ~ [CHANYEOL] 


The rest of the group also noticed the two and started to tease them. 


"Suho & Yoo-Ri sitting on a tree.. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" singed Sehun.

"First comes LOVE!" singed Kai. 

"Then comes more LOVE! .. for Baekhyun!" singed Baekyun. 

"Then lots *munch* of EXO babies in a *munch* baby carriage!" singed D.O.


After all that shenanigans, Suho & Yoo-Ri were blushing and could no longer look at each other. 


"This is so stupid" Chanyeol rolled his eyes. 





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Chapter 4: the kai gif......o.o
Chapter 4: Laughing still because of evil Sehun. Loving it!
Chapter 3: thanks for the update nice pretty sad yoo-ri's boyfriend been stole by his girlfriend
zeenzz #4
Chapter 2: Fancy van. XD
Fancy van? I think this is my kind of story! Looking forward to more!
Kyumin #6
Good idea, Updatee! ;u;
Bang-Jello #7
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^