New school, same old me

You are my weakness

Jiyeon's POV

It's the first day of school at a new school for Me and I feel as if this year is my year. I'm going to shine bright and not let anything get in my way. 

" please no more drama. " I whispered as I was sitting in the back of the the car and my daddy was driving me to school. 

" Dad.. Things are gonna be alright, right? " I asked my dad as he turned around to look at me

" of course they are. I mean, the girls are gonna be with you. New school or not, you'll still have them around. " he smiled

" that's what I'm afraid of. " I whispered 

I love the girls, it's just that, whenever we're around with each other, we end up causing some kind of hectic incident. It's like drama after drama.

" oh. We're here. " my dad said and turned around to look at me.

" I'm so proud of you, my daughter is so talented and beautiful. " once he said that, I kinda gagged a little bit

" eww dad. Just stop. " I smiled and got my suitcases and things. Did I mention this was also a boarding school and that my roommates are no other than my wonderful angels. 

" oh high school." I said and walked into the entrance 

School doesn't start for another week and I could already know that I'm going to be lost in this campus. It was 10 times bigger than any normal highscool and there was just too many people. 

After I received my schedule and other stuff from the counselors office, I finally made my way to my dorm. Right when I was about to open the door, it had already barged open, revealing a very angry Nicole. 

" Hey Nicole, how's it g- " right before I could ask her about her day, she quickly ran at me and tackled me down. 

" why didn't you en inform me that Jessica got accepted to this school?! " Nicole shouted at me but thank goodness Suzy dropped her bags and pushed Nicole out of the way.

" I didn't en know. God dammit Nicole. " I shouted at her and her scream unleashed 

" guys! Shutup! " IU camed out from the bathroom and smacked Nicole and I on the head with her towel. 

" are you calm now? " IU glared at Nicole and she slowly nodded. " good. " IU rolled her eyes. 

" Now can we please go out for some fresh air? " IU asked and we all nodded

" where's Hyomin? " Suzy asked

" oh. She won't be her until Thursday. " I told them. She went on some wild shopping mania with her mom around Asia.

after walking around campus for a while, we ended upon the quad and noticed a huge crowd. We were wondering what was all the fuse about since we heard BBOY music and it made us remember the old times.

making our way through the crowd, we saw a group of bboys having their little session. Then my eyes landed on a specific person. 

" dude. He's cute. " I pointed at the one that was doing perfect nut crackers and then Suzy's eyes started to widened when she saw him. 

" oh my god. That's Myungsoo! " IU tends to shout things out very loudly and made Myungsoo stop dancing to see who called his name. 

" shut up! " I whispered and then he went back to dancing. 

" OH MY GOD! L oppa is soon hot! " A girl was screaming right next to me

" yeah. But Woohyun's much nicer. " the other girl blushed and I couldn't help but asked what they were talking about

" hi. Um, what did you say that guys name was? " I asked as I pointed at Myungsoo. 

" oh. You must be a transfer. He's L. The ice prince. My knight and shinn-" 

" okay. Thank you. " I smiled and quickly cut her off to make her stop talking because I totally knew where she was going with this 

" Isn't that broke youe heart in 7th grade? " Nicole asked and IU and I glared at her, signaling her to shut up.

" Yeah... " Suzy lowered her head down and the popped it right back up 

" but whatever. I don't e en like him anymore. " she smiled and continued watching the guys dance. I knew for a fact that she was lying. If there's anything I'm best at, it's relationships. I mean, I've been with quite a few. Telling by the looks in Suzy's eyes, he was her first love. 

" Alright everyone! We're going to have a 6 vs 6 battle. We need a volunteer that knows how to BBOY to take in the 6th spot on Sifi's team. " the announcer guy announced 

" anybody? " he asked again

" go for it Jiyeonie. I know you still can BBOY. " IU winked and I smiled. I was quite the buzz at my old school for being the best bboy in school. 

I walked near the mat and smiled at the bboys. 

" I think you're in the wrong spot little lady. The ballerina section is in C302 " he said and the crowd laughed and I just giggled

" oh that's cute. But I don't go ballet. " I smiled and he just sighed

" anyone else wants to volunteer? "He asked and I just squinted my eyes.

" you clearly must be very stupid to not notice that I just volunteered. " I said and the crowd went Ohhhhhhh

" fine then. Make a fool out of your self princess. " he smirked and I smiled

No ones's POV

" Hey L. She's hot. " Woohyun said and L just smirked

" aren't you dating Yuri? " L asked

" not for long. " he smirked and L just sighed.

It was now Jiyeon's turn and all eyes were on her, she didn't mind though. She started off with toprock and some clean foot work, and then out of no where, she busted out some incredible power moves. From a nice windmill, to airfares, and then ending it with incredible halos. 

" OH MY EN GOD. " Woohyun and Hoya's mouth dropped. 

" nice! " the announcer said and the crowd goes wild

" I'm a pretty good ballerina huh? " she looked at the announcer and smirked. 

She turned around and saw IU signaling her to hurry up and she stopped dancing 

" I'm sorry. I have to go now. " she bowed and quickly ran out to the crowd, not even letting the guys have a chance to ask for her name 


" sorry. I was a little caught up. " Jiyeon giggled 

" yeah... I could tell. " Suzy rolled her eyes and stormed away 

" what's wrong with her? " IU asked 

" eh. You know how she's like with too many people around. " Nicole sighed and followed her. 


" I'm gonna go get something back in the dorm, I'll meet you here in 30 mins. " I told Jiyeon and ran off. She just nodded and went over to sit at a near by bench

I was making my way back to the dorm when someone ran into me. I looked at that person and it was no other than Wooyoung. He too, must have gotten accepted here. 

" I'm sorry. LOL. JUSTKIDDING. " he did his little stupid twitch and laughed 

" stupid er. " His friend said to him 

" hey, isn't that your ex? " HIs friend asked. 

" NO. " Wooyoung said and then burst end out laughing 

" LOL. JUSTKIDDING. " He continued laughing and I couldn't stand it anymore. I quickly ran away crying. Even if he didn't like me anymore, he didn't need to be such an . 


Suzy's POV

" hey sushi! Wait up! " I turned around to see Nicole following me 

" what's wrong? " she asked

" it's just that. I wanted to volunteer to BBOY too. " I sighed 

" you still break? " she asked me 

" of course I en do. " I was even now more angry that Nicole didn't know I still break 

" okay okay. I'm sorry. Tell you what. Run for student council. You always tell us how you want to make the school and better place since the popular kids always runs the class and they at it. " Nicole said and I started thinking.

" alright! I will! " I smiled and quickly dragged Nicole to the student council room.

Finally. I will make a difference,


Jiyeon's POV

I walked around the campus in search for something fun since I was so bored and then out of no where, someone ran up to me. 

" hi there! " a beautiful figured women spoke to me and I just smiled 

" hi. " 

" you must be Jiyeon! " she smiled brightly at me and I just looked confused

" hehehe. Yeah, that's me, how'd you know? " I asked her and she giggled 

" I kinda searched you up after I saw you dance earlier. " she smiled

" oh.. Hehe. Is there anything I can help you with? Since you had the effort to search me up. " I smiled

" yes. Hi. I'm the previous junior class president, Kahi. and I was wondering if you could maybe run for class president? We really need talent like you in ASB. We're desperate. " she lowered her head and begged 

" oh. Um.. But don't you need to worry about the senior class? " I asked her 

" oh no! Starting this year, only juniors can run for school president. Which means they're in charged of freshmen through senior class. " she smiled

" umm... I'm sorry. ASB's not really my thing. I like to keep a down in highscool for a while. " I said to her. I didn't want to be involved anymore since I was too busy freshmen and sophomore year with ASB

" please? You are popular anyways. " she said and I giggled 

" hehehehe. Oh, I'm not popular. But good luck finding someone else. " I smiled and walked away. 




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Chapter 23: Please upDate! I'm really curious
myungsoo-jiyeon #2
Chapter 23: please update i really love your story
update pleaseeeeee
jesse_panda #3
Chapter 23: this is so awesome! PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!! i'm just dying to know what happens next please! FIGHTING! <3
Chapter 23: its awesome~but i don't understand why sunggyu and the infinite boys did'nt remember jiyeon's friends
Chapter 23: Yah L!!!please save Jiyeon..I'm glad he aware that they're connected..
Update soon authornim and FIGHTING!!!!!!!
adriannalian #7
Hii i'm newbie. I really love this story so update soon authornim hehe
I really want MyungYeon together again!!
CoolPrettyGirl #8
Chapter 22: This is so confusing... I seriously lose the attention in this...
Chapter 21: I hope they'll remember each other after this..but it'll be hard for Jiyeon as her mission is to kill Myungsoo..
can u tag jiyeon too ? :D