Don't worry

You are my weakness

'' Okay. We're here. '' I rolled down the window as I turned to look at her expression  

'' Tha-that's your house? '' she stuttured 

'' Yeah. '' I said 

'' I dont know. I feel like a bother. '' She said 

'' All you need to do is stay in my room. If you stay in one of the quest room, my mother will know. or the maid's will tell her. '' I told her. My mother isn't too charming. She wishes for me to marry for rich girl so we can be a rich cooperation together 


Jiyeon's POV 

'' If you're worried, I could stay over at a friends. It's really fine. '' I told him. I didnt want to be a bother him. Why does he admire me though?

'' You're already here. '' He said and stepped out of the car. He was able to snuck me in and I was right there in his room. 

It was amazing. I thought his room would be dirty, but it was cleaner than mine. 

'' You can take my bed, I'll take the sofa. Goodnight, Jiyeon. '' He said and turned off the lights 

'' I'll have someone take your stuff over here. Since it's Saturday tommorrow, we casn go somewhere. '' He said and then fell fast asleep 

He was a fast sleeper. I notice how pretty his eyes were. I knew he was handsome, but I never noticed or cared about him till now. He really isn't such a bad guy. No wonder Suzy likes him so much 


'' Where are we going today? '' I asked as I buckled my seat belt 

'' I need to pick up some stuff from the mall. " he told me and then that's when it hit me 

" daggit. " I sighed as he gave me the WTF look

" are you okay? " he asked me 

" I totally forgot that homecoming was next Friday. " I was the one that planned it too 

" I could always help you pick out a dress. " he said and I just stared at him

I know I'm assuming too fast, but does he like me? I mean, he treats me pretty well. Which is really scaring me 


" this one seems nice, no this one. Wait. This ones nice too. " he kept on stacking dresses after dresses on my arms 

" umm.." 

" take her to try them on " he said to the sales lady 

I tried on the first dress and then the second and then the 6th and so on, and finally. What caught his eyes, also caught mine. It was beautiful. It was a short red flowey dress that had a laced up back and a strapless front.

i then looked at the price tag and felt funny 

" I don't think this is it. " i told him 

" don't be stupid. Surprisingly, it looks nice on you. " he said. 

" thanks? " ohhhh, he sure wants to get punched 

" it's a bit pricey though. " I told him 

" I'll pay. Don't wor-" 

" Jiyeon? " I heard a voice from behind me that cut L off. I quickly turned around to see IU. Right there behind me 

" I..U. " truth is, I miss IU a lot. 

I turned around to only see L hiding by the register. 

" oh hi Suzy. " I smiled at her

" why don't you guys talk. " Suzy said 

after I changed out of the dress, IU and I sat down and talked. We always had huge fights but never this bad before.

" What? " I was still stubborn 

" were going too fix our problems, okay? " she asked

" no. We're not. There's nothing to fix. " I told her 

" Park Jiyeon! Listen to me, whatever I did, I'm sorry. Now can we go back to the way it was. Please? " IU begged with tears flowing out of her eyes. And yet, I was still stubborn as ever

" how could you not know what you did wrong?! " I shouted 

" then tell me! Are you seriously going to walk away from this? " she asked 

" yeah. I am. " 

" fine. If your not going to sit down and resolve this, fine. " IU then stormed away crying and so did I 

i ran until I hit a figure. 

" You alright? " I looked up to see that guy Nichkhun.

" Yeah. I'm fine. " I said and was about to leave when he shoved something in my face

" L asked me to hand this to you. " I then slowly reached for it and said thank you

" are you sure you're okay? " he asked as he held me back. I didn't have the strength to answer. If I did, I would've been pouring tears out. 

" Suit yourself. " he said and walked away 

" wa-wait. Do you know where they sell heels? " I asked him. It was pretty embarrassing since I've never worn heels in my entire life. 

" Aish. " he sighed and walked away, leaving me there clueless

" you coming? " he turned around and looked at me. I nodded and followed

" pick her a nice heel that goes well with this dress. " Hoya told the sales lady

" nothing too expensive please. " I told her

" would these be fine Mr. khun. " the cash registered lady asked Hoya as she bowed to him 

" those are perfect. Put it on my tab. " he said and I looked at the price and dropped the shoes

" But, it's too expensive. " I whispered but he just ignored it and walked out of the shop with the heels 

" here. " he handed them to me

" I'll pay you back somehow. " I told him 

" no need. Think ofit as giving to charity. " he said and i nodded

" Hi. I'm park Jiyeon. " I smiled and let out my hand

" Nichkhun. " he didn't shake and walked away

" ummm... Do you happen to know where L's house might be? " I asked him and he nodded


he too, had a really nice car. I looked around and noticed the back seat of his car had a VS g string lying around. He then started his car and drove off

So that's the kind of guy he is. Figures. He looks like a womanizer.valong with that Woohyun guy. 

" I can't take you to L's house yet since he's not Home and I don't know the way around. So you're going to have to stay at mines." He then opened the door and just like I thought. He had an amazing house. Smaller than L's but it was cozy. It felt like it was a happy place. 

He then open the house and it was big, but quite. 

" it's quite in here. " I looked around but no one was to be seen

" I live alone. " he hesitated to say 

" in this big house? Where's your family? " I asked him and he stared deep into my eyes

" they died in a car accident when I was 5. " he set his eyes down and sat down on the coach 

" ohh.... I'm, sorry. " I bowed in apology 

" do you want some tea. It's fresh. " he offered and I took it. With the first sip everything was bitter but than a sweet after taste

So he's the Thai Prince people were talking about. Charming huh? Suuuuuuure. More like another L but with a warmer heart. 

"I like it. " I said and he nodded

" L will be coming in a bit. " he then went up the stairs and into the large door in between the two stairs 

I waited for an hour now but still no L or Nichkhun in site. 

I then got bored so I decided to try on the heels. With the first foot movement, I fell instantly. It was difficult. 

I tried to walk numerous times but I get the small falling result 

" You're getting there. " I quickly turned o the voice and Nichkhun was standing near the balcony, watching me the whole time. " 

" btw, you have a call. " he threw his phone down at me and I caught it. I guess it was impressive since he smirked 

" hello? " I answered

" hey Jiyeon. It's L. Something came up and I need to take care of it. I hope it's okay if you stay with Nichkhun. I'm sorry. " he said

" oh. No it's fine. Good luck on whatever you're doing. " I hung up and threw back the phone to Nichkhun 

" L's busy huh? Probably at the company. You can take that room over there. " Nichkuun pointed to the room next to His. 

" I'll cook dinner. " he offered

" it's okay. I got it. I make amazing food. " I smiled and he showed me to his kitchen 


" not bad. " he said and continued eating 

" are you and L related by some kind of way? " they just had so much in common 

" no. We're just really close that we understand each other. While L isn't too fond of women, I like them. We're really different. It's just our personality clicks. " he told me 

" I see. " 

" how about you? L seems fond of you. " he told me 

" nah. He's just being nice. " 

" L being nice? That's a first. " he chuckled 


L's POV 

" here. " I handed Krystal a bottle of water as she made herself comfortable on my sofa

" Remember that star up there? " she pointed up at our star out the window. We named it our star 

" yeah. " I smiled

" you say that no matter what happens. Whenever I look up and see that star, I know you're watching over me. " she glanced at me and smiled

" why are you talking about this? " 

" I don't know. I just miss the old days when we use to be super close. " she said

" you pushed me away, remember? " 

" I know.. It was a mistake. I never realized how much someone means to me. You made me realize that when you left. " she said 

" look Krystal. That was our past. Lets not go back to what happened last year." I told her. It was painful enough for me 

" will you go on a date with me? " she asked and I smiled 

" you know dates aren't my thing. " I told her 

" but wasn't that what you wanted? " she asked

" that was. But now I don- " just like that, she kissed me. I didn't know what to do. I should've pulled away, but I didn't. Instead, I made the kiss more intense. Then I slowly moved up and little and tried to pull down her pants but she stopped me

" don't. I'm not like that yet. " she smiled

" same out Krystal I see. " 

" totally dude. till marriage. " she gave me a smiling peace sign 

" that's no fun. " I smiled 

" did you feel anything? Our.. Kiss.. " she asked and I thought about it. There was no spark. Nothing

" honestly, I felt nothing. Nothing at all. " I told her straight up. 

" oh.... Yeah. Me too. Nothing at all. " she shook her head and smiled 

" I think it's getting late. I'll drive you back. " I told her 


jiyeon's POV

" you guys really won championships? " I asked him. My dream is to will basketball championship

" 2 years in a roll. " he told me as he sipped his coffee

" that's amazing. This year. I'll for sure help lead the team to championship. "  i gave a big smile

" You ball? " he asked

" heck yeah. " I smiled and we both finished cleaning dishes together. Surprisingly we bonded a lot through sports 



" you really don't have to drive me to school. " I told L 

" it's easier this way. Lets go. " we gotmoutmof the car, walking side by side each other 

" people are talking about us. " I whispered

" it's not like they haven't talked about you or me before. " he said 

" yeah. But I don't want.. Suzy to misunderstand." I told him and he paused 

" look. Why are you so worried. I don't even like her. " 

" but she likes you. " I said and smiled

" I'm gonna go okay? " 

i skipped first period and headed up to the balcony of the C building. When I got there, IU and I had a long eye contact. 

" I'm sorry. " we both said at the same time

" I was stupid." She said 

" I was. " I said back 

" you were always there for me. I was never there for you. " she started crying 

" I was so busy that I didn't know what you were going through. " I ran up and hugged her. 

Our talk was endless that we skipped 2nd and 3rd period as well.

" Since volleyball's over. You're coming back right? " she asked and I nodded

" oh my god that's so great! " she bear tackled me

" we all really miss you. Lets go to brunch. " she said and we arrived at the cafeteria with all the girls sitting at our table

" finally you guys are happy again! " Hyomin cheered

" welcome back pres. " Nicole hugged me 

" yeah. Welcome back. " Suzy smiled at me and I smiled back 

no ones POV

" so are we going to homecoming together? " Suzy asked but nobody heard

" so homecoming guys? " right after Jiyeon asked, everyone cheered and agreed 

" did you get a dress yet Jiyeon? " Nicole asked 

" yup. I did. " 

" ugh! I can't wait to see it. Oh rememeber that you have to wear a mask. " Nicole told jiJiyeon" alright. I got it. " 

" what about you Suzy? " when everyone turned around, she was gone












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Chapter 23: Please upDate! I'm really curious
myungsoo-jiyeon #2
Chapter 23: please update i really love your story
update pleaseeeeee
jesse_panda #3
Chapter 23: this is so awesome! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! i'm just dying to know what happens next please! FIGHTING! <3
Chapter 23: its awesome~but i don't understand why sunggyu and the infinite boys did'nt remember jiyeon's friends
Chapter 23: Yah L!!!please save Jiyeon..I'm glad he aware that they're connected..
Update soon authornim and FIGHTING!!!!!!!
adriannalian #7
Hii i'm newbie. I really love this story so update soon authornim hehe
I really want MyungYeon together again!!
CoolPrettyGirl #8
Chapter 22: This is so confusing... I seriously lose the attention in this...
Chapter 21: I hope they'll remember each other after this..but it'll be hard for Jiyeon as her mission is to kill Myungsoo..
can u tag jiyeon too ? :D