Chapter Six

My Stubborn Little Prince and I

A short sigh escaped Oh Sehun’s lips.

He actually has lost count as to how many deep breaths he has done since fleeing his room after receiving a distressed call from Jongdae.

It was a lovely Saturday morning. It was supposed to be a start of a quiet and lovely weekend; however, upon returning to the guards’ quarters from his early morning rounds around the estate, a loud ringing from his phone reached Sehun’s ears. Jongdae’s voice was in panic while he provided Sehun the events of what transpired in the mansion a couple of minutes ago. Without any hesitation, Sehun instantaneously his heels as he headed out once again.

Hurried footsteps echoed in his ears as he sped through the deserted corridors. He turned a corner and he can finally see the double oak doors of the President’s executive office. As Sehun approached the room, he could already hear the faint inkling of the raised voice of the individual inside, and it get louder and louder with every step that he makes.

Sehun internally facepalmed

“…I wait for the green light before I cross the street! I pay my taxes faithfully and I refused to be treated like a criminal!!!”

Once again, Sehun groaned internally as he reached the heavyset of doors. Bowing in acknowledgement to the President’s bodyguards who stood at both sides of the entrance, it did not fail his notice that the two are barely keeping their straight face.

Sehun sighs again.

Pushing the door open, he was welcomed by the picture of the gentleman flailing his arms as he continued his protests while President Wufan looks up at him with an amused expression on his face. The latter even barely tried to hide it.

“…And wipe that expression off your face! It’s rude you know!”

Wufan let out a small chuckle. It was then that he noticed his former personal guard standing at the doorway.

“Oh, Sehun! You’re finally here!” Wufan exclaimed as a smile painted his lips, and it finally brought some quiet in the room. “Good. It seems that I finally had the pleasure to meet your big brother.”

Sehun was bowing to the President when his brother turned to him.


“Yixing-hyung,” Sehun turned to his brother in confusion. Hyung, what are you doing here?”

Yixing looked at him in disbelief as if his younger brother asked him a silly question. “Well, I heard you were not feeling well the past week, why shouldn’t I be here?”

Sehun gaped at Yixing for a moment before he straightened up. “I see. Well, I think it’s best if we go back to the guards’ quarters, hyung.” He then turned to Wufan. “I do apologize for the disturbance, President and please excuse us.”

“Oh there is no need for apologies, Sehun.” Wufan waved a fan of dismissal. “I was quite… should I say, entertained.”

Yixing turned away with his nose in the air, and made an “I’m watching you” gesture to the President with his hand. Sehun, with an inaudible groan led his older brother out of the office.

This will be a long day.



The breakfast feast that his brother prepared for him lay forgotten as Sehun massaged his temples as he tried to calm his temples as he tried to calm himself down. Across the table is Yixing doing the same exact thing. The trip from the President’s office until the guards’ dining room has been a quiet one. And the prolonged silence did help in calming Sehun’s nerves down.

When he looked up from his position, he was faced by his brother glaring at him.

“Hyung, what the hell happened earlier?”

“I didn’t do anything wrong!”

Both of them said at the same time. Sehun shook his head as Yixing went back to his displeased expression. And quite honestly, Sehun did not like this look on his brother’s face. It was the one he always wore whenever he was about to scold Sehun.

Sehun clicked his tongue. “Fine, but could you please explain to me why did I receive a phone call at 7 o’clock in the morning informing me that my brother is being dragged by the guards to the President’s office?

Yixing looked at him defensively. “Exactly! Could you please explain to me why I was treated like some low-class burglar?”

“Hyung,” Sehun sighed. “You’re hanging out outside the house of one of the country’s richest man. Of course they will be suspicious.”

“Pfft, richest man,” Yixing rolled his eyes. “Did not show on his manners by the way. And why are you even taking his side? You’re supposed to be my brother.”

“I’m just saying,” Sehun rolled his eyes. “That’s how it looked like earlier. And quite frankly I’m a bit shocked that you came to visit me.”

“Well,” Yixing shrugged as he set his luggage up on the table. “When I heard you had been sick, what am I supposed to do, you ungrateful little brat. Of course I’ll come and check up on you.”

Sehun let out a small chuckle. “Thanks, hyung, really I’m glad you’re here, but still it’s been so long since you’ve been back to the city.”

A strange expression flickered in his brother’s eyes, and Sehun knew. Then a second later, a smile appeared on Yixing’s face: a smile as if remembering a forgotten memory.

“Yeah, it’s been a long time isn’t it.”

“Hyung,” Sehun started. “Sorry if…”

“Don’t be,” Yixing waved a hand in dismissal. “This visit is supposed to be about you. Let’s not talk about things that should have been forgotten. Anyway, on to a more pressing matter: so a little birdie told me that you’ve been avoiding Luhan.”

Sehun rolled his eyes, “Is that little birdie going by the name of Luhan?” It was true though, he had been a little distant with the Young Master the past few weeks. He did not know what to expect as a matter of fact.

Yixing rolled his eyes in return. “Don’t you roll your eyes at me, Oh Sehun, and by the way I’m talking about three little birdies. We have a chatroom at KaTalk.”

“Oh.” Sehun said dumbly. Those guys…

It was Yixing’s turn to click his tongue. “I told you to be careful, Sehun-ah, but not to be stupid.”

Sehun was about to open his mouth in defense, but decided to close it. He did not want to say anything that could hurt his brother or say anything well, stupid. Instead, he just picked up his fork and made a move to start the then cold pancakes that his brother made for him. (He also realized that the maple syrup on top is a frowny face, rather than a smiley one, but he did not say anything more.)

Yixing’s eyes were still on him like a hawk when the brothers heard the dining room door slamming, announcing the arrival of the three little birdies.

“Yixing-hyung!!” Chanyeol with a boom in his voice announced. “We came as soon as we heard! Welcome!”

The three bounded over to where the brothers were sitting to greet Yixing.

Baekhyun’s eyes were as wide as saucers as he looked at the breakfast that Yixing brought for them. “You shouldn’t have brought so much, Yixing-hyung! Oh bacon strips!” He went and got a plate of his own.

“Ah, don’t worry,” Yixing placed stack of pancakes at the three’s plates and Sehun frowned a little at the maple syrup smiley faces on theirs. Of course, he tried to hide it.

Jongdae was scratching his head as he sat on one of the chairs. “You should’ve told us that you’re already here earlier, hyung. That way the gate guards would not have brought you to the President’s office!”

Yixing scoffed at that. “Ah, don’t worry about that. I could take down that guy in five seconds. By the way, where’s Luhan?”

Baekhyun cleared his throat. “Oh, we tried to wake him up, but he said he won’t go down until his Prince went up and sweep the Young Master off of his feet.”

All eyes went now to Sehun, who was quietly pouring maple syrup on his fresh new stack of pancakes. Sensing the change of atmosphere, Sehun sighed and got on his feet (and he’s pretty sure he sees Chanyeol’s pancake smirking at him).



Sehun has always thought that he is a person who is good in controlling his emotions mainly because number one, it is part of his job and number two; he is just not a feelings type of person. However, right now as he stood in front of a familiar bedroom door, Sehun did not know why there seems to be a knot in his stomach. Lie; of course he perfectly knew the reason why. He did not need this kind of distractions right now Sehun took a deep breath as he knocked hesitantly on the door.

“Who is it?” A playful voice came muffled from inside the room, and Sehun did not notice that he was smiling to himself not until a few minutes later.

After a few seconds of no response, the voice asked once more, “Who is it? Is it still you, Baekhyun-hyung? I told you I won’t come down, not until my Prince comes to rescue me!”

Sehun shook his head. “It’s not Baekhyun, Young Master. I need you to come down now and eat your breakfast. It’s almost 8 o’clock already.”

Hurried footsteps could be heard traipsing from inside the bedroom as Sehun waited for the door to open. When it did, he was welcomed with the image of Luhan wearing his favorite deer printed pajama with his with his hair tied up at the top. Sehun thought he looks like an apple.

“Sehun-ah!” Luhan’s eyes twinkled as he smiled sheepishly at Sehun. “I knew you’d come and rescue me!” The Young Master made a gesture to put his arms around Sehun, which the latter dodge successfully.

“Sehun-ah, you’re still mean. Hmph,” Luhan crossed his arms and looked away from his bodyguard with his nose up in the air. “Seriously, didn’t you know that when Princes rescue their Princesses they should carry her to his horse and sweep her of her feet?”

Sehun eyed Luhan disapprovingly. “No time for nonsense, Young Master.”

“No.” Luhan insisted and planted his feet on the floor to make his point. “You’re such a killjoy, Sehun-ah. Why can’t you just have fun sometimes?”

Sehun sighed. This is not going well. And before he could stop himself, “First of all, Young Master, I’m not a Prince. I’m your bodyguard. I swore to always protect, and not sweep you off your feet. Second, you’re not a princess. You are Luhan. You don’t need me to rescue you, because you’re better than those princesses.” Sehun saw the sudden smile on Luhan’s face, which distracted him for a second. “A-and besides, I don’t have a horse. I don’t even have a car.”

Luhan suddenly burst out laughing. “Sehun-ah, you’re really the best.”

Sehun then cleared his throat, “We need to go now, Young Master.” He his heels as he headed downstairs, but there was a sudden thud coming from Luhan’s room. Sehun in panic rushed back when he saw Luhan on the floor with his hands on his ankles.

“Sehun-ah, I tripped!” Luhan winced.

“Where does it hurt, Young Master?!” Sehun got down examining Luhan’s ankle. “Tell me!”

However, after a few moments with no answer, Sehun turned to look at Luhan, who was grinning teasingly at him and he can only watch in surprise as the Young Master closed in on him and placed a peck on his cheek.

Luhan stood up abruptly then, giggling as he left a still shell shocked Sehun on his trail.

“Come on, Sehun-ah! We don’t want to be late for breakfast!!”

Sehun touched his cheek where Luhan’s lips touched a few seconds ago.

He’s doomed.



“Let’s see…” Yixing checked his list on his hands as Sehun trailed after him with a bunch of grocery bags in his hands. “I think everything’s good with the ingredients store. It’s just the chocolate cake that Luhan requested that we need to buy, then we’re good!”

“Do we really need this stuff, hyung?” Sehun asked. “I know we’ve not seen each other since the last time I visited, but isn’t this a bit over the top?”

He did not expect the dis approving glare his older brother gave him, and Sehun just chose to shut up. They managed to arrive at a corner bakery to buy Luhan’s cake that Yixing promised to buy for him. As it turned out, Luhan already knew that Yixing will be arriving that day. Sehun only found out when his brother got the invitation when Luhan had contacted him. The Young Master has been worried that Sehun is a bit off the weather the past few days, and he thought that Yixing’s visit would be a bit helpful on his health.

“Sehun?” His brother’s voice interrupted his thoughts. “Which one?”


Yixing clicked his tongue. “I asked, which cake do you want us to buy for Luhan?”

“Uhh…” Sehun frowned as he stared at the cakes in front of him. “I don’t know. All of them look okay.”

Yixing sighed. “You’re such a tall lump of awkward, my brother. I don’t know what Luhan sees in you. Of course they look okay, it’s cake for god sakes!! But it will be special because you will choose the cake for him!”

 Sehun scratched his head. He was trained in hand-to-hand combat, how to use a gun, hell, he even knows how to know if there’s poison in the food, but never in his life has Sehun been so tense enough to pick the right dessert.

“Well?” Yixing tapped his toes impatiently.

Sehun stared at his brother blankly.


They walked out of the bakery with Yixing’s face stuck on a knowing smirk as he carries the cake. (Sehun chose the Chocolate frosted cake with heart shaped strawberries on top.)


“Stop it.” Sehun says as he turns away from his brother.

“What?” Yixing demanded, but still maintaining the smile on his face. “I’m not saying anything.”

“You don’t have to say anything, hyung.” Sehun sulked. “I can tell from your face alone.”

Yixing snorted and tried to ruffle his brother’s hair despite the latter’s dodges. “Aww, so cute! I wish people would see this side of you. My brother, one of the country’s best bodyguards finally has a puppy love!”

Sehun blushed. “Stop it! It’s not funny!”

“But you’re not denying it though!” Yixing teased. “Aww, Sehun-ah. I should’ve brought a camera and showed it to Luhan. You’re blushing!”

“I’m not!” Sehun tried to will the warmth on his face caused by his brother’s mention of a certain someone’s name. “I’m not blushing! I don’t—”

“You don’t what? The strawberry hearts says it all.”” Yixing asked, but Sehun ignored him.


“I want to be with him.” Sehun says after a few moments. He waited for another teasing remark from his brother, but he did not receive any response. He realizes how foreign it was to hear himself admit how he really feels out loud, but at the same time he figured how much how he needed to do it.

“I want to be with him.” Sehun repeated with a tone of worry in his voice. “I want it so much that every time I see him, I don’t know what to do. How could I know when every minute, every second I spend with him is a constant reminder that we’re not meant to be together.”

“Who says?” Yixing patted his shoulders. “Who says you can’t be with him?”

Sehun shrugged. “I don’t know… Life? I mean, look at the two of us, hyung. Can you honestly tell me right now that we’ll have our happy ending if we got together?”

Yixing shook his head as he chuckled. “You really think too much, little brother. Have thought that far ahead, when you did not even realize that this is not for you only to decide? Have you even took the time to maybe, I don’t know, just stand in front of Luhan and show him that love him? He doesn’t even know how you feel, Sehun-ah.”

“I just… what if you know, we end up…” Sehun trailed off as he gave his brother a look.

Yixing look appalled. “Oh Sehun, are you seriously getting worked up about this because of what happened to me?”

Sehun frowned. “Well, I saw how hurt you were at that time, hyung.”

“That was so many years ago, Sehun!” Yixing shook his head as he stopped on his tracks. “Years! And that was different!”

“Well how was it different?” Sehun in turn stopped walking as well. “I believe it’s the same scenario, no?”

“It’s what we decided.” Yixing retorted. “He and I both feel that our relationship could be a burden for his job. And look where he is now!”

“Yeah he’s a top movie star, big deal!” Sehun answered. “But how about you, hyung? You were even forced to leave the city.”

“That’s my choice, Sehun-ah.” Yixing said quietly.

Silence reigns for a while, between the two brothers as they let the tension settle down.

“I seriously want to rip his head off whenever I see his face on TV.” Sehun mumbled.

Yixing snorted. “He’s going to get married this year though.”

“What?” Sehun’s eyes widened. “How did you know?”

Yixing shrugged as they started to walk again. “He called me a few days ago to tell me the good news. I’m not sure why, but he did. It’s gonna be with a non-showbiz woman. It was great talk. He did not invite me though.”

“Really with a girl? And you’re fine with that?” Sehun asked.

“Yeah. I think he still needed my approval for that.” Yixing chuckled. “I mean, we did get to reminisce and stuff, but I figured in the end it was the closure that we needed. It was kind of the happy ending for our story.”

“Hyung, I…” Sehun did not know what to say.

Yixing sighed. “Maybe I needed to come here today too, you know? I mean like I can start my life again and you know, find happiness and all that cheesy crap.”

“Yeah.” Sehun replied.

“Listen, Sehun-ah.” Yixing said. “That’s what I’m telling you. Everyone has the right to choose their own paths and you can to. Just let go of that fear, which is weird because I’ve never pegged you to be afraid of anything.”

Sehun smiled and let out a small sigh. “This is weird, you know. Falling in love.”




All in all, it was a fun night. Everyone had a great time eating the feast that Yixing prepared for them. They had a little bit of a dilemma though when Baekhyun brought out the alcohol and Chanyeol managed to drink at least 7 bottles of soju. They decided to call it a night, when Jongdae playfully dares for Chanyeol to swim 5 laps in the swimming pool without drowning. Needless to say, a nagging Baekhyun and a giggling Jongdae was left to carry a very drenched clumsy giant back to the guards’ headquarters.

Sehun insisted that Yixing stay the night. However, being the stubborn older brother that he was, Yixing informed him that he will be catching the last train back home. After leaving Sehun with at least five containers of kimchi and a year’s worth of vitamins, the brothers say good bye that night with a promise that they will be seeing each other soon.

He was on his way back to his room, when Sehun spotted the Young Master sitting beside the pool with his feet submerged in the cold water. Thinking of the time, Sehun approached him to bring him back to his room. Luhan saw him though and gave Sehun a small smile as he got closer.

“What are you still doing here, Young Master?” Sehun asked when he was near enough. “You might catch a cold.”

“That’s okay.” Luhan said with a smile. “You’ll take care of me, right, Sehun-ah?”

Sehun clicked his tongue. “Don’t say that it’s okay. It’s not okay if you catch a fever. So come on, let’s go back to your room.” He reached out a hand, which Luhan refused.

“No! I don’t want to go back to my room.” Luhan crossed his arms and looked away from Sehun. “Let me catch a cold! I’ll stay the night here if I have to!”

Sehun stood in surprise. “What’s wrong, Young Master?”

Luhan refused to answer and to emphasize his displeasure put his nose up in the air.

“We need to bring you upstairs, Young Master. Please.” Sehun pulled up Luhan to stand up. The sound of splashing water breaks the silence of the night as Luhan struggled to get off of Sehun’s grip.

“Let me go! I swear to God. Oh Sehun, let me go!” Luhan protested as Sehun put both of his hands on the former’s shoulders to calm him down. Luhan tried to look anywhere, but Sehun and it started to worry him.

“Now tell me what’s wrong.” Sehun tried to ask once more, although the Young Master was still avoiding his gaze.

Luhan sniffed silently and Sehun started to panic when tears suddenly fall down the Young Master’s cheeks. “Yixing-hyung went home already.”

Sehun was dumbfounded. “W-what?”

Luhan with fat tears streaming down his face looked at him sadly. “Yixing-hyung home left already.” His voice sounds so fragile and hurt.

Sehun panicked as he tried to fish out his phone from his pocket. “I could call hyung if you want him to stay the night, Young Master.”

“That’s not it!” Luhan cried and he was shaking. “Sehun-ah… Now that Yixing-hyung left, are you gonna start avoiding me again?”

Sehun’s heart clenched. All along, he was too busy thinking by himself not even aware that he was causing Luhan this sadness.

“Young Master, I…” Sehun hated himself for not knowing what to say. He looked at Luhan with tears still welling out and he wants to protect him. He wants to tell him how sorry he was and he had never meant to make him cry. Sehun wrapped his arms protectively at the crying boy, wanting to convey his apology to him.

“When Sehun-ah was sick, I was really worried.” Luhan sniffed, his words muffled as Sehun held him. “I really want to see you, but I can’t. I want to know if you’re alright, but I can’t. Even when you’re standing beside me, you seem so far, Sehun-ah. I  don’t know why. I thought that maybe if I get sick, you’ll  take care of me. Maybe you’ll be worried. I’m really stupid, aren’t I?”

Sehun tightened his arms around Luhan. “Don’t ever say that, Young Master. I’m really sorry if I made you feel that way. I’m so sorry for worrying you.”

As Sehun held Luhan close in his arms, he wondered if the Young Master can here the loud thumping of his heart. He is very sure that he is falling once again.


“Sehun-ah, hold my hand!” Luhan says to him as they stood in front of the Young Master’s room some time later that night, when things have finally calmed down.

Sehun found it strange, but held out his hand to hold Luhan’s. “What is this for?”

“I finally figured it out.” Luhan answered cheerfully. “Why I want to marry you, Sehun-ah.”

“What?” Sehun gaped and he could not help, but feel a little bit silly (Well, good silly).

“Yeah,” Luhan nodded his head with a smile. “I want to marry you, because I know in my heart that whenever I reach out to hold your hand, I know you won’t let me go.”

Sehun unconsciously tightened his hold on the other’s hand, before Luhan said good night to him. He was sure in his mind and heart that as their hands let go of one another, as Luhan gave a one last good night to him, as he watched the Young Master closes his bedroom door that he is gonna fight for him.

Oh Sehun will fight for him.






It was a couple of weeks later that Sehun found himself standing in front of the familiar wooden oak doors. He could not help but think about the first time he entered this office. So much has changed since then. He was brought back to present when one of the guards on his right gave him the signal to go in. Sehun has a bittersweet smile as he took a deep breath and took the first step towards his future.






“Whoa, you guys are early.” Sehun commented as he put down his cup of coffee on the table next to him. He could not help though the surprise in his voice when he saw Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongdae already warming up for their training session that early morning.

“Of course, sunbaenim!” Baekhyun replied as if insulted that Sehun was the least bit surprised. “Since when did we slack off?”

“We’re the best aren’t we?” Jongdae chirped in.

“We’re only here to always make you proud, Sehun-sunbae!” Chanyeol is already pumped up and trying his best not to trip over himself.

Sehun chuckled. It was a quiet Sunday morning, and the sun had barely risen. He watched in amusement as the other three warmed up before their usual morning routine. He was suddenly reminded of the first time that he met his trio. This three who at that time could not even pass his standards in uniform. But now, it was amazing, Sehun thought. They were still the same awkward bunch, but he will always be proud of them.

“Okay, don’t complain to me earlier when all your muscles are sore.” Sehun has a small smile as he joined in the exercise.

It was around the part when they were doing the jumping jacks (Throughout this entire week, it was always when they reach the jumping jacks routine and Sehun has no idea why.), when Chanyeol started crying. And soon enough, the other two joined in. They did not stop though. They continued with the exercise while crying their eyes out.

“Okay, stop.” Sehun was catching his breath as he watched the three followed his lead. “We’re not getting anywhere.”

“But, sunbae!” Baekhyun protested while still sniffing.

“No, buts.” Sehun sighed. “Come on, you guys. It’s been a week of this. I’m starting to think you’re only doing this to get out of exercising.”

“Sunbaenim!” Jongdae cried. “How can we not cry?”

“You know when I said that I don’t want to this to be emotional and stuff?” Sehun said exasperatedly. “I was serious at that time.”

“Sehun-sunbae!” Chanyeol ran to hug Sehun and the two others followed him.

Sehun chuckled with difficulty as the three hugged him while crying their eyes out. “You guys, really are pathetic.” He said fondly as the three wailed some more.



“Sehun-ah?” Luhan asked as Sehun got out of the car to open the door for him.




Sehun ignored Luhan as he led the latter to a small garden. Sehun smiled to himself as he saw the confused expression of the other. It was later that morning and after an elaborate scheme with the trio, they were able to smuggle the Young Master out of the estate. Sehun brought them to a familiar place he had known since he was a little kid, and hopefully after weeks of careful preparation, Luhan would like the place as well.

Luhan on the other hand was starting to grow impatient. “Sehun-ah, come on. Where are we?”

“Home.” Sehun replied as he reached to hold Luhan’s hand in his. “This was home to me for a while before Yixing-hyung’s parents found me.”

Sehun felt Luhan’s hand clutched his reassuringly. They walked around and at the distance, they saw some children playing around the garden.

“I wanted to bring you here, because I want you to get to know me.” Sehun said as the two of them walked towards a small chapel beside the orphanage. “Luhan-ah.”

Sehun could not help to smile when he heard Luhan gasped. “Sehun-ah!”

“Did you know that growing up, I wanted to be a teacher?” Sehun heard Luhan giggled and decided to continue. “Yeah, I liked kids you know. I figured, if I did not end up a bodyguard, I would like to teach kindergarten. It might not have been obvious, but yeah…”

“You’d be an excellent teacher, Sehun-ah.” Luhan smiled. “If I’m your student, I’ll never play hooky.”

“I’m glad I didn’t though.” Sehun felt his cheeks reddening slightly as he looked at Luhan. Because I wouldn’t have met you.

They came in quietly through the entrance of the little chapel, and Sehun thanked the heavens that no one is around because he thinks that he would not be able to go through with his plan if somebody else is watching them. He led them towards the altar and they stood face to face. Sehun could see Luhan’s face reflecting the blush on his own.


“Luhan,” Sehun started with his voice quavering a little. “It took me forever to get here and weeks of careful planning and thinking. And then it hit me. I don’t need anything spectacular, when all I want to say is to tell you exactly how I feel every time you’re with me. I love you. I love you, so, so much that if it’s okay,” Sehun fished from his pocket the couple ring that Luhan gave to him before. “I’d like to marry you too.”

Luhan’s eyes watered as he wrapped his arms around Sehun and buried his face on the taller’s chest.


Sehun attempted to cradle the other’s face on his hands, but Luhan only tightened his hold on him.


“I don’t want you to see how red my face is right now. It’s embarrassing.” Luhan mumbled as Sehun chuckled.


“I love you too, Sehun-ah.”



It was almost dusk when Sehun brought the Young Master back to his room. After spending the whole day together talking about everything and anything they can think of, they figured it was finally time to go home.

“Sehun-ah.” Luhan asked his fingers playing with the ring in Sehun’s hand. “Why do you love me?”

Sehun smiled, because the other is being adorable right now. “Why? Because you stole my first kiss, remember? I’m old fashioned like that.”

Luhan blushed remembering the scene at the airport. “Sehun-ah! I only did that because you’re really handsome that day, and I’m supposed to be hiding well, from you unfortunately.”

“Yeah, well, you’re really crazy that time.” Sehun answered.

“But you like me though, right?” Luhan smiled teasingly. “It’s me, right?”

“Unfortunately.” Sehun smiled.

“Sehun-ah!” Luhan whined.

“Yeah, but seriously.” Sehun’s face turned serious. “The reason why I love you is, because no matter what happens I know that you’ll always hold my hand.”

“Cheesy.” Luhan teased. “Super cheesy, Sehun-ah. And you’re kind of deriving from my answer before.”

“Alright, fine.” Sehun smiled fondly as he reached out a hand to touch Luhan’s cheek. “You win.”

“Sehun-ah,” Luhan placed his hand on top of Sehun’s.

And all of a sudden all the feelings that Sehun had been keeping at bay overflowed. His free hand reached behind Luhan’s back as he turned the knobbed and nudged the both of them inside the room. The door closed safely behind them as Luhan was suddenly pressed against it. Sehun’s desperate gaze met Luhan’s confused ones as their lips finally met in an insane frenzy. Sehun’s heart clenched as he knew that he only had very limited time left and he wanted to tell him desperately, hungrily, desirably and lovingly how much he felt and how much sorry he was. He wants Luhan to know everything, down to the very last detail. He wants to hold him and just be with him forever, but that’s not the case though. They had to let go.

“Sehun-ah…” Luhan said when they parted, leaving quick pecks on the other’s lips.

“You’ll wait for me, no matter what happens right?” Sehun asked desperately as he held the other’s face as if searching for the answer. “You’ll always hold my hand right?”

Luhan reached for Sehun once again and this time their kiss was slower and gentler. It reminded Sehun of Luhan very much. “Of course, Sehun-ah. You’re Luhan’s prince, right?”

“And you’re mine.” Sehun placed a kiss on Luhan’s forehead.



That night’s events passed on like a blur. Sehun did not say anything as he went down the estate’s entrance to meet Baekhyun, Chanyeol and Jongdae already waiting for him with the car. Nobody said anything, when Sehun received a call from President Wufan and Sehun only replied with ‘It’s done” before hanging up. It was even dead silent as the three walked him to the station’s platform as several passengers hurried to catch the next train.

Baekhyun was the first one to speak up, as always. “It’s not fair.”

Sehun smiled. It was always Baekhyun who always spoke up even though he knew he could get in trouble. He sure will miss them.

“I mean, can’t you make the deal without you leaving the Young Master, sunbaenim?” Baekhyun was still tenacious till the end.

“I already explained it to you guys, didn’t I?” Sehun was still smiling, remembering how the three cried when he announced to them his resignation.

“Young Master’s gonna be mad, sunbae.” Jongdae shivered.

“I can already imagine.” Sehun shook his head.

“We’ll miss you, sunbaenim.” Chanyeol said ready to cry again.

“Aish, you three.” Sehun reprimanded. “I told you guys you could visit us when it’s your day-off. Yixing-hyung will be more than happy to cook for you three.”

Baekhyun who is starting to sniff a lot  as well said, “We’ll take care of the, Young Master, promise.”

“I know.” Sehun smiled sadly. “And please don’t forget to give him the letter from me, okay.”

Baekhyun nodded repeatedly.

“I want you to know that I will always be proud of you three, alright?”

“SUNBAE!!!” The three cried again as they bear-hugged Sehun for the nth time this week.


It was almost midnight when the train arrived at Sehun’s hometown, and he had barely hopped off the train when he saw his brother waiting for him with a sad smile on his face.

“Come on,” Yixing gave him a tight hug. “I know you’ve had a long day. I’m not gonna ask anything tonight. Let me tell you though, I’ve got a nice hot pot cooked up at home. You must be starving.”

“Sounds good.”



“So let me get this straight.” Yixing already had his hands on his hips the next morning. “They’ll only allow you to date him when both of you get your degrees?”

Sehun nodded.


It was barely morning, but out of routine, he was already up and about. He was scouring some food for breakfast when his older spotted him and decided to cool for him / confront him.

“Tell me how did this happen again?” Yixing asked as he fried eggs.

“Yeah,” Sehun is munching an apple he found in the refrigerator. “I figured that if I want to be with him, I’d have to quit right? It’s either that or the President will ship me off somewhere else. So then, I talked to Luhan’s parents.”

“You what?” Yixing gasped. “Tell me you did not confront one of the richest couples in the world.”

“Well, I did.” Sehun continued. “And I asked for Luhan’s hand in marriage.”

Yixing made a choking noise. “When I said you’re not afraid of anything, I did not say go nuts.”

“They agreed though,” Sehun shrugged. “But they told me I would have to get my degree and get a stable job first.”

“Wait, they agreed?” Yixing’s eyes were as round as they almost burnt sunny-side ups that he’s cooking.

Sehun smiled. “Yeah, and because of that President Wufan cannot do anything more.”

Yixing snorted and fist pumps in victory. “Oh! In his face! In his sad, pompous face!!”

“However, the President told me though that I had to quit,” Sehun went on. “I kind of figured that will be the case, so I handed in my resignation. He doesn’t want anyone to be distracted while taking care of his brother, so I let the trio take over. He also told me that he won’t get in the way unless I kept it a secret from Luhan till the end. And well, you know the rest…”

“Ugh, what a wedge.” Yixing crossed his arms. “If I’m there, I would’ve thumped his pretty boy face on the ground. What a strange family.”

“Hyung, the food.” Sehun pointed at the smoke coming from the frying pan.

“So you’ll start with your classes next week then?” Yixing asked.

“Yeah, I’ve had some credits already from some of the general subject from before,” Sehun answered. “And because of those I might be able to get some major classes already next semester. I may graduate in a couple of years minimum.”

Yixing chuckled. “You’ve planned this much, didn’t you?”

Sehun smiled. “Well, you’re the one who convinced me to follow my own path right? And my path is to be with Luhan.”



Breakfast went well, and he and his brother talked so much that they were not able to take note of the time. Yixing gasped in surprise that it was almost seven thirty in the morning and his work will start in eight. Sehun offered instead to wash the dishes as his brother freaked out around the house.

“Oh, before I forget!” Yixing called from his bedroom. “Sehun-ah, can you go for a quick run at the convenience store nearby? I forgot to buy milk and we ran out earlier!”

“Okay!” Sehun replied as he went to his bedroom to get his wallet.


“Seriously, who freaks out at this early in the morning to buy milk?” Sehun is mumbling to himself as he closed the front door. He almost dropped his wallet (and his heart) when he saw what was waiting for him outside.

“Oh Sehun!”

Sehun stared in shock as he froze in his place.

“Are you a player, huh?” Luhan was furious. He held in his hand the letter that Sehun wrote for him. “Did you really think that after you told me you love me, after you told me you’ll marry me, after you kissed me like crazy I almost fainted, that I’ll let you go that easily?! Are you underestimating me, huh?!”

Sehun could not believe it, he seriously felt deliriously insane at that time that he needed to touch Luhan to know that he is real. His heart is beating like crazy that although they are a few steps apart, Sehun still ran towards him.

“Thank God.” Sehun says as he captured Luhan’s lips with his. “Seriously. Crazy.” He says after.

“I’ll always hold your hand right?” Luhan’s eyes shines as he smiled.

Sehun reciprocated.

“And I won’t ever let you go.”






Okay, I know, first off. I want to say a large SORRY to everyone. Yeah, I know I was MIA for more than a year and yeah. Life happened. I graduated uni last year, then started to work and I had a hard time adjusting. I was night shift at that time and everything went batsh*t crazy with my schedule and it was only last month that I was assigned to the morning shift finally. Hopefully I will be able to updated more often and I promise the next update will not take a year. :)

On a brighter note, yes a new chapter. Hopefully somebody's still reading this story. And I hope you liked this update. Just TWO more chapters to go! :) Whooo!

Please leave some loves and comments. I've been reading the latest ones and I felt really guilty that I was not able to give you guys an updated sooner. Sorry again, but I love you my subbies. Welcome to the new ones. xo

See you soon. Jaa nee~

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Luhanyo #1
Chapter 6: This is good please don't stop writing please update soon
Chapter 6: Its 2017 already...please update..this is such a very beautiful story...i like hunhan here...sehunnnieee!!!!
Archenangel #3
Chapter 6: This story's plot is really good and I really liked it . So I hope that you update soon b/c I am looking forward to reading it.
Chapter 6: This is so good and i love it! I hope you'll update soon author-nim.
Chapter 6: This is so pawfeeeekt *-*
Chapter 6: Oh god i recently found out about this story and i'm seriously loving it! Hope you can find the time to update soon author-nim
Kyungiee_Bakkiee #7
Chapter 6: I love your story!!!
Chapter 6: THEY ARE SO CUTE URGH welcome back authornim
Chapter 6: awwww
is it ok for Luhan to be there??