The struggle

You are my weakness

Jiyeon didn't talk to L for 4 days straight now as he didn't bother to call or text her when she did to him. 

The whole thing was driving her crazy. 

She texted him a few times afterwards but he said he was busy 

" busy again? " IU walked out of the bathroom as she shook her head 

" I don't know what's up with you guys. You guys were the ideal couple. I'm sure things are going to be okay. " Iu said as a phone call rang 

" it's your phone. " she threw the phone to Jiyeon and Jiyeon picked it up

" Hello. Is this Miss Jiyeon? " a lady asked and Jiyeon said yes

" I sorry to imform you, but yesterday at 2:30 pm, Miss Lee Amy has passed away from a . She has left a letter for you. I'm dearly sorry for your lost. Please come bye and pick up the letter and make arrangements for your mother. " the phone hung up, and Jiyeon dropped hers to the ground 

She was in a mental state of shock by now for an hour and finally regained herself and bursted into tears. After a while of crying IU asked what happened and was in shock as well 

" Aigoo Jiyeonah. " IU hugged her best friend as she never even knew 

" please drive me to Busan Hospital. "Jiyeon whimpered and they both took a taxi to the hospital.

Omce jiyeon arrived, her mother was laying in the bed, peacefully with a blanket covering her. 

 " Omma. " he whimpered as IU stood outside

" why did you leave me again? " tears were starting to flow down from the poor girls face

" I barely got to know you. I didn't even even have time to visit you a lot. I didn't even get to tell you about L and I. ".she started to ball out tears

" why you? Why you though? " Jiyeon cried as the wind blew the letter down to her

Dear Jiyeonah, If you are reading this, I am going somewhere far. I'm sorry I didn't take care of you so very long. I, sorry I didn't offer you anything a mother should offer her child. You know that boy Myungsoo? Do me a favor and go after him. I ave a strong feeling about him. Remember Jiyeon. Never forget him. Always remember him. When I die, I want you to take my ashes and release them in New York. I want to be forever near your father. I love you baby and I wish that you will find your way and not be lost like me. 

After finish reading it, tears has already filled the entire letter. 

Jiyeon now needed L more than ever, but where was he? 

Them, her phone vibrated and L had texted her 

from: hey. Can we talk? 

To: sure

fro,: okay. Meet me tomorrow at school around 1. I'll just say goodbye and goodnight for now. 

After that message, Jiyeon felt strange.vL had never said goodnight to her like day. It was always be swets dreams or such,cut never like this 

as she thought things couldn't get worst, she checked her Facebook only to see L had change his relationship status to single and she had to do the same 

Just like that, she dropped and broke into tears. She has never cried so much before. Even while on the taxi, she bursted tears into IU's shoulder 

" it's okay Jiyeonah. " IU had no possibly way of comforting Jiyeon. She felt sorry. So sorry. 


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Chapter 23: Please upDate! I'm really curious
myungsoo-jiyeon #2
Chapter 23: please update i really love your story
update pleaseeeeee
jesse_panda #3
Chapter 23: this is so awesome! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! i'm just dying to know what happens next please! FIGHTING! <3
Chapter 23: its awesome~but i don't understand why sunggyu and the infinite boys did'nt remember jiyeon's friends
Chapter 23: Yah L!!!please save Jiyeon..I'm glad he aware that they're connected..
Update soon authornim and FIGHTING!!!!!!!
adriannalian #7
Hii i'm newbie. I really love this story so update soon authornim hehe
I really want MyungYeon together again!!
CoolPrettyGirl #8
Chapter 22: This is so confusing... I seriously lose the attention in this...
Chapter 21: I hope they'll remember each other after this..but it'll be hard for Jiyeon as her mission is to kill Myungsoo..
can u tag jiyeon too ? :D